layout: handbook-page-toc
title: "Sisense For Cloud Data Teams"
description: "Sisense For Cloud Data Teams at GitLab"
## On this page
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## Quick Links
[Sisense](https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/){:.btn .btn-purple-inv}
[dbt docs](https://dbt.gitlabdata.com/){:.btn .btn-purple-inv}
## Accessing Sisense
Everyone at GitLab has View-only access to [Sisense](https://app.periscopedata.com/app). Log in using [Okta](/handbook/business-ops/okta/). If you need elevated access, such as Editor permissions to create your own charts, create an [access request](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/team-member-epics/access-requests/-/issues/new?issuable_template=New+Access+Request). Also see the [user roles section](/handbook/business-ops/data-team/periscope#user-roles)
## Sisense Resources
* [Sisense Project](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-data/periscope)
* [Sisense Training](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FS5llpZlfvlFyYL-4kpP3YUgI98c_rKB/view?usp=sharing) (GitLab Internal)
* [Sisense Editor Training](https://drive.google.com/file/d/15tm_zomS2Ny6NdWiUNJlZ0_73THDiDww/view?usp=sharing) (GitLab Internal)
* [Sisense Data Onboarding: Creating and Analyzing Charts/Dashboards](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4FwRcKb95w&feature=youtu.be)
* [Getting Started With Sisense Data!](https://doc.periscopedata.com/article/getting-started)
* [Sisense Guides](https://www.periscopedata.com/resources#guides)
* [Sisense Community](https://community.periscopedata.com)
* [Documentation](https://doc.periscopedata.com)
## Self-Serve Analysis in Sisense
The goal of this section is to empower the reader to build their own Sisense dashboards that answer their questions about GitLab data. The examples given at the end are specific to the Product organization but are generalizable to any other team at GitLab.
### Sisense Basics
The first step to building your own Sisense dashboard is checking that you have the correct permissions.
After logging in to Sisense using Okta, you should see a `New Chart` button in the top right corner. If you don’t see anything, you only have View-only access and you should follow the instructions above to gain Editor access.
Once you can see `New Chart`, you can start creating your own dashboards! Find `Dashboards` on the left side nav bar and click the + icon to build one. Make sure to give it a name in order to keep our directory organized.
Once your dashboard is built and named, you can start adding charts by clicking `New Chart` in the top right. Now you’re ready to start writing queries.
### Finding the Right Data Sources
The next step to answering your data question is finding the relevant table(s) to query from. This requires knowing some background about our Snowflake data warehouse and the data sources which feed into it. There are 3 general types of data that we store in Snowflake: External, Internal Frontend, and Internal Backend.
##### External Data
External data is all of the data generated by third-party software we use at GitLab, but don’t store the production data ourselves. These sources include Salesforce, Zuora, Netsuite, Greenhouse, and BambooHR. We load this data into our data warehouse using APIs.
##### Internal Backend Data
GitLab.com is a Ruby on Rails app using a Postgres database on the backend. Each time a user on GitLab.com creates a new MR, issue, comment, milestone, etc., they create a new row in the database. The data team has written custom ELT to sync these Postgres tables into our data warehouse where they’re scrubbed for PII and made available to analyze.
For self-managed instances, we try to get weekly anonymized summaries of these backend databases using usage ping.
##### Internal Frontend Data
Additionally, we’ve enabled a tool called [Snowplow](https://snowplowanalytics.com) to track frontend interactions on gitlab.com. Snowplow has automatic page view tracking as well as form and link-click tracking. Snowplow sends metadata along with every event, including information about the user’s session and browser.
Note: Snowplow is also capable of capturing backend events but at the moment we’re primarily using it for javascript (frontend) tracking.
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What’s the difference between frontend and backend data? Backend data is data that’s already being preserved in the application database because it serves some purpose for the application (MRs, issues, pipelines). In contrast, the primary purpose of frontend tracking is analytics.
**dbt Documentation**
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Our [dbt Docs site](https://dbt.gitlabdata.com/) lists all of the tables available for querying in snowflake. Many of these are documented at both the table and column level, making it a great starting point for writing a query.
##### Discovery Datasets
Data discovery is a Sisense feature allowing users with limited SQL skills to create visualisations on specific data sets through a drag and drop interface.
We are currently testing this feature to understand its value. We have created some test discovery tests that are accessible to everyone in the company and allow them to build their charts without our assistance.
