--- layout: default title: Contact description: Click here to contact GitLab and get help, contact sales, find us on social media, office address and directions. google_optimize: true suppress_header: true extra_css: - contact.css --- .blank-header = image_tag "/images/home/icons-pattern-left.svg", class: "image-border image-border-left", alt: "Gitlab hero border pattern left svg" = image_tag "/images/home/icons-pattern-right.svg", class: "image-border image-border-right", alt: "Gitlab hero border pattern right svg" .header-content %h1 Contact %p Let us know how we can help by getting in touch .gitlab-content-container .content .contact-tiles.grid-layout.grid-layout3 = link_to "/sales/", class: "tile tile-animated" do = image_tag "/images/contact/contact-sales.svg", alt: "Gitlab contact sales svg" .tile-content %h4 Sales %p Contact our sales team for any questions about GitLab. = link_to "/get-help/", class: "tile tile-animated" do = image_tag "/images/community/community-help.svg", alt: "Gitlab community help svg" .tile-content %h4 Get help %p How to get technical and account support. = link_to "/press/", class: "tile tile-animated" do = image_tag "/images/contact/contact-press.svg", alt: "Gitlab contact press svg" .tile-content %h4 Press %p Information on press-related inquiries. .content .grid-layout.grid-layout2 .newsletter-form-content %h4 🚀 Sign up for our newsletter %p Explore upcoming events, webcasts, how-to blogs, and stay up-to-date on exciting new features released every month. %script{src: "//page.gitlab.com/js/forms2/js/forms2.min.js"} %form#mktoForm_1073 :javascript MktoForms2.loadForm("//page.gitlab.com", "194-VVC-221", 1073, function(form) { form.onSuccess(function(values, followUpUrl) { form.getFormElem().hide(); document.getElementById('confirmformnewlsetter').style.visibility = 'visible'; dataLayer.push({event: 'mktoLead', mktoFormId: form.getId()}); return false; }); function getgacid() { try { var tracker = ga.getAll()[0]; return tracker.get('clientId'); } catch (e) { return 'n/a'; } } form.vals({ 'gacid': getgacid() }); }); #confirmformnewlsetter{style: "visibility:hidden;"} %p.thanks-subscribing Thanks for subscribing! %a{href: "https://www.twitter.com/gitlab", target: "_blank"} Follow us on twitter for even more updates! .newsletter-form-content %h4 🔒 Sign up for security notices %form#mktoForm_1102 :javascript MktoForms2.loadForm("//page.gitlab.com", "194-VVC-221", 1102, function(form) { form.onSuccess(function(values, followUpUrl) { form.getFormElem().hide(); document.getElementById('confirmform').style.visibility = 'visible'; dataLayer.push({event: 'mktoLead',mktoFormId: form.getId()}); return false; }); function getgacid() { try { var tracker = ga.getAll()[0]; return tracker.get('clientId'); } catch (e) { return 'n/a'; } } form.vals({ 'gacid': getgacid() }); }); #confirmform{style: "visibility:hidden;"} %p.thanks-subscribing Thanks for subscribing! %a{href: "https://www.twitter.com/gitlab", target: "_blank"} Follow us on twitter for even more updates!