title: "GitLab's Functional Group Updates: August 22nd - August 30th" # replace "MMM" with the current month, and "DD-DD" with the date range
author: Chloe Whitestone
author_gitlab: chloemw
author_twitter: drachanya
categories: company
image_title: '/images/blogimages/functional-group-update-blog-cover.jpg'
description: "The Functional Groups at GitLab give an update on what they've been working on"
tags: inside GitLab, functional group updates
Every day from Monday to Thursday, right before our [GitLab Team call](/handbook/#team-call), a different Functional Group gives an [update](/handbook/people-operations/group-conversations/) to our team.
The format of these calls is simple and short where they can either give a presentation or quickly walk the team through their agenda.
### Edge Team
[Presentation slides](http://gitlab-org.gitlab.io/group-conversations/edge/)
### UX Research Team
[Presentation slides](https://docs.google.com/a/gitlab.com/presentation/d/1NkLeFxwMldMbBu24L9RRpJOa-NXHtogM627dm4eZwR0)
### Discussion Team
[Presentation slides](http://gitlab-org.gitlab.io/group-conversations /backend-discussion/2017-08-28/#1)
### Product Team
[Presentation slides](https://www.slideshare.net/JobvanderVoort/product-update-aug29)
### People Ops Team
[Presentation slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1j0Q6obviN5uMbNeXY3VTziXQG4PqaGiibtTglaO0Zhw/edit?ts=59a53a7f#slide=id.g156008d958_0_18)
Questions? Leave a comment below or tweet [@GitLab](https://twitter.com/gitlab)! Would you like to join us? Check out our [job openings](/jobs/)!