layout: default
title: GitLab Hackathon
description: "Join the community, hack on GitLab and win prizes!"
suppress_header: true
twitter_image: '/images/tweets/hackathon-twitter-card.png'
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= partial "includes/icons/hackathon-header.svg"
%h1 GitLab Hackathon
Get together with the GitLab community to contribute, learn and win exciting prizes.
Join us on May 13th - 14th, 2020!
.wrapper.container.contributing-content{role: "main"}
%h2.block-title Joining in
The Hackathon is a virtual event open to anyone who is interested in contributing code,
documentation, translations, UX designs and more to GitLab. Prizes are awarded to participants for having Merge Requests (MRs) merged
and there may also be special award categories at each Hackathon.
.block .block-content %h2#contribute-for-prize.block-title %a{ href: '#prize' } Hackathon Prizes %p :markdown We are excited to offer the following categories of prizes for this Hackathon: %p :markdown
All qualifying MRs must be submitted on February 12th & 13th in your local timezone and be merged by February 25th at 23:00 UTC.
| Categories | Eligibility | Prizes | Description | |------------|-------------|---------|--------------| | Grand Prize | Individual(s) with the most MRs merged |  | $100 to spend at the GitLab store | | Second Place | Individual(s) with the second most MRs merged |  | Charging station for phone/earpods/watch (works with Android or iOS devices) | | Merged MR | Everyone with an MR merged |  | Packable duffel bag | %p :markdownAll qualifying MRs must be submitted on February 12th & 13th in your local timezone and be merged by February 25th at 23:00 UTC.
.block .block-content %h2#sessions.block-title %a{ href: '#sessions' } Tutorial sessions :markdown Tutorial sessions during the Hackathon help you get kickstarted with contributing and to learn more about GitLab development. More sessions/speakers will be added as they are confirmed. %p %table.table %thead %tr %th Date %th Time in = link_to "UTC", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordinated_Universal_Time" %br (click for local time) %th Topic %th Session %th Speakers %tbody %tr %td February 12 %td = link_to "07:00 - 07:45", "https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Hackathon+kickoff&iso=20200212T07&p1=1440&am=45" %td Hackathon Kickoff + Core Team meeting %td -# = link_to "Zoom link", "https://gitlab.zoom.us/j/295523727" = link_to "Presentation", "https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/16PirMf-eT2HW7t3Y9tEYMdzAiuxAylIXuCG8KmzltyQ/" %td = link_to "Ray Paik (@rpaik),", "https://gitlab.com/rpaik" = link_to "Dave Planella (@dplanella),", "https://gitlab.com/dplanella" = link_to "Core Team", "https://about.gitlab.com/community/core-team/" %tr %td February 12 %td = link_to "17:00 - 17:50", "https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20200212T17&p1=1440&am=50" %td Package group office hour = link_to "(Package office hour issue)", "https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/204773" %td -# = link_to "Zoom link", "https://gitlab.zoom.us/j/315617405" -# = link_to "Presentation", "https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1HiCn6WifmbyOm6oH-2tN_mdFe4paUKOQ_mUqf1ubCXI/" %td = link_to "Tim Rizzi (@trizzi)", "https://gitlab.com/trizzi" %tr %td February 12 %td = link_to "19:00 - 19:30", "https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20200212T19&p1=1440&am=30" %td Secure & Defend tutorial %td -# = link_to "Zoom link", "https://gitlab.zoom.us/j/968287780" = link_to "Presentation", "https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1AXx6hnME80w6TuY_d6jq9GHRXkFkB3lGH165pjqUSK0/" %td = link_to "David DeSanto (@david)", "https://gitlab.com/david" %tr %td February 13 %td = link_to "15:00 - 15:50", "https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20200213T15&p1=1440&am=50" %td Runner office hour = link_to "(Runner office hour issue)", "https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/issues/6589" %td - # = link_to "Zoom link", "https://gitlab.zoom.us/j/805770621" -# = link_to "Presentation", "https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1d3QAgvX6gaDftVIiD3FpNpzyMRq7F4wbGz9HzHufgfw/edit#slide=id.g2823c3f9ca_0_9" %td = link_to "Darren Eastman (@DarrenEastman),", "https://gitlab.com/DarrenEastman" = link_to "Eliott Rushton (@erushton),", "https://gitlab.com/erushton" = link_to "Steve Azzopardi (@steveazz),", "https://gitlab.com/steveazz" = link_to "Tomasz Maczukin (@tmaczukin)", "https://gitlab.com/tmaczukin" %tr %td February 13 %td = link_to "23:00 - 23:30", "https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Hackathon+wrap-up&iso=20200213T23&p1=1440&am=30" %td Hackathon wrap-up %td -# = link_to "Zoom link", "https://gitlab.zoom.us/j/816458114" = link_to "Presentation", "https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1v-1iCDy56P3VIBUSJzBMMl1f9dToM2KyBWZNmRBbhxc/" %td = link_to "Ray Paik (@rpaik)", "https://gitlab.com/rpaik" %h3#related-meetups.block-title %a{ href: '#related-meetups' } Related meetups %p :markdown If you're near Hamburg, Germany on February 12th, you can join the [GitLab Meetup Hamburg](https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/GitLab-Meetup-Hamburg/) at 18:30 CET ([find your local time](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=GitLab+Hamburg+Meetup&iso=20200212T1830&p1=307)) as they kickoff the Hackathon and learn how everyone can contribute to GitLab. %p :markdownIf you miss any of the sessions, you will find the recordings in the Hackathon Playlist.
%h3#getting-help.block-title %a{ href: '#getting-help' } Getting help %p :markdown For communications during the Hackathon, we will use the GitLab Contributors room in Gitter. This is a channel for community-related discussions and for community members to help each other as people have questions when contributing to GitLab. It's open to everyone, so please [join us at the Contributors Gitter room](https://gitter.im/gitlabhq/contributors)! .block .block-content %h2#contribute-for-prize.block-title %a{ href: '#contribute-for-prize' } Missed the last Hackathon? :markdown If you missed the previous Hackathon, you still have an opportunity to contribute for a prize. You can start by searching for priority issues with the label `Contribute for prize` as you can see in this [query](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues?scope=all&utf8=%E2%9C%93&state=opened&label_name[]=Contribute%20for%20prize). For the next few months, anyone who works on these issues and have an MR merged will receive the [GitLab moleskin note book (photo below)](https://shop.gitlab.com/collections/frontpage/products/gitlab-moleskin). If you're interested in working on these `Contribute for prize` items, you can mention `@rpaik` in the issue so that it can be assigned to you. %p .row %p .row.contributeforprize .col-sm-4 .prize-image = image_tag "/images/community/hackathon/moleskin.png", class: "img-responsive" %p .block .block-content %h2#past-events.block-title %a{ href: '#past-events' } Past events %p To learn more about previous Hackathon events, visit the %a{href: "https://about.gitlab.com/community/hackathon/past-events.html"} past GitLab Hackathons page. .block .block-content #hackathon-q-a.animated %h2#faq.block-title %a{ href: '#faq' } Frequently Asked Questions .faq-holder.clearfix %ol.faq-container.list-unstyled %li.faq-item .faq-inner-item %a.faq-question.js-faq-question Which GitLab projects qualify for the Hackathon? %i.fa.fa-angle-down.pull-right .faq-answer :markdown While we generally encourage contribution to the [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab) project, MRs for any project under the [`gitlab-org` group](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org), [Meltano](https://gitlab.com/meltano/meltano), and [www-gitlab-com](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com) qualify for the Hackathon. If you are in doubt about a project which is not on this list, please do ask us on the [Contributors Gitter channel](https://gitter.im/gitlabhq/contributors). %ol.faq-container.list-unstyled %li.faq-item .faq-inner-item %a.faq-question.js-faq-question What are the key dates for the current Hackathon? %i.fa.fa-angle-down.pull-right .faq-answer :markdown - February 12th & 13th (in your local timezone): all MRs must be submitted - [February 12 07:00 UTC](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Hackathon+kickoff&iso=20200212T07&p1=1440&am=45): Hackathon kickoff session - [February 13 23:00 UTC](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Hackathon+wrap-up&iso=20200213T23&p1=1440&am=30): Hackathon wrap-up session - [February 25 23:00 UTC](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20200225T23&p1=1440): all qualifying MRs must have been _merged_