--- layout: free-trial title: Free Trial description: "Try all GitLab features - free for 30 days" extra_css: - pricing.css - free-trial.css extra_js: - tabs.js --- .gitlab-content.container .headline-container %h1.bold-headline.color-gray Try all GitLab features - %span.color-primary free for 30 days %p.margin-top10 GitLab is more than just source code management or CI/CD. It is a full software development lifecycle & DevOps tool in a %span.text-bold single application. %h4.question How do you want to try GitLab? .row.text-center .col-md-6.col-sm-6 .gitlab-type-image-container = partial "includes/icons/free-trial-cloud.svg" %h4.margin-bottom0 SaaS/Cloud - GitLab.com .lead.promo-text.light SaaS offering hosted by GitLab %p.text-left Select this option if you want to %span.text-bold quickly try the GitLab features & user experience and don't want to worry about downloading and installing it yourself. %a.btn.cta-btn.orange.margin-top20.start-trial{ href: "https://gitlab.com/-/trial_registrations/new?glm_source=about.gitlab.com&glm_content=free-trial" } Start your GitLab.com free trial .col-md-6.col-sm-6 .gitlab-type-image-container = partial "includes/icons/free-trial-self-managed.svg" %h4.margin-bottom0 Download & Install - GitLab Self-Managed .lead.promo-text.light Host your own instance on-premises or in the public cloud %p.text-left Select this option if you want to %span.text-bold download and install GitLab on your own infrastructure or in our public cloud environment. Note: GitLab Self-Managed requires Linux experience to install. %a.btn.cta-btn.orange.margin-top20.start-trial{ href: "./self-managed/" } Start your Self-Managed GitLab free trial = partial "includes/free-trial/features" = partial "includes/home/customer-logos-transparent" = partial "includes/layout/footer-blank"