layout: handbook-page-toc
title: Defend Planning
# On this page
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## How we do planning
To better ensure we are ready to start work on issues in each iteration, the planning process works as part of a monthly cadence. Since [GitLab releases ship](/upcoming-releases/) on the 22nd of each month, this schedule for the **current+1** release begins on the first week of the month when the **current** release is being executed.
### Week 0 / ONGOING: Planning Breakdown
*If release X.0 ships on April 22, then planning for release X.1 starts by the week of Feb 24-28*
Top priority issues from upcoming release milestones will go through **Planning Breakdown** with Product Managers (PMs), Engineering Managers (EMs) & Engineers from the respective groups at least ONE week prior to Week 1.
Weekly group-level syncronous meetings will facilitate this discussion.
The list of issues to be discussed will be provided by the PM at least 1 day prior to the meeting.
The expectation is that all attendees have reviewed the issues prior to the start of the meeting.
Questions to be answered:
1. Are requirements clear enough to understand intent of request?
2. Do we know the boundaries of work to be accomplished?
3. Is all research and solution validation complete?
If the answer is “No†to any of the above questions enumerate questions and assign back to PM.
If the answer is "Yes" to all of the above questions then team estimates **whether or not the issue can be delivered in a single iteration** (ignoring any other work that may be in that same iteration). If it's determined that the issue under discussion cannot be delivered within a single iteration the team works with PM to break it down into multiple MVC Issues that can each be delivered in an iteration, are independent "slices" of value that can be used by a customer (so no mocked UIs or backend-only work that is inaccessible), and when all delivered will completely fulfill the original issue's requirements.
* EM output: Once all of the above requirements have been satisfied the EM will add the `needs-grooming` label and assign the issue to an engineer for grooming.
### Week 1: Grooming
*If release X.0 ships on April 22, then Week 1 for planning release X.1 begins on or before the week of March 2-6*
Engineers [groom](#grooming) issues assigned in the **current+1** release. They are encouraged to ask questions and authorized to push back on PM if issues lack the information and/or designs required for successful grooming and execution.
* EM Output: move issues into the `workflow::scheduling` state once they have ensured a combined `weight` has been assigned taking into consideration frontend-weight & backend-weight labels as necessary.
#### *Why are we assigning issues for grooming?*
Issues are assigned to engineers to ensure we have focus on the highest-priority items, as determined by Product Management.
This is **not** an assignment to work on the issue, though there will be an effort made to make sure the engineer(s) who groom an issue will be the one(s) working upon it.
### Week 2: Release Scope DRAFT Complete
*If release X.0 ships on April 22, then Week 2 for planning release X.1 is March 9-13*
EMs and PMs complete a first pass of **current+1** release.
Rough scope of the release is defined based on the PMs **priorities** and EMs **capacity** estimations.
* EM Output: Issues selected for execution in the **current+1** release are moved into `workflow::ready for dev` state.
* PM Output: All issues for **current+1** release in the `workflow::ready for dev` state have been confirmed to be in the correct priority order.
### Week 3: Release Scope FINAL & Kickoff!
*If release X.0 ships on April 22, then week 3 for planning release X.1 is March 16-20. **Execution of release X.1 begins on March 18**!*
Scope of the next release is finalized by EMs and PMs.
* EM output: `Deliverable` or `Stretch` labels applied to issues for which we have capacity to achieve.
* PM output: Remove all issues lacking above labels from the next release.
* EM output: assignment of issues to individuals to work in the next release.
## Grooming
Backlog grooming is the most important step to ensure an issue is ready to move into development and that the issue will match everyone's expectations when the work is delivered.
The goal of the grooming process is to
* Identify and resolve outstanding questions or discussions.
* Raise any questions, concerns or alternative approaches.
* Outline an implementation plan.
* Ensure issue is ready to be worked on.
* Assign a weight to the issue.
### Grooming steps for Engineers:
1. Issues you need to groom will be assigned to you by your EM.
2. Backend/Frontend labels:
* If a backend engineer is required for the issue, ensure a `backend` label. Otherwise, remove any backend label, assign any relevant labels and you are done.
* If a frontend engineer is required for the issue, ensure a `frontend` label. Otherwise, remove any frontend label, assign any relevant labels and you are done.
3. Check the issue for completeness.
* Does it have the necessary designs?
