title: "GitLab Meetups: September 2019"
author: John Coghlan
author_gitlab: johncoghlan
author_twitter: john_cogs
categories: unfiltered
image_title: '/images/blogimages/0919meetups.png'
description: "Here’s a list of upcoming GitLab meetups in Mexico, Nigeria, France, and beyond!"
tags: community, events
cta_button_text: 'No meetup near you? Start one!' # optional
cta_button_link: '/community/meetups/'
ee_cta: false
twitter_text: "Check out all the @gitlab Meetups happening in September!"
postType: corporate # i.e.: content marketing, product, corporate
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This blog post is [Unfiltered](/handbook/marketing/blog/unfiltered/#legal-disclaimer)
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Can't make it to Brooklyn for [GitLab Commit](/events/commit)? Here are some other places you'll find the GitLab community in September.
#### Mexico City GitLab Meetup
Learn how mastering Git and GitLab can accelerate the development flow of your company at this GitLab Meetup in Mexico City on September 12. Find more details and RSVP on [Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/Mexico-City-GitLab-Meetup/events/264219585/).
#### Orange County GitLab Users Group
This meetup in Irvine, CA on September 12 will focus on how to build an awesome CI/CD pipeline. Demos welcome! Find more details and RSVP on [Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/Orange-County-GitLab-Users-Group/events/264251153/).
#### Meetup GitLab Curitiba
The first GitLab meetup in Curitiba, Brazil on September 16 will focus on sharing tips and tricks about Git and GitLab. Find more details and RSVP on [Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/GitLab-Curitiba/events/263974680/).
#### GitLab France Meetup
On September 19, our GitLab France Meetup will get together to hear about the benefits of using GitLab when adopting NoOps. There is room for a second speaker if you'd like to give a talk! Find more details and RSVP on [Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/GitLab-Meetup-France/events/264241152/).
#### Frankfurt GitLab Meetup Group
Join the first meeting of the Frankfurt GitLab Meetup Group on September 20 to learn how to automate your pipelines with GitLab-CI, Helm and Kubernetes. Find more details and RSVP on [Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/Frankfurt-GitLab-Meetup-Group/events/263262111/).
#### Tampa DevOps Meetup
The Tampa DevOps Meetup will be featuring GitLab at their September 25 meetup. Find more details and RSVP on [Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/Tampa-DevOps-Meetup/events/263485108/).
#### GitLab Nigeria Community
This meetup on September 28 in Ayetoro will provide an introduction to Git and GitLab. Newcomers are welcome! Find more details and RSVP on [Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/GitLab-Nigeria-Community/events/263786647/).
#### What's next?
Are you ready to join a local community but don’t see an event near you? Take a look at the [GitLab Meetups page](/community/meetups) or reach out to [me](https://twitter.com/john_cogs/) to learn how GitLab can help you start a meetup in your area.