--- title: GitLab is a Google Summer of Code project tags: untagged categories: company status: publish type: post published: true meta: publicize_twitter_user: gitlabhq _wpas_done_1532919: '1' _publicize_done_external: a:1:{s:7:"twitter";a:1:{i:776273100;b:1;}} _elasticsearch_indexed_on: '2013-06-02 14:08:29' --- This summer AchilleasĀ Pipinellis will work on packaging GitLab for Fedora and RedHat in a Google Summer of Code project. We are very excited and thankful for the support of Fedora and Google. Please seeĀ  [Axilleas his blog post on GitLab.org](/blog/2013/05/28/packaging-gitlab-for-fedora-a-gsoc-2013-project/) for more information.