###### [Gitlab.com Usage data events ](https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/view/gitlab_dotcom_usage_data_events/5e2fdc7953d34c2f98397d275ffbf1f4/edit)
This dataset is created upon [this model, documented here](https://gitlab-data.gitlab.io/analytics/dbt/snowflake/#!/model/model.gitlab_snowflake.gitlab_dotcom_usage_data_events). Users will find all events performed by a specific namespace_id with extra metadata about this namespace.
Which questions you can answer with this dataset ?
* Average number of events performed during the first 14 days after namespace creation
* Average number of stages discovered during the first 14 days after namespace creation
* Cohort views
* How many CI pipelines are run daily ?
* How many paid namespaces are creating new milestones every month ?
We have created a dashboard that contains some examples of visualisations that can be achieved
To access this dataset, you have mainly 2 options:
* If you are on a dashboard, and you are granted with Editor Access, you can click on `New Chart` on the top right corner
* You can start create a new exploration by clicking on the compass icon on the left menu
Once the Chart editor is open, click on the `Discovery Button` as shown below

Find in the list menu the discovery dataset called `gitlab_dotcom_usage_data_events`

### Examples
**Question 1: **
We can use internal frontend data to answer this question since we're asking about page views. We can query Snowplow page views with like this:
Running this query in Sisense’s SQL editor will output a table in the chart section below the query. From there, Sisense offers you a variety of options for visualizing your data. A great way to learn about building charts is to watch this 10-minute [Data Onboarding](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4FwRcKb95w&feature=youtu.be) video from Sisense.
This shows that about 110K users create a merge request every month.
**Question 3: How many "users" convert from one trial form to another in the last 30 days? (Conversion Funnel)**
We can use snowplow CTEs to query the two steps seperately, then join them together.
WITH first_trial_form AS (
user_snowplow_domain_id AS user_id,
min_tstamp::DATE AS day_of,
min_tstamp AS sent_at
FROM analytics.snowplow_page_views_30 -- Change `_30` to `_all` if needed. For a custom date range, filter on derived_tstamp: `WHERE derived_tstamp BETWEEN '2019-10-01' AND '2019-12-01'
WHERE page_url_path = '/-/trials/new'
second_trial_form AS (
user_snowplow_domain_id AS user_id,
derived_tstamp::DATE AS day_of,
derived_tstamp AS sent_at
FROM analytics.snowplow_unstructured_events_30
WHERE event_name = 'submit_form'
AND page_url = 'https://gitlab.com/-/trials/apply'
COUNT(DISTINCT first_trial_form.user_id) AS "View first trial form",
COUNT(DISTINCT second_trial_form.user_id) AS "Submit last trial form",
COUNT(DISTINCT second_trial_form.user_id) * 100 / COUNT(DISTINCT first_trial_form.user_id) AS "Pct"
FROM first_trial_form
LEFT JOIN second_trial_form
ON first_trial_form.user_id = second_trial_form.user_id
AND first_trial_form.day_of = second_trial_form.day_of
AND first_trial_form.sent_at <= second_trial_form.sent_at
**Question 4: Which "status" tabs ('Open', 'Merged', etc) get clicked on the /merge_requests page?**
Similar to before, we can use snowplow data to measure the clicks and page views on the merge_requests page.
WITH link_clicks AS (
TRY_PARSE_JSON(unstruct_event):"data":"data":"elementId"::VARCHAR AS element_id
FROM analytics.snowplow_unstructured_events_30
WHERE event_name = 'link_click'
AND element_id IN ('state-closed', 'state-all', 'state-opened', 'state-merged')
AND page_url_path LIKE '%/merge_requests'
element_id AS "Tab Name",
COUNT(*) AS "Total Clicks",
COUNT(*) / (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM link_clicks) * 100 AS "Percent of Clicks"
FROM link_clicks
| Tab Name | Total Clicks | Percent of Clicks |
| state-merged | 200923 | 65.304300 |
| state-opened | 50291 | 16.345700 |
| state-closed | 31957 | 10.386700 |
| state-all | 24501 | 7.963400 |
Of all the clicks on these 4 tabs, 65% are to the "Merged" tab.
