--- layout: markdown_page title: "Calendar Year 2017 Q3 OKRs" --- ## On this page {:.no_toc} - TOC {:toc} ## Summary With a great team make a popular next generation product that grows revenue. ## Objective 1: Grow incremental ACV according to plan. * CEO: Build [sales qualified leads (SQL)](/handbook/marketing/business-development/#sql) pipeline for new business. 300% of [incremental annual contract value (IACV)](/handbook/finance/#iacv) plan * CMO: Identify CE installations within strategic organizations with installations with over 500 users and launch demand generation campaigns. => Achieved. 50 SQOs generated. * CMO: More demand coming from inbound marketing activities. 50% of sales pipeline quota. => Achieved on SQL $, miss on # * CMO: Increase EE Trials. 21% Quarter over Quarter (QoQ) => [Miss](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/marketing/issues/1458) * CMO: Increase EE Trial SQL $ pipeline contribution 43% QoQ => Achieved over 2x goal * CFO: Forecast accuracy and delivery of relevant information * Controller: Zuora to Salesforce reconciliation complete and tested. DONE * CFO: Forecasting model projects forecast +/- 10% normalized for big deals. DONE * Controller: Zuora to Salesforce to Zendesk data synch completed. DONE * CFO: Deliver 10 SQLs > $10k during quarter through investor outreach 50% ACHIEVED * VP Prod: Salesforce shows usage. [Version check](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/salesforce/issues/104), usage ping, and ConvDev index are available in SFDC. => All shipped * VP Prod: Import documentation for all major platforms. Five new import docs shipped. => 5/5 shipped. 10 in total now. * CRO: 100% of quota-carrying reps at 3x pipeline of quarterly IACV goal MISSED * Alliances: generates 10% of sales pipeline * Federal: generates 10% of sales pipeline * AE/Customer Success: [generate 15% of sales pipeline quota](https://na34.salesforce.com/00O61000003npUd) * SDR lead: Generate 25% of sales pipeline quota => 36% of SCLAU was SDR sourced in Q3. Up from 12% in Q2. * SDR lead: Get an SQL from Fortune 1000 companies identified using CE. 50% of identified companies using CE. => 50 SQOs generated. * SDR lead: Double Win Rate. 10% => 5% of Q3 SDR sourced SCLAU have been won so far. Given sales cycle expect increase over time in the Q3 opportunities. * CRO: Increase new business sales velocity. Grow 200% YoY (Q3 2016 to Q3 2017) in new business deals closed won. ACHIEVED * CRO: Decrease age of non-web direct deals by 10% ACHIEVED * Sales Ops: [New sales stages and exit criteria. Launch and Train](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/sales/issues/120) * Customer Success: Solution Architects managing PoC's for new business opps within strategic/large accounts. 50% * PMM: 2 ROI calculators => New [competitive ROI calculator](/roi/replace/) published. * PMM: 3 case studies => 3 case studies started. New [/customers](/customers/) page launched. * CRO: Keep sales efficient. [Sales efficiency ratio](/handbook/finance/#definitions) > 1.8 (IACV / sales spend) ACHIEVED * CMO: Keep marketing efficient. [Marketing efficiency ratio](/handbook/finance/#definitions) > 3.4 (IACV / marketing spend) => 3.43 * CEO: Understand and improve existing account growth. 200% YoY * VP Eng: Geo DR successful deployments. [Test fail-over with GitLab.com](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues/1884) => 20% done. Some customers running Geo in alpha now. Failover targeted for Q1 2018. * Platform: Get Geo reliable with a testing framework. => 10% done, moved to Q4 with GitLab QA * Distribution: Deliver PostgreSQL High Availability (HA) in omnibus and Terraform to enable HA * VP Prod: [Make it easier to discover and use EE features](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues/2417). Ship EE by default. Trials increase 100%. => Shipped. Trials % TODO * Technical Writing: CE docs link to EE wherever relevant. Increased visits to EE docs. => Done. Defaults to EE docs now (i.e. over 100% increase) * VP Prod: Ship paid subscriptions for GitLab.com. All EE features are behind subscription. Ability to buy higher storage limits. => Done. Storage limits deprioritized. * Head Prod: [Improved support for Java development lifecycle](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/33943). 