layout: handbook-page-toc
title: Defend Stage
## On this page
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The defend stage is in the "Secure & Defend" sub-department (with the secure stage).
## Vision
Protect our customers' cloud-native applications, services, and infrastructure from the ever-evolving threat landscape.
### FY21 Vision
By the end of FY21:
* To give our customers increasingly better controls to defend themselves against attacks (and to help drive more revenue from more customers wanting these categories), we should successfully deliver on the maturity roadmap.
* All categories have customer use tracking enabled so we can accurately gauge customer acceptance.
* The (relatively new) defend development team is achieving all metrics that all development teams track (MR's per month per engineer, developer to maintainer ratio, etc.)
* The defend team has implemented one significant idea to improve the GitLab architecture overall (such as perhaps a framework and guideline for implementation of services).
* The defend team publishes >=2 blog entries on security trends to inform our customers, prospects, and the security industry as a whole.
## Mission
Launch GitLab developed security technologies and integrate open-source projects to provide security controls for customers.
Employ security controls for our customers at the container, network, host, and application layers.
Provide features to allow customers to manage their security risks effectively and efficiently.
For more details, see the [Defend stage](/stages-devops-lifecycle/defend/).
## Team Members
The following people are permanent members of the Defend Stage:
<%= direct_team(manager_role: 'Director of Engineering, Defend') %>
### Backend
<%= direct_team(role_regexp: /Engineer/, manager_role: 'Backend Engineering Manager, Defend') %>
### Frontend
<%= direct_team(role_regexp: /Engineer/, manager_role: 'Frontend Engineering Manager, Defend') %>
## Stable Counterparts
The following members of other functional teams are our stable counterparts:
<%= stable_counterparts(role_regexp: /[,&] Defend/, direct_manager_role: nil, other_manager_roles: ['Director of Engineering, Defend','Frontend Engineering Manager, Defend','Backend Engineering Manager, Defend']) %>
## Defend Team
The Defend Team is responsible for defending applications, networks and infrastructure from security intrusions. The team maps to the [defend](/handbook/product/categories/#defend) transversal page. You can learn more about our approach on the [Defend Vision](/direction/defend/) page.
## Open-source projects
The defend team makes use of a number of open source projects including:
* [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io/)
* [ModSecurity Web Application Firewall](https://modsecurity.org/)
* [OWASP ModSecurity Web App Firewall Rule Set](https://owasp.org/www-project-modsecurity-core-rule-set/)
* [Cilium Network Policies for Kubernetes](https://github.com/cilium/cilium)
<%= partial("direction/categories", :locals => { :stageKey => "defend" }) %>
## Defend YouTube Playlist
You can find demos of features, team meetings, release kick-offs, public group sessions, and more in the [Defend YouTube Playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL05JrBw4t0Kq4CHpCTMv3OdquJXm6ggYr).
## Issue Boards
We use the following Workflow Boards to track issue progress throughout a milestone cycle:
* [Threat Insights group](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/boards/364214?label_name[]=group%3A%3Athreat%20insights&milestone_title=%23started)
* [Container Security group](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/boards/364214?label_name[]=group%3A%3Acontainer%20security&milestone_title=%23started)
## Label Usage
If you are submitting an issue about a Defend Stage feature, use `devops::defend` and one of the following group labels. Doing this will get the issue in front of the most appropriate team members and will make it so that Defend Stage work is tracked appropriately for various metrics.
| Label | Use |
| -------------------------------------------- |-------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `devops::defend` | All issues related to the Defend Stage |
| `group::threat insights` | Vulnerability Management, UEBA, Responsible Disclosure |
| `group::container security` | WAF, Container Network Security, Container Behavior Analytics |
Additional labels should be added according to the [Workflow Labels Documentation](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/doc/development/contributing/issue_workflow.md#workflow-labels).
## Release process
Our release process is specified in this [project](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/release). The vulnerability database is [updated on a regular basis](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/#maintenance-and-update-of-the-vulnerabilities-database).
## Skills
Because we have a wide range of domains to cover, it requires a lot of different expertises and skills:
| Technology skills | Areas of interest |
| -------------------|---------------------------|
| Ruby on Rails | Backend development |
| Go | Backend development |
| Vue, Vuex, GraphQL | Frontend development |
| SQL (PostgreSQL) | _Various_ |
| Docker/Kubernetes | Threat Detection |
| Network Security | Container network security |
| Host Security | _Various_ |
## Engineering Grooming & Planning
We are constantly iterating on our [planning process](./planning/) as a team. To maximize our velocity and meet our deliverables, we follow a [grooming process for all issues](./planning/#grooming).
## Product Documentation Process
As the product evolves, it is important to maintain accurate and up to date documentation for our users. If it is not documented, customers may not know a feature exists.
To update the documentation, follow this process:
1. When an issue has been identified as needing documentation, add the `~Documentation` label and outline in the description of the issue what documentation is needed.
1. Assign a Backend Engineer and Technical Writer to the issue. To find the appropriate TW, search the [product categories](/handbook/product/categories/).
1. For documentation around features or bugs, a Backend Engineer should write the documentation and work with the technical writer for editing. If the documentation only needs styling cleanup, clarification, or reorganization, the Technical Writer should lead the work, with support from a Backend Engineer as necessary. The availability of a technical writer should in no way hold up work on the documentation.
[Further information on the documentation process](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/documentation/feature-change-workflow.html).
## Product Documentation Links
* [Web Application Firewall with ModSecurity](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/topics/web_application_firewall/#web-application-firewall---modsecurity)
* [Network Policies with Cilium](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/topics/autodevops/#network-policy)
* [Install Cilium Network Policies](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/clusters/applications.html#install-cilium-using-gitlab-ci)
## Highlights on how we operate
* We [disagree and commit](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/values/#transparency) when necessary.
* We decide on a [**D**irectly **R**esponsible **I**ndividual](/handbook/people-group/directly-responsible-individuals/) for a project or decision.
* We primarily rely on [asynchronous communication](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/communication/). However, we will rely on synchronous communication (such as [fast boot](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/fast-boot/) or similar) when asynchronous communication is not proving to be effective to make a decision.
* We document how decisions are made on which features will be in the secure stage and which will be in the defend stage in order to avoid confusion. _(Documentation WIP by product management)_
## Common Links
* [Defend stage issue board](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/boards/1241267?&label_name[]=devops%3A%3Adefend)
* [Defend stage calendar](https://calendar.google.com/calendar?cid=Z2l0bGFiLmNvbV9lZDYyMDd1ZWw3OGRlMGoxODQ5dmpqbmIza0Bncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t)
Slack Channels
* [#s_defend](https://gitlab.slack.com/archives/s_defend)
* [#s_defend-standup](https://gitlab.slack.com/archives/CQ29K6XR7)
* [#g_defend_container_security](https://gitlab.slack.com/archives/CU9V380HW)
* [#s_defend_threat_insights](https://gitlab.slack.com/archives/CV09DAXEW)
## How to work with us
While we love to get contributions from our users in the community, we also strive to attract talents in the Engineer teams of this stage to bring our product to the next level.
Check out our Defend promotion video to learn more:
Our open positions are listed on the GitLab [Jobs page](/jobs/apply/): Select "Defend" Under "Engineering", then "Developement".