If we wanted to know how often these tabs are clicked *as a percentage of total page views* to the merge requests page, we would make a few modifications to the query:
WITH link_clicks AS (
TRY_PARSE_JSON(unstruct_event):"data":"data":"elementId"::VARCHAR AS element_id,
COUNT(*) AS total_clicks
FROM analytics.snowplow_unnested_events_30
WHERE event_name = 'link_click'
AND element_id IN ('state-closed', 'state-all', 'state-opened', 'state-merged')
AND page_urlpath LIKE '%/merge_requests'
page_views AS (
COUNT(*) AS total_views
FROM analytics.snowplow_unnested_events_30
WHERE event = 'page_view'
AND page_urlpath LIKE '%/merge_requests'
link_clicks.element_id AS "Tab Name",
link_clicks.total_clicks / page_views.total_views * 100 AS "Percent of Page Views"
FROM link_clicks
INNER JOIN page_views
ON 1=1
| Tab Name | Percent of Page Views |
| state-merged | 5.423417 |
| state-opened | 1.357480 |
| state-closed | 0.862600 |
| state-all | 0.661344 |
5 percent of page views on the merge requests page result in a click to the "Merged" tab.
### Sisense chart performance
If the Sisense chart has timed-out or is taking a long time to run, most likely, the SQL query used to generate the Sisense chart needs to be refactored for query optimization. Please [create an issue in the Data Team project](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-data/analytics/issues/new) for help.
## Official Badge for a Dashboard
Some dashboards in Sisense will include an Official Badge (similar to Twitter's Verified Checkmark).

That means these analyses have been reviewed by the data team for query accuracy.
Dashboards without the verified checkmark are not necessarily inaccurate;
they just haven't been reviewed by the data team.
Only members of the Data role can add or remove the Official Badge.
## Spaces
We have one Sisense [space](https://doc.periscopedata.com/article/spaces#article-title):
* GitLab
They connect to the data warehouse with different users- `periscope` and `periscope_sensitive` respectively.
Most work is present in the GitLab space, though some _extremely sensitive analyses_ will be limited to GitLab sensitive.
Examples of this may include analyses involving contractor and employee compensation and unanonymized interviewing data.
Spaces are organized with tags. Tags should map to function (Product, Marketing, Sales, etc) and subfunction (Create, Secure, Field Marketing, EMEA).
Tags should loosely match [issue labels](/handbook/business-ops/data-team/#issue-labeling) (no prioritization).
Tags are free. Make it as easy as possible for people to find the information they're looking for. At this time, tags cannot be deleted or renamed.
## Pushing Dashboards into Slack Automatically
Many folks will have some cadence on which they want to see dashboards;
for example, Product wants an update on opportunities lost of product reasons every week.
Where it is best that this info is piped into Slack on a regular cadence, you can take advantage of Slack's native `/remind` to print the URL.
If it does not appear that the dashboard is autorefreshing, please ping a [Sisense admin](/handbook/business-ops/#tech-stack) to update the refresh schedule.
## User Roles
There are three user roles (Access Levels) in Sisense: admin, SQL, and View Only.
The current status of Sisense licenses can be found in [the analytics project](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-data/analytics/blob/master/analyze/periscope_users.yml).
**Updating Users for Sisense**
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* Inject jquery into the console (from [StackOverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45042129/how-can-i-use-jquery-in-the-firefox-scratchpad)):
let jq = document.createElement("script");
jq.src = "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js";
jq.onload = function() {
//your code here
* To get list of all users from a list visiable in the DOM, run this in the console, replacing the class name with the actual label.
$('div.list_class_namer_replace_this').map(function(i, el) {
return $(el).text()}
### Administrators
These users have the ability to provision new users, change permissions, and edit database connections. (Typical admin things)
Resource: [Onboarding Admins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-cZgf6zzlQ&feature=youtu.be)
### Editor access
The users have the ability to write SQL queries against the `analytics` and `analytics_staging` schemas of the `analytics` database that underlie charts and dashboards. They can also create or utilize SQL snippets to make this easier. **There are a limited number of SQL access licenses, so at this time we aim to limit teams to one per Director-led team. It will be up to the Director to decide on the best candidate on their team to have SQL access.**
### View-only users
These users can consume all existing dashboards. They can change filters on dashboards. Finally, they can take advantage of the [Drill Down](https://doc.periscopedata.com/article/drilldowns) functionality to dig into dashboards.
### Functional Group Users
We have additional roles for further subdividing the Editor role. Certain charts should not be able to be edited by anyone. For example, the [Finance KPIs](https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/483606/) dashboard should only be able to be edited by members of the Data and Finance roles.
### Notes for when provisioning users
All users have View-only access privileges via Okta.
To upgrade a user, in the Sisense UI, navigate to the **Roles and Policies** section. Then add the user to the relevant group (Admin/Editor) and their functional group (e.g. Marketing, Product, etc.).
Users will inherit the highest access from any group they are in. This is why all functions are by default View-only.
