%div.experiment-container.experiment-test .demo-container .demo-form-container#demo-form-container2 = image_tag "/images/demo/demo.svg", class: "demo-icon", alt: "Gitlab demo icon svg" %h3.margin-bottom30 Access the Demo Now %script{src: "//page.gitlab.com/js/forms2/js/forms2.min.js"} %form{"data-formId": "1754", "data-formInstance": "two", class: "mktoForm"} -# This is where the form javascrip was before getting moved to 6147-shared.html.haml .video-container#video-container2{ style: "background: url('/images/demo/demo-page-background-masked.jpg') right bottom no-repeat;background-size: cover;" } .demo-info#demo-info2 .demo-info-col-wrapper .demo-info-col-left %h2 See how a single application for the DevOps lifecycle will help your team deliver better software %p You'll learn how you can use GitLab to... %ul.demo-checkmark-list %li Simplify your software development toolchain %li Accelerate the software delivery process %li Reduce security and compliance risk %li Get the entire DevOps lifecycle in one application %h3.demo-cta-text--desktop Register now to watch the demo %h3.demo-cta-text--mobile Register below to watch the demo .demo-info-col-right = image_tag "/images/demo/mac-screenshot.png" .demo-logo-section .demo-logo-heading %strong See why over 100,000 organizations %br 
trust GitLab to deliver software %em faster and %em more securely. .demo-logos %ul %li = image_tag "/images/demo/logo-citrix.svg", class: "demo-icon", alt: "Gitlab demo icon svg" %li = image_tag "/images/demo/logo-goldman-sachs.svg", class: "demo-icon", alt: "Gitlab demo icon svg" %li = image_tag "/images/demo/logo-ea.svg", class: "demo-icon", alt: "Gitlab demo icon svg" %li = image_tag "/images/demo/logo-bayer.svg", class: "demo-icon", alt: "Gitlab demo icon svg" %li = image_tag "/images/demo/logo-sony.svg", class: "demo-icon", alt: "Gitlab demo icon svg" #confirmform2{ style: "display: none;" } .centered-form-info %h2 Thanks and enjoy the demo! %p Have questions? Join a = link_to "LIVE Q&A session.", "/webcast/weekly-demo/" %iframe#demo-video2{src: "", allow: "autoplay; encrypted-media", allowfullscreen: "allowfullscreen"}