--- layout: default title: MVP description: Every release a contributor is awarded the prestigious golden fork as the Most Valuable Person (MVP). Below is the list of all MVPs and the selection process. extra_css: - mvp.css suppress_header: true --- .blank-header .container %h1.title GitLab Hall of %b Fame .mvp-badge = image_tag "/images/mvp_badge.png" .container %h2.block-title GitLab MVP %p.description Every release, GitLab team-members select a community contributor as the MVP (most valuable person) of the release and the MVP is recognized with the prestigious golden fork. Contributions can range from features, design, usability/accessibility, maintenance of code, documentations, translations (l10n/i18n), etc. The selection process is described in #{link_to "in the Community Relations Handbook", "/handbook/marketing/community-relations/code-contributor-program/#most-valuable-person-mvp"} and the list of all MVPs is as follows: .row %dl.col-lg-10.col-lg-offset-1.col-lg-8.col-lg-offset-2 - data.mvps.each do |mvp| %dt.col-sm-4.col-xs-12.font-weight-normal = "#{mvp.version} (#{mvp.date})" %dd.col-sm-8.col-xs-12 - if mvp.gitlab = link_to "#{mvp.name} (@#{mvp.gitlab})", "https://gitlab.com/#{mvp.gitlab}" - else = mvp.name