layout: handbook-page-toc
title: "Gemnasium Service Production Architecture"
The Gemnasium service used in Dependency Scanning is hosted in Google Cloud on a Kubernetes cluster.
## On this page
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## Architecture
{: #infra-prod-environment}
We are running the Gemnasium service on Kubernetes. The application runs on multiple pods which communicate through a NSQ service. The needed PostgreSQL DB
is provided by a Google Cloud SQL instance. The "web" pods receive HTTPS traffic directly, they serve API endpoints and a web UI.
### Production environment
{: #infra-prod-components}
[Source](https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1A7Uw4hVC1US_I6nEY79_mIyX1dnBegKyLhKjGkf70Mc/edit), GitLab internal use only
### High level component view
{: #infra-prod-components}
[Source](https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1AJ21B-6zgJAF_g8L_dhbdRtIuZ2XCSA1pY0f0u-Z9kQ/edit), GitLab internal use only
### Pods Definition
{: #infra-proposed-archi-pods}
[Source](https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1pSC4Y1rQeNNLVk9iudBjn0J6gY9QTBC7FAzaae3SpMI/edit), GitLab internal use only