--- title: "Join GitLab's March 2018 Issue Bash" author: Mark Fletcher author_gitlab: markglenfletcher categories: company image_title: '/images/blogimages/gitlab-issue-bash-june-2017-cover.png' description: "Help us to squash some of the open issues in the GitLab Community Edition tracker!" tags: community, events, open source --- This March we'll be holding another of our quarterly issue bashes to allow the community to get involved in helping to squash some issues in the GitLab Community Edition issue tracker. We have over 1,900 [GitLab contributors](http://contributors.gitlab.com/), and we are always looking for more people to join in and contribute to the project in any way that they can. Of course, some lucky contributors will be rewarded with awesome swag! 🙌 We now have [the issue bash landing page](/community/issue-bash/) with all the information about how exactly the Issue Bash works. Please take a look there and provide any feedback to our [feedback project](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/issue-bash/feedback) or propose changes directly [here](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/blob/master/source/community/issue-bash/index.html.haml)! ## When is it going to happen? We'll kick it off at 00:01 UTC on Saturday, **March 3rd** and will keep it up until 23:59 UTC on Sunday, **March 4th**. ## Who can contribute? {::options parse_block_html="true" /}    **At GitLab, everyone can contribute!**    {: .alert .alert-webcast} This is your chance to get involved! Most of the tasks don't require technical expertise, therefore, non-technical community members are definitely welcome and prize worthy! ## How do you get involved? Please see [the FAQ on the Issue Bash landing page](/community/issue-bash/#bash-q-a) to learn more about how to get involved. ## Prizes As prizes, we have some awesome swag available: - 14 T-shirts - 1 T-shirt and Hoodie for a lucky contributor Users making any contributions to the project, between the start and end times of the event, will be entered into the random draw to win a prize. The contributions will be collated after the end of the event and prize winners, drawn at random, will be contacted in the weeks that follow. To see how we draw winners at random please take a look at the [prize winner calculator project](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/issue-bash/prize-winner-calculator) ## Questions? More info? [GitLab team](/company/team/) and [GitLab core team](/community/core-team/) members will be on hand to answer questions and close issues. Please mention them if you need any help or need attention on an issue * [@markglenfletcher](https://gitlab.com/markglenfletcher) * [@tnir](https://gitlab.com/tnir)