--- title: GitLab Heroes description: "GitLab Heroes: Building GitLab together." image_title: '/images/tweets/gitlab-heroes-twitter.png' layout: default suppress_header: true extra_css: - event.css - faq.css - event-commit.css - simplify-devops.css extra_js: - libs/on-scroll.js - in-page-nav.js - all-clickable.js - simplify-devops.js --- .blank-header.commit-header = image_tag "/images/home/icons-pattern-left.svg", class: "image-border image-border-left", alt: "Gitlab hero border pattern left svg" = image_tag "/images/home/icons-pattern-right.svg", class: "image-border image-border-right", alt: "Gitlab hero border pattern right svg" .header-content = image_tag "/images/heroes/gitlab-heroes-icon.svg", class: "hero-commit-image-large", alt: "Gitlab Heroes icon" %h3 GitLab Heroes %p GitLab Heroes engages, supports, and recognizes members of the wider GitLab community who make outstanding contributions to GitLab and our community around the globe. .row = link_to "Become a GitLab Hero", "#apply", class: "btn cta-btn orange margin-top20" = link_to "Meet the GitLab Heroes", "/community/heroes/members", class: "btn cta-btn btn-white margin-top20 margin-left20" .gitlab-content-container.commit-content-container .content.commit-content .js-in-page-nav-group{ role: "main" } .row.u-margin-top-md .col-md-5.col-md-offset-1.text-left %h3.u-text-brand Be a Hero %p At GitLab, we believe = link_to "everyone can contribute.", "/company/strategy/#mission" In that spirit, we believe everyone in our community can become a GitLab Hero. %p If you are new to GitLab and looking to get started contributing to our community, we have many ways to = link_to "contribute.", "/community" You can = link_to "improve documentation,", "/community/contribute/documentation/" = link_to "contribute code,", "/community/contribute/" = link_to "organize a GitLab meetup,", "/community/meetups" = link_to "give a tech talk,", "/events/find-a-speaker/" = link_to "or write a blog post.", "/blog/" %p If you are active in our community and = link_to "organizing meetups,", "/community/meetups" recording demos for YouTube, giving talks at conferences and events, writing technical blog posts, or = link_to "contributing to our open source project,", "/community/contribute" we want to engage, support, and recognize you for your contribution as a GitLab Hero. .col-md-5.text-center = image_tag "/images/events/gitlab-commit/call-for-proposal.jpg", class: "title-icon" .row.u-margin-top-md.js-in-page-nav-section#rewards .col-md-5.col-md-offset-1.text-center = image_tag "/images/heroes/contribute.jpg", class: "title-icon" .col-md-5.text-left %h2.u-text-brand{ style: "display: none" } Rewards %h3.u-text-brand Hero Rewards %ul %li Invitations to special events including = link_to "GitLab Commit", "/events/commit/" %li Support for travel to speak about GitLab at events %li GitLab Gold and Ultimate licenses %li Special Heroes swag so people know how awesome you are %li Access to GitLab's product, engineering, and technical evangelism teams to help with reviews of talks and blog posts .row.u-margin-top-md.js-in-page-nav-section#requirements .col-md-5.col-md-offset-1.text-left %h2.u-text-brand{ style: "display: none" } Attributes %h3.u-text-brand Attributes of a Hero %ul %li Possess a passion for GitLab, DevSecOps, and Open Source software. %li Aspire to our = link_to "mission,", "/company/strategy/#mission" uphold our = link_to "values,", "/handbook/values/" and adhere to our = link_to "Code of Conduct.", "/community/contribute/code-of-conduct/" %li Sustained level of contribution to GitLab as a %a{href: "/community/contribute"}code contributor, %a{href: "/community/meetups"}community organizer, or thought leader. .col-md-5.text-center = image_tag "/images/heroes/educate.jpg", class: "title-icon" .row.u-margin-top-md.js-in-page-nav-section#heros-journey %h2.u-text-brand.text-center Hero's Journey .col-md-10.col-md-offset-1.text-center %p GitLab Heroes range from Contributor to Hero to Superhero. The table below lists example contributions and rewards for each level. .col-md-10.col-md-offset-1.text-center %table{:border => 1} %tbody %tr %th %th.text-center Contributor %th.text-center Hero %th.text-center Superhero %tr %th.text-center Contributions (pick 1 or more) %td %p Contribute 5 merged MRs (or one awesome MR!) to improve GitLab (including improvements to our website and documentation) %p Start a GitLab meetup group %p Give multiple tech talks about GitLab %p Publish 3 blog posts about GitLab %td %p Contribute 10 merged MRs to improve GitLab - the application, website, or documentation %p Organize 8 GitLab meetup events per year %p Present about GitLab at a regional conference %p Post 5 YouTube videos about GitLab %td %p Serve on GitLab's Core Team %p Organize 12 GitLab meetup events per year %p Give a keynote about GitLab at a global conference %p Publish an article or video about GitLab with 10,000 views %tr %th.text-center Rewards %td %p Unique Heroes swag %p Support from GitLab's Community Relations teams %p Shoutouts on the GitLab Company Call & social media %td %p Rewards of Contributor, plus: %p Free GitLab Gold or Ultimate license for personal use %p Invites to conferences and GitLab events %p Support when traveling to events to talk about GitLab %td %p Rewards of Hero, plus: %p Access to GitLab team members for help with content %p Coaching to build technology thought leadership .row.u-margin-top-md.js-in-page-nav-section#apply .col-md-10.col-md-offset-1.text-center %h2.u-text-brand{ style: "display: none" } Apply %h2.u-text-brand Become a Hero %h4 Apply or nominate someone to be our next GitLab Hero! .centered-form %script{src: "//page.gitlab.com/js/forms2/js/forms2.min.js"} %form#mktoForm_2102 :javascript MktoForms2.loadForm("//page.gitlab.com", "194-VVC-221", 2102, function(form) { form.onSuccess(function() { form.getFormElem().hide(); $('.confirmform').show(); return false; }); }); .confirmform{style: "display:none"} %h3 Submission received! %p We will be contacting you shortly regarding your application. .row.u-margin-top-md.js-in-page-nav-section#questions .col-md-10.col-md-offset-1.text-center %h2.u-text-brand Questions .row.u-margin-top-md.u-margin-bottom-lg .col-md-12 %h5 Please email us at %a{ href: "mailto:evangelists@gitlab.com" }evangelists@gitlab.com if you have questions about the GitLab Heroes program. .row.u-margin-top-md .col-md-10.col-md-offset-1.text-center %iframe{:allow => "accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture", :allowfullscreen => "", :frameborder => "0", :height => "315", :src => "https://www.youtube.com/embed/0DRgG9nT8eI", :width => "560"}