--- layout: value-driver title: CI Build and Test Auto description: Eliminate toolchain complexity. Get fully integrated CI/CD out-of-the-box with GitLab. suppress_header: true extra_css: - value-driver.css - form-compact.css - comparison-page.css - form-to-resource.css - just-commit.css destination_url: "https://learn.gitlab.com/c/mastering-continuous-1?x=RSo4AM&lb_email=" form_id: "1592" form_type: "webcasts" cta_title: "Free On Demand Webcast:
Mastering continuous software development" cta_date: link_text: "> Thanks for registering! Click here to view the webcast." success_message: "You will also receive a copy of the webcast in your inbox shortly." --- .wrapper.gitlab-ee-page .header-hero-banner.header-hero-banner--lower-tco .container .row .col-md-12 %h1 Why less toolchain complexity is more. .sub-wrapper.main-content .container .row .col-md-7 .just-commit-intro-text %p As DevOps teams grow, too many integration points becomes a maintenance nightmare, and creates a brittle toolchain. Built-in CI/CD simplifies maintenance and management so teams can focus on creating instead of maintaining systems. See how you can improve efficiency and ship software faster. .col-md-5 .just-commit-form-wrap = partial "includes/form-to-resource" .just-commit-highlight-row .container .row .col-md-5 %h3 What you will learn %ul.checkmark-list %li How to simplify tools management and promote seamless collaboration with a single application for DevOps %li How to avoid errors and downtime caused by complex integrations and manual processes %li Why including code quality and security with your CI/CD workflows increases overall development velocity %li Techniques to avoid getting stuck with a rigid set up that won’t scale .just-commit-logo-wrap = partial "includes/home/customer-logos-transparent" .wrapper-dark .just-commit-sales-wrap = partial "includes/contact-sales"