%h1 Choose a plan that suits
your needs
%p All plans have unlimited collaborators and
private or public repositories
- data.pricing_test.plans.each_with_index do |plan, index|
- free = plan.id == 'free'
.image= image_tag "pricing/#{plan.id}.svg"
.title= plan.title
.description= plan.description
.price $#{plan.monthly_price}
.price-monthly /user/month
- unless free
.price-annually (USD, billed annually at $#{plan.monthly_price * 12})
.btn{ data: { target: "##{plan.id}-modal", toggle: 'modal' } }= free ? 'Start now' : 'Buy now'
.feature-title= free ? 'Includes' : "Everything in #{data.pricing_test.plans[index - 1].title} +"
- plan.features.each do |feature|
%li= feature
.compare= link_to 'Compare features', '#feature-comparison'
%h2 Feature comparison
%ul{ role: 'tablist' }
- data.pricing_test.stages.each_with_index do |stage, index|
%li{ class: ('active' if index.zero?), role: 'presentation' }
%a{ href: "##{stage.id}", role: 'tab', 'data-toggle': 'tab', 'aria-controls': stage.id }= stage.tab
- data.pricing_test.stages.each_with_index do |stage, index|
.tab-pane{ id: stage.id, class: ('active' if index.zero?), role: 'tabpanel' }
.icon= partial "/includes/icons/sdlc-icons/#{stage.id}.svg"
= stage.title
.subtitle= stage.subtitle
- data.pricing_test.plans.each do |plan|
.title= plan.title
.price $#{plan.monthly_price}
.price-monthly /user/month
.btn{ data: { target: "##{plan.id}-modal", toggle: 'modal' } }
= plan.id == 'free' ? 'Start now' : 'Buy now'
- stage.features.each do |feature|
.title= feature.title
.description= feature.description
%a{ href: feature.link } Feature Details
- data.pricing_test.plans.each do |plan|
- if feature.availability_level <= plan.level
= partial 'includes/icons/comparison/yes-icon.svg'
- else
%a{ href: '/pricing/gitlab-com/feature-comparison/' } Compare all features →
= partial 'includes/home/customer-logos-transparent'
%h2 Frequently asked questions
- size = (data.pricing_test.questions.size / Float(2)).ceil
- data.pricing_test.questions.each_slice(size) do |group|
= partial 'includes/layout/question_group', locals: { group: group }
%h1 Still have questions? Get in touch.
= link_to 'Contact Sales', '/sales/', class: 'btn'
- data.pricing_test.plans.each do |plan|
- free = plan.id == 'free'
.modal.fade{ id: "#{plan.id}-modal", role: 'dialog' }
.modal-dialog{ role: 'document' }
%button.close{ type: 'button', 'data-dismiss': 'modal', 'aria-label': 'Close' }
%span{ 'aria-hidden': 'true' } ×
.title GitLab SaaS
.subtitle (We host)
.logo= partial 'includes/icons/free-trial-cloud.svg'
.setup No technical setup required.
.explanation If you don't want to worry about downloading and installing GitLab yourself.
- link_text = free ? 'Sign-up for free' : 'Purchase SaaS'
= link_to link_text, plan.links.hosted, class: 'btn btn-pricing'
.title GitLab Self-Managed
.subtitle (You host)
.logo= partial 'includes/icons/free-trial-self-managed.svg'
.setup Requires Linux Experience.
.explanation Download and install GitLab on your own infrastructure or in our public cloud environment.
- link_text = free ? 'Install GitLab for free' : 'Purchase Self-managed'
= link_to link_text, plan.links.self_managed, class: 'btn btn-pricing'