--- layout: markdown_page title: "Category Direction - Service Desk" --- - TOC {:toc} ## Service Desk | | | | - | - | | Stage | [Plan](/direction/plan/) | | Maturity | [Viable](/direction/maturity) | | Content Last Reviewed | `2020-03-27` | ### Introduction and how you can help Welcome to the category strategy for Service Desk, part of the Plan stage's [Certify](/handbook/product/categories/#certify-group) group. To provide feedback or ask questions, please reach out to the group's Product Manager, Mark Wood ([E-mail](mailto:mwood@gitlab.com)). We believe in a world where **everyone can contribute**. We value your contributions, so here are some ways to join in! * Please comment and/or vote on any of the Service Desk [issues](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/issues?scope=all&utf8=%E2%9C%93&state=opened&label_name[]=Category%3AService%20Desk) and [epics](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics?scope=all&utf8=%E2%9C%93&state=opened&label_name[]=Category%3AService%20Desk)! * Feel free to share feedback directly via email, Twitter or on a video call. * Don't hesitate to create an issue for a new feature or enhancement, if one does not already exist. * Finally, please create an MR against this direction page to make it better! ### Overview #### Purpose Great products need to offer a great support experience. The GitLab Service Desk aims to be the primary medium which connects customers to product support staff. Service desk allows your organization the opportunity to provide an email address to your customers. These customers can send issues, feature requests, comments, and suggestions via email, with no external tools needed. These emails become issues right inside GitLab, potentially even in the same project where you are developing your product or service, pulling your customers directly into your DevOps process. #### Intent In an effort to clearly define a concrete and inspirational intent, it is important to answer this single question -- *"If Service Desk can be truly excellent at only one thing, what would it be?"* This is the intent of the Service Desk: > To provide a conduit through which customers and support staff can **effectively collaborate** using **familiar process flows** to achieve **prompt problem resolution**. At GitLab, we don't really have a concept of `done`, but instead believe we should continue to iterate toward a more mature product as defined by our [maturity framework](https://about.gitlab.com/direction/maturity/). To better clarify our strategy, we must first understand what it will mean to have achieved Lovable Maturity. This is how we will know: It is important to clearly define the desired user experience for a feature like the Service Desk. Not only do we desire to make providing support and issue resolution fluid and collaborative, but this feature can be exposed to the end-user. Ensuring that end-users receive exceptionally high quality communication is imperative to both us and our customers. **Intuitive:** When users find issue or need support, communication should be as simple as possible -- ideally utilizing existing collaboration mechanisms. Currently, we support email integration in an effort to make requests as simple as sending an email. We're also exploring ways to integrate other communication channels such as Slack, to provide additional ways of reaching out to support teams. Since the Service Desk creates issues, the entire host of issue tracking and management tools can be utilized. **Collaborative:** Sometimes it takes a team to resolve an end-user's problem. We're attempting to break down the silo surrounding help-desk requests and bring those issues into the existing issue tracking paradigm. Support Engineers can easily tag software developers, security analysts, or any other team members who can all share a single issue and therefore a single source of truth. **Efficient:** Support is requested when features are missing or problems arise. This can be a stressful time, so it's important to ensure fast and accurate support interactions. Notes, comments, and any other internal / customer interactions should be easily available for all necessary parties. We are also looking for ways to provide support metrics, to track time to resolution as well as repeat issues. **Intelligent:** We are looking to leverage [autonomation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomation) to decrease human intervention and improve the accuracy of support interactions. We want to strive for a few manual steps as possible for categorization, triage, and other administrative tasks to allow the support team to spend more time providing valuable customer interactions and resolving issues. #### Top Strategy Item(s) One of our one year goals is to improve communication flow between the end-user and the support team. To accomplish this, we are undertaking the following: - Identify and resolve issues with text formatting and attachment handling within the service desk. It should be a seamless process to engage in bi-directional communication between an end-user and the service desk to collaborate using formatted text and attachments. - It should be easy to add additional end-users and support team members to an issue, and they should receive the expected level of communication surrounding that issue. Another goal is to make the Service Desk an integral part of the GitLab support workflow. - We strive to [dogfood everything](/handbook/values/#dogfooding). We are in the process of interviewing and collaborating with our internal customers to make the Service Desk a much more widely utilized feature. Our hope is that through our own use, we will identify which additional features would allow the service desk to be a truly collaborative and efficient environment. #### How we prioritize Prioritization of feature requests, enhancements, and bug fixes