%h1.jumbo-heading How continuous is your continuous delivery?
%p Today's fragmented and complex DevOps toolchains can slow teams down, delaying releases... and delaying revenue. Learn how a complete DevOps platform in a single application gives your DevOps teams the visibility, collaboration, and speed to truly deliver continuously.
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Concurrent DevOps Whitepaper", link_text: "Thanks! Click here to view your content.", success_message: "You will also receive a copy of the whitepaper to your inbox shortly.", destination_url: "https://learn.gitlab.com/c/gitlab-concurrent-de?x=QnKq41&lb_email="}
%h3 What you will learn
%li How a concurrent DevOps framework helps your team write better code and spend less time waiting on tools
%li Why individual tools lead to silos across your team
%li How a single application helps your team shift security left and delivery quality code without compromises
%li How cycle analytics help you improve your speed to market
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