-# HARK;GENERATED CONTENT BELOW! -# The below block is generated by data from /data/pricing.yml file. -# This is where you will want to look to edit the content of the page. .tab-container .tabs-wrapper = image_tag "/images/home/icons-pattern-left.svg", class: "image-border image-border-left", alt: "Gitlab hero border pattern left svg" = image_tag "/images/home/icons-pattern-right.svg", class: "image-border image-border-right", alt: "Gitlab hero border pattern right svg" %ul.pricing-tabs.container{ role: "tablist"} %li.pricing-tab--saas.active{ role: "presentation" } %a{ href: '#gitlab-com', "data-toggle" => "tab", "aria-controls" => "gitlab-com", role: "tab" } = partial "includes/icons/gitlab-com-icon.svg" .tab-info %p.tab-title GitLab.com %p SaaS offering hosted by GitLab %li.pricing-tab--self-managed{ role: "presentation" } %a{ href: '#self-managed', "data-toggle" => "tab", "aria-controls" => "self-managed", role: "tab" } = partial "includes/icons/self-managed-icon.svg" .tab-info %p.tab-title Self-Managed %p Host your own instance on-premises or in the cloud .tab-content -# Start of Self-manage tab .tab-pane{ role: "tabpanel", id: "self-managed"} .pricing-options.pricing-options--self-managed.text-center .container .try-gitlab-free %h3 Try GitLab Ultimate risk-free for 30 days %p No credit card required. = link_to "/free-trial/self-managed/", class: "btn cta-btn purple" do Free Trial .row.flex-row.plan-row - data.pricing.self_managed.prices.core_plan do |plan| .col-md-3 .plan.plan--core %h3.plan-name = plan.title %p.plan-description = plan.edition_description .row.plan-pricing .col-xs-6.cost.cost-large = plan.monthly .col-xs-6.cost.cost-small per user %br per month .plan-actions = link_to "Install", "/install/", class: "btn btn-pricing btn-self-managed" = link_to "View More ", "#community-edition", class: "visible-xs-block visible-sm-block featured-item-expand" %ul#community-edition.plan-item-list.list-unstyled - data.features.features.each do |feature| - if (feature.gitlab_core == true && feature.pricing_page == true) %li.item-description - if (feature.link != nil) = link_to feature.title, feature.link - if (feature.link == nil) = feature.title = link_to "See all features", "/pricing/self-managed/feature-comparison/", class: "all-features" - data.pricing.self_managed.prices.starter_plan do |plan| .col-md-3 .plan.plan--starter %h3.plan-name = link_to plan.title, "/pricing/starter/" %p.plan-description = plan.edition_description .row.plan-pricing .col-xs-6.cost.cost-large = plan.monthly .col-xs-6.cost.cost-small per user %br per month %br .cost-extra-small (USD, billed annually) .plan-actions = link_to "Buy Now", "https://customers.gitlab.com/subscriptions/new?plan_id=2c92a0ff6145d07001614efff26d15da", class: "btn btn-pricing btn-self-managed" = link_to "View More ", "#enterprise-edition-starter", class: "visible-xs-block visible-sm-block featured-item-expand" %ul#enterprise-edition-starter.plan-item-list.list-unstyled - data.features.features.each do |feature| - if (feature.gitlab_core == false && feature.gitlab_starter == true && feature.pricing_page == true) %li.item-description - if (feature.link != nil) = link_to feature.title, feature.link - if (feature.link == nil) = feature.title = link_to "See all features", "/pricing/self-managed/feature-comparison/", class: "all-features" - data.pricing.self_managed.prices.premium_plan do |plan| .col-md-3 .plan.plan--premium %h3.plan-name = link_to plan.title, "/pricing/premium/" %p.plan-description = plan.edition_description .row.plan-pricing .col-xs-6.cost.cost-large = plan.monthly .col-xs-6.cost.cost-small per user %br per month %br .cost-extra-small (USD, billed annually) .plan-actions = link_to "Buy Now", "https://customers.gitlab.com/subscriptions/new?plan_id=2c92a0ff6145d07001614f0ca2796525", class: "btn btn-pricing btn-self-managed" -# %br -# = link_to "Free Trial", "/free-trial/", class: "btn btn-pricing btn-self-managed" = link_to "View More ", "#enterprise-edition-premium", class: "visible-xs-block