--- title: "GitLab 7.10.4 released" date: 2015-05-11 categories: releases author: Job van der Voort author_twitter: Jobvo --- Last week we had to pull our 7.10.2 release as in a small number of installations the migrations would fail because of a uniqueness constraint on tags. We did not release GitLab 7.10.3, as we improved a migration after creating the 7.10.3 version tag and wanted to include that in our patch release. Today we release GitLab 7.10.4 which solves the issues with the migrations and contains all fixes also present in 7.10.2. If you've already successfully upgraded to 7.10.2, you do not need to update at this time. The fixes in this patch: - Fix migrations broken in 7.10.2 - Add missing indices to tags for some installations - Make tags for GitLab installations running on MySQL case sensitive And the following were fixed with 7.10.2, also included here: - A bug when using the Gitorious importer - A bug that prevented adding group members through the admin screen - Broken links on the merge request page leading to CI services - A 500 error when trying to search in the wiki - A 500 error when trying to add new tags to a project - A bug where commit data would not appear in some subdirectories due to escaped slashes - A bug where branches with escaped characters in their names would not always work in the compare view ## Upgrade barometer There is a migration that loops through all tags. This can take a while for larger installations. The upgrade can be performed online. Theoretically, there is a small chance that if a tag is created during the [migration](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/db/migrate/20150425164649_add_taggings_counter_cache_to_tags.acts_as_taggable_on_engine.rb) of that specific tag, the tag counter gets a value that is slightly higher or lower than its actual value. We do not believe this is reason to schedule downtime and recommend performing the upgrade online. ## Updating To update, check out our [update page](/update). ## Enterprise Edition Omnibus packages for GitLab Enterprise Edition 7.10.4 are available for subscribers [here](https://gitlab.com/subscribers/gitlab-ee/blob/master/doc/install/packages.md). For installations from source, use [this guide](https://gitlab.com/subscribers/gitlab-ee/blob/master/doc/update/patch_versions.md). Interested in GitLab Enterprise Edition? For an overview of feature exclusive to GitLab Enterprise Edition please have a look at the [features exclusive to GitLab EE](/features/#enterprise). Access to GitLab Enterprise Edition is included with a [subscription](/pricing/). No time to upgrade GitLab yourself? A subscription also entitles to our upgrade and installation services.