## New Dashboard Creation and Review Workflow
This section details the workflow of how to push a dashboard to "production" in Sisense. Currently, there is no functionality to have a MR-first workflow. This workflow is intended to ensure a high level of quality of all dashboards within the company. A dashboard is ready for production when the visuals, SQL, Python, and UX of the dashboard have been peer reviewed by a member of the Data Team and meet the standards detailed in the handbook.
1. Create a dashboard with `WIP:` as the name and add it to the `WIP` [topic](https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/topic/WIP/aba9378487ff48cf8b6e1c5413f8a7e6)
1. Utilize the documentation of [dbt](https://dbt.gitlabdata.com) and the warehouse to build your queries and charts
1. Once the dashboard is ready for review, create an MR [in the data team project](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-data/analytics) using the Sisense Dashboard Review template. You do not need to make any changes, and this *should* be an empty MR.
1. Follow the instructions on the template
1. Assign the template to a member of the data team for review. If you don't know who to ping, use `@gitlab-data`.
1. Once all feedback has been given and applied, the data team member will update the text tile in the upper right corner detailing who created and reviewed the dashboard, when it was last updated, and cross-link relevant issues (See [Data Analysis Process](/handbook/business-ops/data-team/#-data-analysis-process) for more details)
1. The data team member reviewer will:
* Rename the dashboard to remove the `WIP:` label
* Remove the dashboard from the `WIP` topic
* Add the Approval Badge to the dashboard
* Merge the MR if they have permissions or assign it to someone with merge rights
* MR's can also be closed if there are no meaningful changes. In that case, the data team reviewer will add the label `Approved` to the MR before closing it
## Update to Existing Dashboard Workflow
This section details the workflow on how to make updates to existing dashboards that have already been through the Data Team Peer Review process. Once a dashboard is in production, incremental additions to the dashboard can be implemented by the Data Analyst and the DRI/Prioritization Owner without going through the entire New Dashboard Creation and Review Workflow. Please follow the below steps to update an exisiting dashboard.
1. Add `WIP:` to the title of the chart being updated. If a new chart is being added, add `WIP:` to the title.
1. Make changes to the existing chart or add a new chart in accordance with the SQL style guide and Sisense visualization best practices set forth in the New Dashboard Creation and Review Workflow.
1. Once the dashboard is ready for review by the DRI/Prioritization Owner, create a MR [in the data team project](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-data/analytics) using the Sisense Dashboard Review template. Ask the DRI/Prioritization Owner to complete their section of the MR located at the top. The Data Analyst should complete the Update to Existing Dashboard only section.
1. After the Business Stakeholder/DRI reviews and approves the update and you have completed the Update to Existing Dashboard checklist, you can remove the `WIP:` from the new or updated chart and close the MR.
## Requesting Automatic Dashboard Refresh
You can request for an [automatic dashboard refresh](https://doc.periscopedata.com/article/dashboard-refresh) by [creating a Data team project issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-data/analytics/issues/new?issue%5Bassignee_id%5D=&issue%5Bmilestone_id%5D=&issuable_template=periscope_dashboard_refresh). You can use the issue template to request an automatic refresh over a specified interval for one specific dashboard or a bulk list of dashboards.
## Embedding Sisense Charts in the Handbook
The business unit, not the data team, is responsible for embedding these charts in the handbook.
Sisense has great [embed docs](https://doc.periscopedata.com/article/embed-api) and chat support through the app. There are three main ways to embed charts or dashboard in our handbook.
### Hardcoded HTML
You can always hardcode HTML in any file type that accepts it. `.html` files are the obvious example. But markdown (`.md`) and embedded ruby (`.erb`) files also allow fallback to regular HTML.
#### Dashboards
It is quite easy to embed a whole dashboard in the handbook.
To embed a dashboard, you must first make it an [Externally Shared Dashboard](https://doc.periscopedata.com/article/share-dashboards#CreateShare).
Then, you can add `?embed=true` to the URL string to make it an embed link.
Plug the URL into the following:
We aim to make sure that the dashboard does not require scroll within the handbook, so you will need to adjust the height value appropraitely.
There is no way to do that programmatically.
#### Charts
Embedded charts in the handbook should always be generated using the `signed_periscope_url` helper function. This function will generate a signed URL for you automatically without needing a member of the data team to help you. This is especially convenient when experimenting with passing different data options to the Sisense API.
Note that your file must end in `.erb`. If you are working on a file which has a name `index.html.md` simply append `.erb` to create a filename of `index.html.md.erb`.
You simply pass the data as argument to the function. It can take any data required by the Sisense API, including sub-arrays and objects. The Sisense documentation has a [full list of options available for the embed API](https://doc.periscopedata.com/article/embed-api-options).