title: "Webcast Recording and Slides: Getting started with CI in GitLab"
date: 2016-04-20
author: Amara Nwaigwe
author_twitter: its_amaracle
categories: company
image_title: '/images/unsplash/stars.png'
In this webcast, the GitLab CI team walked us through GitLab's built-in Continuous Integration.
The team also gave two demos to allow you to see CI in action.
Here's a quick look at what was covered in the webcast.
- GitLab CI overview
- How GitLab CI works
- Live demos:
* Configuring CI for testing

* Configuring a Specific Runner
- Review your work in CI
- Roadmap
## Webcast Recording
## Webcast Slides
## Find out more about GitLab CI
Visit the [documentation to find out how to get started](http://doc.gitlab.com/ce/ci/).
We've posted some great tutorials recently, check them out if you've missed them:
- [Setting up GitLab Runner For Continuous Integration](/blog/2016/03/10/setting-up-gitlab-ci-for-ios-projects/)
- [Setting up GitLab CI for iOS projects](/blog/2016/03/01/gitlab-runner-with-docker/)
## Stay tuned for future webcasts
Subscribe to our [newsletter](/company/contact/#newsletter) to make sure you don't miss any of our live webcasts.