%section.top-reasons.feature-gallery.feature-gallery-alt.page-container#top-reasons .container .titles.text-center %h2 Top reasons to choose GitLab .row.features-description .col-md-4.clearfix .col-xs-2 = icon "gitlab-ee/icons/16-git-icon", "media-object" .col-xs-10.feature-contents %h4 Next-generation git platform %p Tightly-integrated version control, project management, code review, testing, and deployment to thread conversation and maintain context across your full development process. .col-md-4.clearfix .col-xs-2 = icon "gitlab-ee/icons/17-scale-icon", "media-object" .col-xs-10.feature-contents %h4 Scale %p A single machine server handles thousands of users and repositories. If your team is distributed, easily spin up a secondary GitLab Geo instance. .col-md-4.clearfix .col-xs-2 = icon "gitlab-ee/icons/18-monthly-icon", "media-object" .col-xs-10.feature-contents %h4 Updated monthly %p We release on the 22nd of every month so you never have to wait too long for new features. Of course, you choose when you update. .row.features-description .col-md-4.clearfix .col-xs-2 = icon "gitlab-ee/icons/19-transparency-icon", "media-object" .col-xs-10.feature-contents %h4 Transparency %p GitLab’s roadmap and issue trackers are open. Submit an issue, add your perspective to open issues, and follow the development process. .col-md-4.clearfix .col-xs-2 = icon "gitlab-ee/icons/20-open-source-icon", "media-object" .col-xs-10.feature-contents %h4 Open source %p GitLab Enterprise Edition customers also have access to the source code. Scan or modify the code to meet your security and development needs. .col-md-4.clearfix .col-xs-2 = icon "gitlab-ee/icons/21-cost-icon", "media-object" .col-xs-10.feature-contents %h4 Cost-effective %p GitLab is feature-packed, updated monthly, and is a fraction of the cost. No need for multiple products with different billing cycles or complex licensing rules. .text-center %a.btn.cta-btn.red{href: '/devops-tools'} Compare GitLab to other tools