is described in the [Prioritization](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/product-management/process/#prioritization) section of the GitLab Handbook. ### Target Audience The target audience for the Service Desk is as follows: - Support Engineer - These engineers are the customer facing representatives of the business, and want to be able to efficiently resolve problems as they arise. They are frustrated by manual steps which divert their focus from solving real problems for the customers they serve, and strive to represent their company in the best way possible. - Software Developers - Software developers may be called on by the Support Engineers to collaborate on customer issues. They want to be able to easily understand the issue, and provide timely feedback. They are frustrated by needing to work in a separate system as it delays collaboration and creates a disjointed workflow. ### What's next & why Over the next few releases, we will be focusing on the following issues & epics: - [Customize Service Desk to reflect our business, not GitLab specifically](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/1991) - (๐Ÿ‘ 28) - **Outcome:** Allow for a more seamless experience between the support team and the customer - [Service Desk functionality insufficient for IT Helpdesk use](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/2383) - (๐Ÿ‘ 9) - **Outcome:** Improve communication between customers and support team - [Ability to change full name for the service desk user](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/7529) - (๐Ÿ‘ 12) - **Outcome:** Improve clarity of communication between customer and support team The Certify group level [issue board](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/boards/1235846?&label_name[]=devops%3A%3Aplan&label_name[]=group%3A%3Acertify) provides insight into everything currently in flight. ### What is Not Planned in Next Six Months Given the amount of amazing ideas we receive, it's not always possible to implement everything in the near future. This section shows ideas that we haven't forgotten about, but simply cannot schedule in the near term. - Creating a web interface for the Service Desk. While this may be important in the future, right now it is more important to focus on improving the existing experience for the customer and support team. We want to ensure we have a solid foundation for issue report, issue triage and issue resolution. ### Maturity Plan This category is currently at the **viable** level, and our next maturity target is **complete** by 2020-07-31. We are tracking progress against this target via [this epic](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/1704) We are also tracking our progress toward **lovable** via [this epic](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/1705) ### User success metrics We are currently using the [loose Stage Monthly Active Users (SMAU) definition](/handbook/product/categories/plan/#metrics) and intend on migrating to the strict definition as soon as we've implemented the necessary telemtry to measure the defined events. We are also hoping to collect [AMAU](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/metrics/#actions-monthly-active-users-amau) statistics for the following actions once the necessary telemetry data is available. - Service Desk issue created - Service Desk issue collaboration (comments) - Service Desk issue resolved ### Why is this important? Traditionally, product managers and developers work out of separate tools from the support staff. This severely limits the amount of customer feedback visible to the product managers and developers and leaves the support staff struggling to effectively collaborate with technical and product resources. By bringing customer support into the DevOps Platform, we are enabling customer feedback to flow directly into bugs, feature requests, and regression reports. We are also making product and technical support easily available to support staff, decreasing time to resolution for support issues! ### Competitive landscape Zendesk and Freshdesk are popular tools to do customer support management, and we can learn from these tools used by many organizations. Jira Service Desk leverages the existing Jira issue tracker to get customer tickets into Jira. GitLab Service Desk takes inspiration from Jira Service Desk to also get customer tickets into GitLab. In GitLab, the benefits are even more pronounced since a single customer ticket is turned into a GitLab issue which can be incorporated into both broader portfolio management features of GitLab, and also downstream with product-development team sprints. ### Analyst landscape We are working to engage more closely with analysts in this area. As this product category is prioritized for improvements as our Plan product and engineering headcount grows, we expect to engage more with analysts. ### Top user issue(s) | Issue | ๐Ÿ‘ | | - | - | | [Service Desk shoud add CC'ed users to the issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/4652) | 13 | | [Ability to change full name for the service desk user](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/7529) | 12 | | [Customer Database for Service Desk](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/2256) | 11 | | [Service Desk with web form](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/1734) | 8 | ### Top internal customer issue(s) | Issue | | - | | [Slack Integration for Service Desk](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/195515) | | [Imporove Markdown support within Service Desk](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/195366) | | [Initiate an issue from Service Desk to include the customer](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/195525) | | [Allow threaded responses for Service Desk](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/195372) |