visible-sm-block featured-item-expand" %ul#enterprise-edition-premium.plan-item-list.list-unstyled - data.features.features.each do |feature| - if (feature.gitlab_core == false && feature.gitlab_starter == false && feature.gitlab_premium == true && feature.pricing_page == true) %li.item-description .triangle - if (feature.link != nil) = link_to feature.title, feature.link - if (feature.link == nil) = feature.title = link_to "See all features", "/pricing/self-managed/feature-comparison/", class: "all-features" - data.pricing.self_managed.prices.ultimate_plan do |plan| .col-md-3 .plan.plan--ultimate %h3.plan-name = link_to plan.title, "/pricing/ultimate/" %p.plan-description = plan.edition_description .row.plan-pricing .col-xs-6.cost.cost-large = plan.monthly .col-xs-6.cost.cost-small per user %br per month %br .cost-extra-small (USD, billed annually) .plan-actions = link_to "Buy Now", "https://customers.gitlab.com/subscriptions/new?plan_id=2c92a0fe6145beb901614f137a0f1685", class: "btn btn-pricing btn-self-managed" = link_to "View More ", "#enterprise-edition-ultimate", class: "visible-xs-block visible-sm-block featured-item-expand" %ul#enterprise-edition-ultimate.plan-item-list.list-unstyled - data.features.features.each do |feature| - if (feature.gitlab_core == false && feature.gitlab_starter == false && feature.gitlab_premium == false && feature.gitlab_ultimate == true && feature.pricing_page == true) %li.item-description .triangle - if (feature.link != nil) = link_to feature.title, feature.link - if (feature.link == nil) = feature.title = link_to "See all features", "/pricing/self-managed/feature-comparison/", class: "all-features" .contact-block.text-center %h2 Still have questions? Get in touch. = link_to "Contact Sales", "/sales/", class: "btn cta-btn purple margin-top20" = partial "includes/home/customer-logos-transparent" .content-container.animated.faq .container %h2.faq-title.text-center Frequently asked questions for self-managed .faq-holder.clearfix - size = (data.pricing.self_managed.questions.size / Float(2)).ceil - data.pricing.self_managed.questions.each_slice(size).to_a.each do |group| = partial "includes/layout/question_group", locals: { group: group } -# Start of GitLab.com tab .tab-pane.active{ role: "tabpanel", id: "gitlab-com"} .pricing-options.pricing-options--saas.text-center .container .container .try-gitlab-free %h3 Try GitLab.com Gold risk-free for 30 days %p No credit card required. %a.btn.cta-btn.purple{ href: "https://gitlab.com/-/trial_registrations/new?glm_source=about.gitlab.com&glm_content=pricing", target: "_blank" } Free Trial .row.flex-row.plan-row - data.pricing.gitlab_com.prices.free_plan do |plan| .col-md-3 .plan.plan--free %h3.plan-name = plan.title %p.plan-description = plan.edition_description .row.plan-pricing .col-xs-6.cost.cost-large = plan.monthly .col-xs-6.cost.cost-small per user %br per month .plan-actions = link_to plan.link_text, plan.link, class: "btn btn-pricing btn-saas" = link_to "View More ", "#free-plan", class: "visible-xs-block visible-sm-block featured-item-expand" %ul#free-plan.plan-item-list.list-unstyled %li.item-description = plan.description %li.item-description = plan.support - data.features.features.each do |feature| - if (feature.gitlab_core == true && feature.gitlab_com != false && feature.pricing_page == true) %li.item-description - if (feature.link != nil) = link_to feature.title, feature.link - if (feature.link == nil) = feature.title = link_to "See all features", "/pricing/gitlab-com/feature-comparison/", class: "all-features" - data.pricing.gitlab_com.prices.bronze_plan do |plan| .col-md-3 .plan.plan--bronze %h3.plan-name = link_to plan.title, "/pricing/starter/" %p.plan-description = plan.edition_description .row.plan-pricing .col-xs-6.cost.cost-large = plan.monthly .col-xs-6.cost.cost-small per user %br per month %br .cost-extra-small (USD, billed annually) .plan-actions = link_to plan.link_text, plan.link, class: "btn btn-pricing btn-saas" = link_to "View More ", "#bronze-plan", class: "visible-xs-block visible-sm-block featured-item-expand" %ul#bronze-plan.plan-item-list.list-unstyled %li.item-description = plan.description %li.item-description %strong All features from Free and: - data.features.features.each do |feature| - if (feature.gitlab_core == false && feature.gitlab_starter == true && feature.gitlab_com != false && feature.pricing_page == true) %li.item-description - if (feature.link != nil) = link_to feature.title, feature.link - if (feature.link == nil) = feature.title = link_to "See all features", "/pricing/gitlab-com/feature-comparison/", class: "all-features" - data.pricing.gitlab_com.prices.silver_plan do |plan| .col-md-3 .plan.plan--silver %h3.plan-name = link_to plan.title, "/pricing/premium/" %p.plan-description = plan.edition_description .row.plan-pricing .col-xs-6.cost.cost-large = plan.monthly .col-xs-6.cost.cost-small per user %br per month %br .cost-extra-small (USD, billed annually) .plan-actions = link_to plan.link_text, plan.link, class: "btn btn-pricing btn-saas" = link_to "View More ", "#silver-plan", class: "visible-xs-block visible-sm-block featured-item-expand" %ul#silver-plan.plan-item-list.list-unstyled %li.item-description = plan.description %li.item-description %strong All features from Bronze and: - data.features.features.each do |feature| - if (feature.gitlab_starter == false && feature.gitlab_premium == true && feature.gitlab_com != false && feature.pricing_page == true) %li.item-description - if (feature.link != nil) = link_to feature.title, feature.link - if (feature.link == nil) = feature.title = link_to "See all features", "/pricing/gitlab-com/feature-comparison/", class: "all-features" - data.pricing.gitlab_com.prices.gold_plan do |plan| .col-md-3 .plan.plan--gold %h3.plan-name = link_to plan.title, "/pricing/ultimate/" %p.plan-description = plan.edition_description .row.plan-pricing .col-xs-6.cost.cost-large = plan.monthly .col-xs-6.cost.cost-small per user %br per month %br .cost-extra-small (USD, billed annually) .plan-actions = link_to plan.link_text, plan.link, class: "btn btn-pricing btn-saas" = link_to "View More ", "#gold-plan", class: "visible-xs-block visible-sm-block featured-item-expand" %ul#gold-plan.plan-item-list.list-unstyled %li.item-description = plan.description %li.item-description %strong All features from Silver and: - data.features.features.each do |feature| - if (feature.gitlab_starter == false && feature.gitlab_premium == false && feature.gitlab_ultimate == true && feature.gitlab_com != false && feature.pricing_page == true) %li.item-description - if (feature.link != nil) = link_to feature.title, feature.link - if (feature.link == nil) = feature.title = link_to "See all features", "/pricing/gitlab-com/feature-comparison/", class: "all-features" .contact-block.text-center %h2 Still have questions? Get in touch. = link_to "Contact Sales", "/sales/", class: "btn cta-btn purple margin-top20" = partial "includes/home/customer-logos-transparent" .content-container.animated.faq .container %h2.faq-title.text-center %a{ :name => "faq" } Frequently asked questions for GitLab.com .faq-holder.clearfix - size = (data.pricing.gitlab_com.questions.size / Float(2)).ceil - data.pricing.gitlab_com.questions.each_slice(size).to_a.each_with_index do |group, i| - if (i == 1) = partial "includes/layout/question_group_with_yield", locals: { group: group } do %li.faq-item .faq-inner-item %a.faq-question.js-faq-question{ href: "#" } What features do not apply to GitLab.com? %i.fa.fa-angle-down.pull-right .faq-answer %ul - data.features.features.each do |feature| - if (feature.gitlab_com == false && (feature.gitlab_core == true || feature.gitlab_starter == true || feature.gitlab_premium == true || feature.gitlab_ultimate == true)) %li = feature.title - if (feature.description != "" && feature.description != nil) %i.fa.fa-info-circle.info-icon{"title" => feature.description, "data-toggle" => "tooltip", "data-placement" => "top"} - else = partial "includes/layout/question_group", locals: { group: group }