2 projects done. * CFO: Make our sales process data driven * CFO: Lead hired DONE * Data and Analytics Architect: Data and Analytics vision and plan signed off by executive team NOT STARTED * Data and Analytics Architect: Create a user journey funnel NOT STARTED * CMO: Educational Email campaign series to educate users on full solution capabilities and how to get started. TODO # of campaign conversions => Issue board anniversary awareness campaign on blog and social. Initiated CI webcast series. * Customer Success: [License utilization for large and strategic accounts at a 90% average](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/customer-success/issues/79) * Customer Success: [Double spend for scheduled renewals valued at $20,000+](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/customer-success/issues/66) * Customer Success: [Double spend within large/strategic account segmentation](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/customer-success/issues/78) * Customer Success: Identity the trigger(s) to purchase for large/strategic accounts. * Support: Provide faster, more knowledgable support. Reduce Average Time to Solve by 5%. -> Not Hit. SLAs were breached which became the new focus. * CEO: Increase [average sales price (ASP)](/handbook/finance/#definitions) (IACV per won) by 25% QoQ * CRO: Triple sales assisted average new business deal YoY ACHIEVED * CRO: [50% of IACV from EEP](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/sales/issues/143) ACHIEVED * CMO: More sales assets. 3 new for each stage ([TOFU, MOFU, BOFU](/handbook/glossary/#funnel)) of the sales process => Miss. PMM hire/onboard. * CMO: [Presentation generation based on conversational development index.](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/organization/issues/95) => Initial investigation of technology options. * CMO: 3 minute video product demo targeted at buyer audience. Published => Not completed * PMM: Sales Demo easy to give. At least one Account Executive can do it in 10 minutes.=> Not completed * CRO: Sales Pitch Deck and Messaging trained. 75% of customer facing team passes test. ACHIEVED * VP Prod: Conversational Development Index in product and SFDC. => Done * VP Prod: Improve JIRA support. Better than Bitbucket. Support transitions, references and development panel. => Done: dev panel, references. Not possible yet: transitions. * Technical writing: Create a page on our JIRA integration and how to move to Issues. 100% increased usage of JIRA integration. => Done. % TODO ## Objective 2: Popular next generation product. * CEO: GitLab.com ready for mission-critical tasks. 99% of user requests have [first byte](/handbook/engineering/performance/#first-byte) < 1s * VP Scaling: Highly Available. [99.9%](http://stats.pingdom.com/81vpf8jyr1h9/1902794/history) * Production: Scalable and HA setup for cache and background jobs storage. Persistence of cache (Redis) and background job storage (Sidekiq) split and HA is set up for persistent storage. => Done. * Production: Robust backups with automatic periodic restores. Counter on dashboards.gitlab.com shows days since last automatic restore of database and file system. => Backups are tested but restores are not automatic, and counter is missing. * Production: Multi-canary deployments enabled. PoC of two canaries via kubernetes with Distribution team's Helm charts. => One canary available, not via kubernetes. * Production: Enable GitLab.com search using ElasticSearch. Provide a cluster that is 99% available for > 2 months in Q3. => Infrastructure available but application requires further work. * Database: Run pgbouncer from Omnibus. Shipped. => Done * Database: Use Omnibus provided software for HA / failover instead of using a GitLab.com specific setup. Shipped and In Use. => Not yet in use. * VP Eng: Enable High Availability * Platform: Enable graceful degradation when file servers are down. => Circuitbreakers built but not yet fully deployed. * Platform: Support multiple Redis clusters for persistent and cache stores. => Done. * Platform: Use Geo DR to move between clouds and Area Zones => 10% done, begin testing with Geo testbed, pushing to Q4. * Support: Improve GitLab provided debugging tools. We'll log all times we need terminal access and create an issue for each to improve GitLab tools. => 50% done, see https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/support/issues/754 * Prometheus: Reach parity with Prometheus metrics for Unicorn, Sidekiq, and gitlab-shell. Deprecate InfluxDB. => 30% done with Prometheus metrics for Unicorn. Sidekiq and gitlab-shell remain for Q4. * Edge: Make GitLab QA test [backup/restore](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-qa/issues/22), [LDAP](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-qa/issues/3), [Container Registry](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-qa/issues/49), and [Mattermost](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-qa/issues/26) => 25% done with Mattermost. Backup/restore + LDAP targeted for Q4. * CI/CD: Decrease monthly per minute cost of shared runners. Cost down by 30%. => 25% done, Google Compute Engine support implemented but not deployed. * CI/CD: Improve responsiveness for pipelines without any existing builds. 