--- title: "We're extending free usage of CI/CD for GitHub for another six months!" author: "William Chia" author_gitlab: williamchia author_twitter: thewilliamchia categories: company image_title: '/images/default-blog-image.png' description: "Get another six months' use of CI/CD for GitHub on GitLab.com, free of charge." tags: CI/CD, DevOps, community, open source twitter_text: "Get another 6 months free of @gitlab CI/CD for GitHub" ee_cta: false featured: yes postType: product --- [CI/CD for GitHub](/solutions/github/) allows you to host your code on GitHub while taking advantage of GitLab for CI/CD. In fact, [CI/CD for external repos](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/ci_cd_for_external_repos/) lets you use any Git repo as a host together with GitLab CI/CD. When we first released the ability to use GitLab CI/CD with other Git repositories we placed it into our [Premium tier](/pricing/#self-managed) for GitLab Self-Managed. Normally, features go into a corresponding pricing tier on GitLab.com but we believed this was a specific case where we should offer a feature for free on GitLab.com because of the amount of repos on GitHub.com. Not knowing how long we'd keep this pricing, we set a deadline of one year. When that time came, we extended for six months. Today, we are extending the deadline for using CI/CD for external repos, including CI/CD for GitHub again. Now you'll have until **Mar. 22, 2020** to use these capabilities with private repos (see below for open source) as a [Free or Bronze](/pricing/) user on GitLab.com. This feature will continue to be part of the [Premium tier](/pricing/#self-managed) for GitLab Self-Managed. ## Always free for open source This extension applies to private repos hosted on GitLab.com. As part of our commitment to open source, [public projects get all the features of Gold for free](/solutions/open-source/). GitLab CI/CD for GitHub works by automatically mirroring your repos to GitLab.com. As such, if you have a public project on GitHub, it will also be public on GitLab so you can always take advantage of GitLab CI/CD for public projects. ## Why we're extending the offer For a rationale on our extension see our previous blog post when we [first extended external CI/CD](/blog/2019/03/21/six-more-months-ci-cd-github/). When it came to the current deadline we found that the reasoning still held true and [decided to extend again](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues/13065). As always, we'd love your feedback in the comments below.