--- title: "Getting started with GitLab CI/CD and Google Cloud Platform" author: GitLab author_twitter: gitlab categories: engineering ee_cta: false image_title: '/images/blogimages/gitlab-gke-integration-cover.png' description: "Discover how easy it is to set up CI/CD and Kubernetes deployment with our integration with Google Kubernetes Engine." cta_button_text: 'Join a live demo' cta_button_link: '/webcast/scalable-app-deploy/' tags: google, GKE, kubernetes, demo --- Earlier this month [we announced our new native integration with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)](/blog/2018/04/05/gke-gitlab-integration/), allowing you to set up CI/CD and Kubernetes deployment in just a few clicks. If you're new to GitLab CI on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), we've put together a quick [demo](#demo) and [instructions](#instructions) you can view below. For a more detailed walkthrough and the chance to ask questions, join us on April 26 for a [live demo](#join-google-and-gitlab-for-a-live-demo). ## Demo
## Instructions ### Add a Kubernetes Engine cluster Head on over to the CI/CD -> Kubernetes menu option in the GitLab UI. Here you can add your existing cluster to your project or create a brand new one. ![Add your Kubernetes cluster](/images/blogimages/gitlab-ci-gcp/step1.png){: .shadow.center.medium} Once connected, you can install applications like [Helm Tiller](https://helm.sh/), [Ingress](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/), [Prometheus](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/monitoring/prometheus/), and [GitLab Runner](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/runners/) to your cluster with just one click. ![Install applications](/images/blogimages/gitlab-ci-gcp/install-applications.png){: .shadow.center.medium} ### Enable Auto DevOps We've also worked with Google to integrate GitLab Auto DevOps with GKE. Using them together, you'll have a continuous deployment pipeline that automatically creates a [review app](/product/review-apps/) for each merge request and once you merge, deploys the application into production on production-ready GKE. To get started, go to CI/CD -> General pipeline settings, and select “Enable Auto DevOps.” For more information, read the [Auto DevOps docs](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/topics/autodevops/). ![Enable Auto DevOps](/images/blogimages/gitlab-ci-gcp/step2.png){: .shadow.center.medium} Auto DevOps takes the manual work out of CI/CD by automatically detecting what languages you’re using, and configuring a continuous integration and continuous deployment pipeline that results in your app running live on the Kubernetes Engine cluster. ![Review pipeline](/images/blogimages/gitlab-ci-gcp/step3.png){: .shadow.center.medium} Now, whenever you create a merge request, we'll run a review pipeline to deploy a review app to your cluster where you can preview your changes. When you merge the code, GitLab will run a production pipeline to deploy your app to production, running on Kubernetes Engine! ## Get $500 credit for your project Every new Google Cloud Platform account receives $300 in credit [upon signup](https://console.cloud.google.com/freetrial?utm_campaign=2018_cpanel&utm_source=gitlab&utm_medium=referral). In partnership with Google, we're offering an additional $200 for both new and existing GCP accounts to get started with the GKE integration. Here's a link to [apply for your $200 credit](https://goo.gl/AaJzRW). ## Join Google and GitLab for a live demo Join Google’s [William Denniss](https://www.linkedin.com/in/williamdenniss/) and GitLab’s [William Chia](https://www.linkedin.com/in/williamchia/) for a walkthrough of the integration on April 26. You’ll learn how easy it is to set up a Kubernetes cluster, how to deploy your app using GitLab CI/CD, and how GKE enables you to deploy, update, and manage containerized applications at scale. [Register today](/webcast/scalable-app-deploy/)!