* Is the functionality clearly articulated and is there a consensus or decision on how it should function?
* Are the technical details outlined?
* Has a consensus been reached or decision been made in areas of discussion?
* Are there dependencies? Call those out.
4. If the issue is not complete:
* Tag the relevant people that can help complete the issue and outline what is needed. Tag the appropriate EM and PM, so they know that the item can not be fully groomed.
* If you are unable to resolve blockers to your grooming within a reasonable amount of time (2-3 days dependign on size of initative) see [Failing Grooming](#failing-grooming).
5. Ensure the issue is fully understood.
* Update the issue description with the final description of what will be implemented.
* Update the issue description with an [implementation plan](#implementation-plan).
* Ensure the issue title is accurate for the work being done.
* Open up new issues for 'follow-up' work, or work that was forced out of scope.
6. Assign a [weight](#weights).
* If the issue requires both frontend & backend work apply the respective frontend-weight or backend-weight label.
7. Unassign the issue from yourself & reassign it to your EM.
When you are done grooming, anyone should be able to read the issue description and should know what the issue is solving, how it is solving the problem,
and the technical plan for implementing the issue.
In order for someone to understand the issue and its implementation, they should **not** have to read through all the comments. The important bits should be captured in the description as the **single source of truth.**
### Failing Grooming:
An issue should fail grooming if it can not be worked on without additional information or decisions to be made. To fail an issue:
1. Leave a comment on the issue that it can not be worked on, and highlights what still needs to be done.
2. Unassign yourself if you can not contribute further to issue at the current time.
3. Assign the `workflow::blocked` label.
### Weights
Weights are used as a *rough* order of magnitude to help signal to the rest of the team how much work is involved.
Weights should be considered an artifact of the grooming process, not the purpose of the grooming process.
It is perfectly acceptable if items take longer than the initial weight. We do not want to inflate weights,
as [velocity is more important than predictability](/handbook/engineering/#velocity-over-predictability) and weight inflation over-emphasizes predictability.
#### Possible Values
We are using the Fibonacci sequence for issue weights.
- 1: trivial task - can be completed in less than a day.
- 2: small task - can be completed in 1 day.
- 3: medium task - can be completed in 2-3 days.
- 5: large task - can be completed in 1 week.
- 8: extra-large task - can be completed in 2-2.5 weeks.
- 13: extra-extra-large task - will take someone the entire iteration to complete.
- Bigger: the task may be an epic in disguise and needs to be split up. The issue has failed grooming if it falls in this range.
The weighting system roughly aligns with other teams within GitLab. We deviate from the scales used by other teams to provide enough granularity in our planning process.
* [Plan:Project Management BE Team Capacity Planning](/handbook/engineering/development/dev/plan-project-management-be/#capacity-planning)
* [Create: Source Code BE Team Weights](/handbook/engineering/development/dev/create-source-code-be/#weights)
* [Geo Team Weights](/handbook/engineering/development/enablement/geo/#weights)
* [Enablement:Memory](/handbook/engineering/development/enablement/memory/)
## Implementation Plan
A list of the steps and the parts of the code that will need to get updated to implement this feature. The implementation plan should also call out any responsibilities for other team members or teams. [Example](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/5656#execution).
The goal of the implementation plan is to spur critical analysis of the issue and have the groomer think through what parts of the application will get touched
The implementation plan will also permit other engineers to review the issue and call out any areas of the application that might have dependencies or been overlooked.
## FAQs
**Q:** Should discovery issues be groomed?
**A:** Yes. Discovery issues should be groomed but some of the steps above may not be relevant. Use good judgement to apply the process above. The purpose of
grooming a discovery issue is to make sure the scope of the discovery is clear, what the output will be and that the prerequisites for the discovery are known
and completed. Discovery issues can have a habit of dragging out or not creating actionable steps, the grooming process should lock down what needs to be answered
in the discovery process.
**Q:** If an issue has both frontend and backend work how should I weight it?
**A:** Issues that require both frontend and backend work can be broken into [sub-issues as outlined in this document](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/issues/4588). If the size and complexity of the issue does not warrant breaking it down into multiple sub-issues then apply frontend and backend weights separately using their respective `frontend-weight` & `backend-weight` labels. The EMs will use those individuals labels to populate the combined weight field.