99% start within 1s. * VP Scaling: [Lower latency](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/infrastructure/issues/2373). 99% of user requests have [first byte](/handbook/engineering/performance/#first-byte) < [1s](https://dashboards.gitlab.com/dashboard/db/transaction-overview?panelId=2&fullscreen&orgId=1) * Gitaly: Gitaly service active on file-servers. => Done. * Gitaly: Roll out Gitaly migrations. 24 additional endpoints migrated to Gitaly and [in acceptance testing](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/blob/master/README.md#current-features). => Done. * Gitaly: Reduce “idea to production” time of migrations. 80% of all migrations started in Q3 are enabled on GitLab.com within two GitLab releases. => Done by changing process. * Database: Reduce the p99 of [SQL timings](https://dashboards.gitlab.com/dashboard/db/daily-overview?panelId=12&fullscreen&orgId=1) across the board to 200 ms (100-200 ms less than what we have now). => Significant progress, but not all p99 < 200 ms. See [gitlab-ce#34535](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/34535) for more context. * Production: Provide reliable [internal & external](/handbook/engineering/performance/#standards-we-use-to-measure-performance) baseline monitoring of overall service health. Implement baseline end to end monitoring for GitLab.com (api/web/git(ssh/https)) and define [SLO’s](/handbook/engineering/infrastructure/production-architecture/#infra-services) based on this baseline. => Baseline not defined. * Production: Solve performance issues. Implement [CDN for GitLab.com](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/infrastructure/issues/2092). => CDN was implemented but had to be rolled back. * VP Eng: Lower latency in application * Discussion: Solve performance issues. Reduce p95 of [discussion-related actions](https://dashboards.gitlab.com/dashboard/db/daily-overview?orgId=1) with over 10 hits/day to < 1 s. Reduce p99 to < 3 s. => 25% done. 10% (~150 of 1476 endpoints) still exceed thresholds. http://stats.gitlab.com/1902794 is at 1.2 s. * Platform: Solve performance issues. Reduce p95 of [platform-related actions](https://dashboards.gitlab.com/dashboard/db/daily-overview?orgId=1) with over 10 hits/day to < 1 s. Reduce p99 to < 3 s. 25% done. 10% (~150 of 1476 endpoints) still exceed thresholds. * Frontend: Do a [Manual performance audit](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/33958) and deploy improvements. Implement Top 3 actions => Done * Frontend: Package optimization and [CDN Hosting for .com](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/infrastructure/issues/2092) => Done * Edge: [Ship large database seeder for developers](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/28149). => 25% done * Edge: [Enable Bullet by default on the CI](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/30129). => May not be practical given https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/30129#note_35800389 * VP Eng: Eliminate critical stability issues * Discussion: Merge requests get merged 100% without ever getting into stuck locked state => 20% done. Improvements made in https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/merge_requests/13207, but still occurring. We need to measure rate. * Platform: Project authorizations fast (< 1 s) and consistent (requires no manual refreshes). DONE * Platform: Project imports and forks complete 100% without ever getting stuck => 10% done. Import issues need to be broken out separately. * Platform: Namespace and project renames work 100% of the time => 30% done. Requires hashed storage support * Platform: Repository cache state eventually consistent within minutes (no manual expiration needed) => In progress with https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/merge_requests/14980 * Frontend: [Implement cross-browser automated testing](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/6065). Catch at least one browser regression before release date. => 95% Done Not automated. Has to be turned