--- title: "July Events" author: Emily Kyle author_twitter: emilylucie categories: company image_title: '/images/blogimages/events/IMG-2234.JPG' --- June was quite a busy month for us in terms of events and sponsorships. Some highlights include: - Hosting the first-ever North American Lean Poker event in SF! - Attending DockerCon in Seattle. - Supporting our partner Red Hat at their summit in SF. ![GitLab Team](/images/blogimages/events/IMG-9438.jpeg) For July, we all agreed that we really missed Texas and good BBQ so we filled July with 3 back-to-back events in Austin. If you'll be coming to these events, please say hello in the comments. We'd love to meet you. ## North America - [Texas Linux Fest](http://2016.texaslinuxfest.org/): July 8-9th in Austin, TX. [Amanda] is doing a talk titled **On-Calliday: Un-sucking Your On-Call Experience**. Come by our booth! - [Ping Pong Happy Hour with GitLab](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gitlab-happy-hour-tickets-26101125168): July 10th in Austin, TX at Easy Tiger from 7-9. We would love to see you there if you will be in, or are local to, Austin. - [ChefConf](https://chefconf.chef.io/), July 11-13th in Austin, TX. [Marin] and [John] will be in attendance. - [PyOhio](http://pyohio.org/), July 30-31 in Columbus, OH. Sponsoring kids coding event. ## Europe - [Rails Girls Bratislava](http://railsgirls.com/bratislava), July 1-2 in Bratislava, Slovakia. ![GitLab Team](/images/blogimages/events/t-shirt-rails-girls.png) [team]: /team/ [Amanda]: https://twitter.com/AmbassadorAwsum [Marin]: https://twitter.com/maxlazio [Emily]: https://twitter.com/emilylucie [John]: https://twitter.com/northrup