--- layout: default title: GitLab or GitHub description: "Don't trust your business critical pipelines to an unproven tool. Use the industry's leading CI/CD." suppress_header: true canonical_path: "/compare/jenkins-alternative/" extra_css: - comparison-page.css - gitlab-feature-landing-page.css - features.css - landing-5433.css - form-compact.css - form-to-resource.css destination_url: "https://learn.gitlab.com/c/making-the-case-cicd?x=0pfOoN&lb_email=" form_id: "1592" form_type: "webcasts" cta_title: "Free CI/CD Webcast:" cta_date: cta_subtitle: link_text: "> Click here to view the webcast." success_message: "You will also receive a link to the on-demand webcast and additional related content sent to your inbox shortly." --- .wrapper.gitlab-ee-page .blank-header{ style: "background: #ffffff;" } .header-5433 .row .col-md-6.hero-copy %h1 Making the case for CI/CD in your organization %h3 Learn how to communicate the value of CI/CD and gain keys to success .col-md-5.col-md-offset-1.hero-image = image_tag "/images/intro-graphics/lab-illustration.svg", alt: "GitLab" .sub-wrapper .container .row .col-md-4.col-md-offset-1 %p The practice of continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) is fundamental to modern software development. And yet, many organizations are still using slow, error-prone, manual processes to build, test, and deploy their software. %p Watch this webcast to learn how to show your IT leadership and executives the benefits of updating your CI/CD tools across your organization. %h2.compare-heading.u-text-brand.u-margin-top-0 What you will learn in this webcast: %ul %li How to make a strong business case for CI/CD %li Approaches to getting started with CI/CD %li Measuring results of test CI/CD automation .col-md-5.col-md-offset-1 .webcast-outer-wrapper = partial "includes/form-to-resource" -#.cta-featured-image .row.u-margin-bottom-md .col-md-10.col-md-offset-1.u-padding-top-sm %h3 These companies chose GitLab CI/CD as their reliable, proven solution .customer-logos.text-center .customer-logo = partial "/images/customers/logo_goldman_sachs-color.svg" %p.number 1000+ %p.description CI feature builds a day by some teams from 2 builds/day .customer-logo = partial "/images/customers/logo_ticketmaster-color.svg" %p.number 15x %p.description faster builds from over 2 hours down to 8 minutes .customer-logo = partial "/images/customers/logo_verizon-color.svg" %p.number < 8 hours %p.description data center build time from 30 days = partial "includes/home/customer-logos-transparent-ultra" :css .sub-wrapper { padding:30px 0 20px 0; } .customer-logos-container { background: #f2f2f2; margin-bottom: -80px; padding: 50px 20px 50px 20px; }