--- title: "GitLab Swag Shop is Open!" date: 2016-02-29 categories: company author: Heather McNamee author_twitter: nearlythere image_title: '/images/unsplash/tshirts.jpg' --- We're delighted to announce [GitLab Swag Shop](https://gitlab.myshopify.com/) is now opened! We're starting with essentials: Some nifty t-shirts and stickers. Up-to-date information about GitLab Swag can be found in our [Field Marketing Handbook](/handbook/marketing/demand-generation/field-marketing/#swag). Follow [@GitLab](https://twitter.com/gitlab/) on Twitter to stay tunned for updates and promotions! We know there's lots of love for GitLab, and we're delighted to hear so many of you want to share your enthusiasm. ## Swag Portrait Contest Winners We ran a contest over the holiday time to get a peek at how people were using their stickers on laptops. Thanks so much for sharing photos! After looking at the entries, we decided that *everyone* should win a prize for participating, so all participants will be getting GitLab stickers! Please email us at community@ our domain and verify your ID by @mentioning us and linking to this blog post via twitter. There's two lucky prize winners who each won a t-shirt. Contact us at community@ our domain name to claim your prize! Fabio wins for his incredible layering technique! Congrats!
And we also did a random draw, and Vincent won! Congrats!This is my notebook lid #swagportrait pic.twitter.com/LRkfpDZdyR
— Fabio Beneditto (@FabioBeneditto) January 4, 2016
Also, our [GitLab MVPs](/community/mvp/) will be receiving a special present soon. ## Swag Portrait contest entries - everyone's a winner! Looking at these laptops reminds me of seeing skateboards plastered in stickers. It's cool to see how many different communities and projects people are fans of! Thanks so much! {::options parse_block_html="false" /}Still got some room left. #swagportrait @gitlab pic.twitter.com/9DkteSyKzT
— Vincent V.d Kussen (@vincentvdk) January 23, 2016
New laptop... :-( #swagportrait pic.twitter.com/QFC4F3h6K2
— Patrik Votoček (@PatrikVotocek) December 31, 2015
So happy nowadays with @gitlab that I would cover github's sticker if I had github's sticker =) #swagportrait pic.twitter.com/n7Z7jguffc
— Alvaro Gonzalez (@lvarin) December 31, 2015
My humble #swagportrait with @golang @Ionicframework @gulpjs @angularjs 🎉🎉🎉 pic.twitter.com/iOGqgH7bl2
— Alvaro Viebrantz (@alvaroviebrantz) December 31, 2015
There is a bit spare room left on my #swagportrait for some #32c3 goodies. \o/ pic.twitter.com/Ph9g39XN8M
— Krawall-Ossi (@0x663030623472) December 31, 2015
@gitlab #swagportrait with the great @java_hipster sticker pic.twitter.com/KdZAtXAlBM
— Frederik Hahne (@atomfrede) December 31, 2015
.@nearlythere Happy new year Heather! #swagportrait pic.twitter.com/rAYvGeFWdq
— David Corbacho (@dcorbacho) December 31, 2015
My #swagportrait on my laptop :-) pic.twitter.com/DjhTgRAAfB
— Iván López (@ilopmar) December 31, 2015
@gitlab Lacking the tech sticker here #swagportrait pic.twitter.com/LqnuiNdEsk
— Daniel Groves 📷👻 (@danielsgroves) December 31, 2015
Hey @gitlab, I need some new swag for my #swagportrait. @thinkgeek pic.twitter.com/XuhhGrBtP0
— :-/ (@venturewised) January 24, 2016
@vincentvdk @gitlab I keep mine clean #swagportrait pic.twitter.com/vQZCeul23F
— Serge van Ginderachter (@svg) January 23, 2016
@gitlab here is my #swagportrait pic.twitter.com/NxOrGPJwhR
— jubianchi (@jubianchi) January 23, 2016
This is my notebook lid #swagportrait pic.twitter.com/LRkfpDZdyR
— Fabio Beneditto (@FabioBeneditto) January 4, 2016
@gitlab I need replace this octocat 😀 #swagportrait pic.twitter.com/QBQGrKBP63
— Rodrigo de Avila (@RodrigoAvila) January 1, 2016
Still got some room left. #swagportrait @gitlab pic.twitter.com/9DkteSyKzT
— Vincent Van der Kussen (@vincentvdk) January 23, 2016
Hey @gitlab! Here's a #swagportrait for you! pic.twitter.com/ek389itXHB
— Mathew Peterson (@mathewpeterson) January 4, 2016
.@gitlab here's the #swagportrait of my new laptop that has still a lot of room for new stickers pic.twitter.com/pySR0r79sh
— Riccardo Padovani (@rpadovani93) January 2, 2016