on. * Frontend: Accomplish at least [3 frontend improvement issues](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues?label_name%5B%5D=frontend&milestone_title=Backlog) per release cycle. => 60% Done * CI/CD: Make [runners work on Google Compute Engine without dying halfway](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/infrastructure/issues/1936). Done * CI/CD: Track and ensure the number of job failures due to system failure. Number < 0.01% * VP Scaling: Secure platform * Security: Improve defenses. Implement top 10 actions from Risk Assessment. => Implemented top 12. * Security: Vulnerability testing. Conduct external testing. => Done. * Security: Improve security practices through people and processes. Backlog of security issues reduced by 50% (currently 148 issues in [gitlab-ce](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues?scope=all&utf8=%E2%9C%93&state=opened&label_name[]=security), 9 in [gitlab-ee](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues?scope=all&utf8=%E2%9C%93&state=opened&label_name[]=security), 69 on [infrastructure](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/infrastructure/issues?scope=all&utf8=%E2%9C%93&state=opened&label_name[]=security)). => Not done, backlog is larger. * CEO: Increased usage of idea to production. 100% growth * CMO: Generate more company and product awareness including [overtake Bitbucket in Google Trends](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=bitbucket,gitlab). => [Achieved.](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2017-06-01%202017-09-30&q=bitbucket,gitlab) * VP Prod: Issue boards usage increase. 100% (.com and usage ping) => ~100% increase * VP Prod: Service Desk usage increase. 100% (.com and usage ping) => ~1000-2000% increase * VP Prod: Subgroups usage increase. 100% (.com and usage ping) * Head Prod: Monitoring usage increase. 100% (.com and usage ping) * Prometheus: [Increase adoption](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/33556). 3 issues shipped. * Head Prod: Pipelines usage increase. 100% (.com and usage ping) * CI/CD: [Improve onboarding](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/32638). 10 issues shipped. * Head Prod: Environments usage increase. 100% (.com and usage ping) * Head Prod: Review apps usage increase. 100% (.com and usage ping) * CTO: [Make autodeploy more practical](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/33707). Undefined yet. * CTO: [Zero-configuration CI](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/26941). Make it work for 5 popular frameworks. * CTO: [Lead update to Rails 5.1](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/14286). Shipped. * CMO: Better explain our solution, features and value proposition. Flow page that links to feature pages. => New home page with new content for 7 steps launched. * UX: [Measure usability of critical user flows to identify areas needing improvement.](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/ux-research/issues/13) => 75% Research done, issues opened. Implementation and re-measure not done. * Propose optimizations of critical user flows based on results found in research. * Implement optimization and re-measure to ensure the user experience has improved. * Frontend: [Optimize Frontend Code](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues?scope=all&utf8=%E2%9C%93&state=opened&label_name[]=frontend&label_name[]=performance) to support speed. For larger projects and ones with thousands of comments. => Done a lot of Performance related optimisations, ongoing task * Distribution: Simplify HTTPS configuration. In Omnibus and Helm. For Rails app, container registry, and pages. [Consider Let's Encrypt](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab/issues/1096). * Dir Partnerships: First team of OSS projects starts using GitLab for proof-of-concept/testing at Drupal, Gnome and Kubernetes. * Dir Partnerships: Get major partner to use it for CI. * Dir Partnerships: [AWS QuickStart guide](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/29199) published * CMO: More contributors from the wider community each month. Unique contributors grow 10% QoQ => Missed. * CMO: Initiate AR engagement with key analysts and achieve Leader in the Forrester Wave CI research report. => Leader in Forrester CI Wave. Account engagement with Forrester/Gartner. Analyst day and multiple briefings. * Head Prod: [Make sure the installation process is great](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab/issues/2463). Complete all items. * VP