--- layout: default title: Meet the GitLab team description: "The GitLab Inc. team consists of these team members. We're a remote-only organization with team members in more than 65 countries." suppress_header: true extra_css: - team.css extra_js: - team.js image_title: /images/team.jpg --- -# THE CONTENT FOR THIS PAGE IS IN https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/blob/master/data/team.yml .hidden-xs %iframe{frameborder: "0", height: "500", scrolling: "no", src: "https://gitlab-com.gitlab.io/teampage-map/", width: "100%"} .wrapper .team-container .team-head %h1 MEET OUR %b TEAM %p More than 2,000 people have #{link_to('contributed to GitLab', 'http://contributors.gitlab.com/')}. The GitLab Inc. team consists of the following %strong #{team_size} team members and their #{link_to("#{data.pets.size}+ pets", '/company/team-pets')}. We're the world's largest #{link_to('all-remote organization', '/company/culture/all-remote/')} and we currently have team members in #{link_to(Gitlab::Homepage::Team.new.countries.size.to_s + " countries and regions", "#countries")}. This page lists who people report to, and on a separate page we detail the #{link_to('organizational structure', '/company/team/structure')} and #{link_to('organization chart', '/company/team/org-chart')}. You can get a sense of the team culture by visiting our #{link_to('culture page', '/culture')}. .department-filter %h4 FILTER BY %b DEPARTMENT %select#team-selector.team-listing.btn %option{name: 'All', value: 'All'} All Departments - Gitlab::Homepage::Team.new.departments.each do |department, counts| %option{name: department, value: department}= department_member_and_vacancy_count(department, counts) .row.team-row = partial "includes/team/countries" .row.team-row.team-listing - Gitlab::Homepage::Team.new.members.sort.each do |member| = partial "includes/team/member", locals: { member: member, is_pet: false, is_remotestory: false, anchor: member.anchor }