--- layout: default title: Community description: Explore the GitLab Community and learn about events in your area, top contributors, project documentation, and more. suppress_header: true extra_css: - community.css --- .blank-header = image_tag "/images/home/icons-pattern-left.svg", class: "image-border image-border-left", alt: "Gitlab hero border pattern left svg" = image_tag "/images/home/icons-pattern-right.svg", class: "image-border image-border-right", alt: "Gitlab hero border pattern right svg" .header-content %h1 Community %p A community of 2,200+ contributors = link_to "/free-trial/", class: "btn cta-btn orange" do Start your free trial .gitlab-content-container .grid-layout.grid-layout3 = link_to "/resources/", class: "tile tile-animated grid-item" do = image_tag "/images/community/community-resources.svg", class: "icon-small", alt: "Gitlab community resources svg" .tile-content %h4 Resources %p Learn Git, improve your DevOps workflow, or discover new trends with GitLab. = link_to "/community/contribute/", class: "tile tile-animated grid-item" do = image_tag "/images/community/community-contributing.svg", class: "icon-small", alt: "Gitlab community contributing svg" .tile-content %h4 Contribute %p Learn how to become a GitLab contributor. = link_to "/community/heroes/", class: "tile tile-animated grid-item" do = image_tag "/images/downloads/logo.svg", class: "icon-small", alt: "Gitlab logo svg" .tile-content %h4 Heroes Program %p GitLab Heroes are our top contributors, organizers, and evangelists. Learn more about how you can become a Hero. = link_to "/community/meetups/", class: "tile tile-animated grid-item" do = image_tag "/images/community/community-events.svg", class: "icon-small", alt: "Gitlab community events svg" .tile-content %h4 Meetups %p We support meetups with sponsorship, swag, speakers, and more. Ready to start a GitLab group in your area? = link_to "/community/hackathon/", class: "tile tile-animated grid-item" do = image_tag "/images/community/community-hackathon.svg", class: "icon-small", alt: "Gitlab hackathon svg" .tile-content %h4 Hackathon %p Quarterly virtual hackathon. = link_to "/community/contributing-orgs/", class: "tile tile-animated grid-item" do = image_tag "/images/community/community-customers.svg", class: "icon-small", alt: "Gitlab community customers svg" .tile-content %h4 Contributing organizations %p Join the group of organizations that help shape GitLab and learn how GitLab supports them. = link_to "/events/", class: "tile tile-animated grid-item" do = image_tag "/images/community/community-events.svg", class: "icon-small", alt: "Gitlab community events svg" .tile-content %h4 Events %p On the road again: follow the Gitlab event circuit. = link_to "/documentation/", class: "tile tile-animated grid-item" do = image_tag "/images/community/community-docs.svg", class: "icon-small", alt: "Gitlab community docs svg" .tile-content %h4 Documentation %p All GitLab projects in one place. = link_to "/get-help/", class: "tile tile-animated grid-item" do = image_tag "/images/community/community-help.svg", class: "icon-small", alt: "Gitlab community help svg" .tile-content %h4 Get help %p How to get technical and account support. = link_to "/community/moving-to-gitlab/", class: "tile tile-animated grid-item" do = image_tag "/images/downloads/logo.svg", class: "icon-small", alt: "Gitlab logo svg" .tile-content %h4 From GitHub to GitLab %p Join the community #movingtogitlab. %a.tile.tile-animated.grid-item{href: "http://contributors.gitlab.com"} = image_tag "/images/community/community-contributing.svg", class: "icon-small", alt: "Gitlab community contributors svg" .tile-content %h4 Contributors %p Contributors to the open-source project. = link_to "/community/top-annual-contributors/", class: "tile tile-animated grid-item" do = image_tag "/images/community/community-contributors.svg", class: "icon-small", alt: "Gitlab community contributors svg" .tile-content %h4 Top Contributors %p GitLab's Top Contributors starting from 2018. = link_to "/community/core-team/", class: "tile tile-animated grid-item" do = image_tag "/images/downloads/logo.svg", class: "icon-small", alt: "Gitlab logo svg" .tile-content %h4 Core team %p People behind the open-source project. = link_to "/community/mvp/", class: "tile tile-animated grid-item" do = image_tag "/images/community/community-hof.svg", class: "icon-small", alt: "Gitlab hall of fame svg" .tile-content %h4 Hall of fame %p The most valuable persons in past releases. = link_to "/community/sponsorship/", class: "tile tile-animated grid-item" do = image_tag "/images/community/community-events.svg", class: "icon-small", alt: "Gitlab community events svg" .tile-content %h4 Diversity Sponsorship %p Fostering diversity by sponsoring events. = link_to "/partners/", class: "tile tile-animated grid-item" do = image_tag "/images/community/community-apps.svg", class: "icon-small", alt: "Gitlab community apps svg" .tile-content %h4 Partners %p Technology partners and applications that support GitLab. = link_to "/customers/", class: "tile tile-animated grid-item" do = image_tag "/images/community/community-customers.svg", class: "icon-small", alt: "Gitlab community customers svg" .tile-content %h4 Customers %p Inspiring stories of how GitLab customers have transformed their software development practices. = link_to "/community/gitlab-first-look/", class: "tile tile-animated grid-item" do = image_tag "/images/community/community-customers.svg", class: "icon-small", alt: "Gitlab community customers svg" .tile-content %h4 GitLab First Look %p Join GitLab First Look for exclusive access to betas! = link_to "/community/sweepstakes/", class: "tile tile-animated grid-item" do = image_tag "/images/downloads/logo.svg", class: "icon-small", alt: "Gitlab logo svg" .tile-content %h4 Sweepstakes %p Contests where you can win cool stuff. = link_to "/community/writers/", class: "tile tile-animated grid-item" do = image_tag "/images/community/community-docs.svg", class: "icon-small", alt: "Gitlab community docs svg" .tile-content %h4 Community writers %p Contribute to the GitLab blog. = link_to "/community/issue-bash/", class: "tile tile-animated grid-item" do = image_tag "/images/community/community-bash.svg", class: "icon-small", alt: "Gitlab community bash svg" .tile-content %h4 Issue bash %p Quarterly community event.