Eng: Make sure existing features are used by GitLab.com. Cycle time analytics working. * Support: GitLab.com uses Service Desk. In use for one process. => Set up for Security, but not in use. Legal is using Service Desk. * Distribution: Deliver service specific Docker images and Helm charts usable for GitLab.com and our users. Rails, Workhorse, Pages, Registry, Gitaly, Shell. * CI/CD: Help GitLab.com use our deployment features. CD/Kubernetes/Helm/Canary deploys/Review Apps/Service Desk * Edge: [GDK based on Kubernetes](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-development-kit/issues/243) (e.g. minikube). * Edge: [CE Pipelines run in 30 minutes](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/24899). * Edge: [Flaky tests don't break `master`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/32308). * Edge: [CE is automatically merged to EE daily](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/25870). * Edge: [Triage policies](/handbook/engineering/issue-triage/) are [automatically enforced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-issue-triage/issue-triage). * UX: [Make it easier to find and use advanced GitLab features](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/25341) => 25% Implemented https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues/3054 which was then reverted. Successfully implemented https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues/3049 * Frontend: [Support > 2000](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/merge_requests/12069) comments/code changes on issues, diffs, and merge requests. With speed and without [jank](http://jankfree.org/). => 60% done. Needs work on MR discussion. * Frontend: Reduce frontend render times of comments and diffs with a goal of %70 faster. => https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/4058 Speed Index Before 8081, Now 2757 (65% faster) * Head Prod: [Ensure all idea to production features are usable by GitLab.com](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/35021) * CEO: Next generation product. Move vision forward every release. * Head Prod: Create and radiate vision for GitLab DevOps. [Publish vision video](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/32640). * Head Prod: [Auto DevOps](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues/2517). Ship kernel of Auto DevOps. * UX: [Improved navigation. Iterate on it every month.](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/32794) => 100% All work completed, work continues * UX: [Improve perceived performance](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/29666) => 0% Issues continually re-scheduled (UX Ready) * Frontend: [Instant user feedback](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/27614) => Done * Frontend: [Repo as editor](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/31890) => PoC Done, move to Beta as a stable feature in progress * Frontend: Get a [moonshot](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues?scope=all&utf8=%E2%9C%93&state=opened&label_name[]=moonshots) (e.g. VSCode/Monaco editor, Team dashboards) from PoC to Feature - Image Comments released + Multi file editor Beta in 10.3 ## Objective 3: Great team. * CEO: Effective leadership. NPS of leaders as rated by their reports 10% improvement. Update: This will be pushed back until [360 reviews](/handbook/people-group/360-feedback/) are established in 2018. * VP PO: Management completed basic management (MGR) classes. 75% completed * VP PO: 5 GitLab specific courses for the management team. Published and delivered. * CFO: [Real-time analytics platform](/handbook/finance/analytics/). 40% of metrics live 50% ACHIEVED - 20% OF METRICS * CEO: Attract great people. New hire score 2% improvement * VP PO: More sourced recruiting. 20% of total hires * VP PO: Hires from lower cost locations. 20% increase * VP PO: Interviewer rating (ELO). Implemented * VP PO: Quicker hiring cycle (plan interviews upfront). Hiring time -25% * VP PO: Improve our global compensation framework. Structured on better data. * CEO: Retain great people. eNPS 0% change * Customer Success: Hiring talent to plan and ramping up SA’s so that on day 31 they are certified and ready to be assigned to accounts. * VP PO: Improve diversity. Two initiatives deployed. * VP PO: Train all Senior level and above team members on [how to interview](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/peopleops/issues/305). * VP PO: Develop and document benefits plans (current and considering) for each entity.