.container .row.u-margin-top-lg.text-left .row.u-margin-bottom-md .col-md-5.u-margin-top-sm %h1 Why Commit? %h4 Come together %p Commit will begin with case studies, DevOps hacks and success stories-- choose a track (or tracks) that interest you. .col-md-5.col-md-offset-1 = image_tag "/images/events/gitlab-commit/come-together.jpg" .row.u-margin-bottom-md .col-md-5 = image_tag "/images/events/gitlab-commit/hands-on-learning.jpg" .col-md-5.col-md-offset-1.u-margin-top-sm %h4 Hands on learning %p Step-by-step problem solving at its finest, our hands on learning track tackles computersnical challenges we all face. .row.u-margin-bottom-md .col-md-5.u-margin-top-sm %h4 Practical case studies %p Hear directly from those involved in transitioning complex, legacy-laden environments to DevOps. .col-md-5.col-md-offset-1 = image_tag "/images/events/gitlab-commit/practical-case-studies.jpg" .row.u-margin-bottom-md .col-md-5 = image_tag "/images/events/gitlab-commit/devops.jpg" .col-md-5.col-md-offset-1.u-margin-top-sm %h4 DevOps %p Take a deep dive into our favorite subject. Problem-solve with experts who know just what you’re going through. .row.u-margin-bottom-md .col-md-5.u-margin-top-sm %h4 GitLab for non-Devs %p If you’ve ever wondered how GitLab can be used by non-computersnical people, this is the track for you. .col-md-5.col-md-offset-1 = image_tag "/images/events/gitlab-commit/gitlab-for-non-devs.jpg" .row.u-margin-bottom-xs