layout: handbook-page-toc
title: Secure Planning
## On this page
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## Grooming
Backlog grooming is the most important step to ensure an issue is ready to move into development and that the issue will match
everyone's expectations when the work is delivered.
The goal of the grooming process is to
* Identify and resolve outstanding questions or discussions.
* Raise any questions, concerns or alternative approaches.
* Outline an implementation plan.
* Ensure issue is ready to be worked on.
* Assign a weight to the issue.
The grooming process can break down the issue into technical subtasks by following the [sub-issue convention](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/issues/4588) but we should avoid redefining the scope of an implementation issue as this should have already been done during the Planning Breakdown with UX and PM.
### When grooming should be completed
Grooming should be an ongoing activity for all backend engineers. We aim to have 2 iterations in advance groomed.
Every engineer should be grooming at least 2 items per week, and should do this following the Monday team meetings.
* [Composition Analysis][ca]
* [Dynamic Analysis][da]
* [Static Analysis][sa]
* [Frontend][frontend]
[sa]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues?label_name%5B%5D=group%3A%3Astatic+analysis&label_name[]=workflow%3A%3Aplanning%20breakdown&label_name%5B%5D=backend&scope=all&sort=milestone&state=opened&utf8=%E2%9C%93&weight=None
[frontend]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues?scope=all&utf8=%E2%9C%93&state=opened&label_name[]=devops%3A%3Asecure&label_name[]=workflow%3A%3Aplanning%20breakdown&label_name[]=frontend&weight=None
### Steps:
1. Assign yourself the issue
2. If a backend engineer is required for the issue, ensure a `~backend` label. Otherwise, remove any backend label, assign any relevant labels and you are done.
3. Check the issue for completeness.
* Does it have the necessary designs?
* Is the functionality clearly articulated and there is a consensus or decision on how it should function.
* Are the technical details outlined? Has a consensus been reached or decision been made in areas of discussion?
* Are there dependencies? Call those out.
4. If the issue is not complete:
* Tag the relevant people that can help complete the issue and outline what is needed. Tag the appropriate EM and PM, so they know that the item can not be fully groomed.
5. Ensure the issue is fully understood.
* Update the issue description with the final description of what will be implemented.
* Update the issue description with an [implementation plan](#implementation-plan).
* Ensure the issue title is accurate for the work being done.
* Open up new issues for 'follow-up' work, or work that was forced out of scope.
6. Assign a [weight](#weights) and set the label `~workflow::scheduling`
When you are done grooming, anyone should be able to read the issue description and should know what the issue is solving, how it is solving the problem,
and the technical plan for implementing the issue.
In order for someone to understand the issue and its implementation, they should **not** have to read through all the comments. The important bits should be captured in the description, as the **single source of truth.**
### Failing Grooming:
An issue should fail grooming if it can not be worked on without additional information or decisions to be made. To fail an issue:
1. Leave a comment on the issue that it can not be worked on, and highlights what still needs to be done.
2. Unassign yourself if you can not contribute further to issue at the current time.
3. Assign the `~workflow::blocked` label.
### Weights
Weights are used as a *rough* order of magnitude to help signal to the rest of the team how much work is involved.
Weights should be considered an artifact of the grooming process, not the purpose of the grooming process.
It is perfectly acceptable if items take longer than the initial weight. We do not want to inflate weights,
as [velocity is more important than predictability](/handbook/engineering/#velocity-over-predictability) and weight inflation over-emphasizes predictability.
#### Possible Values
- 1: trivial task.
- 2: small task.
- 3: substantial task - will take more than a week.
- 5: large task - will take someone the entire iteration to complete.
- Bigger: task needs to be split up.
The weighting system closely aligns with other teams within GitLab.
* [Plan:Project Management BE Team Capacity Planning](/handbook/engineering/development/dev/plan-project-management-be/#capacity-planning)
* [Create: Source Code BE Team Weights](/handbook/engineering/development/dev/create-source-code-be/#weights)
* [Geo Team Weights](/handbook/engineering/development/enablement/geo/#weights)
* [Enablement:Memory](/handbook/engineering/development/enablement/memory/)
### Implementation Plan
A list of the steps and the parts of the code that will need to get updated to implement this feature. The implementation plan should also
call out any responsibilities for other team members or teams. An example: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/5656#execution
The goal of the implementation plan is to spur critical analysis of the issue and have the groomer think through what parts of the application will get touched.
The implementation plan will also permit other engineers to review the issue and call out any areas of the application that might have dependencies or
been overlooked.
### FAQs
**Q:** Should discovery issues be groomed?
**A:** Yes. Discovery issues should be groomed but some of the steps above may not be relevant. Use good judgement to apply the process above. The purpose of
grooming a discovery issue is to make sure the scope of the discovery is clear, what the output will be and that the prerequisites for the discovery are known
and completed. Discovery issues can have a habit of dragging out or not creating actionable steps, the grooming process should lock down what needs to be answered
in the discovery process.
**Q:** If an issue has both frontend and backend work how should I weight it?
**A:** Issues that require both frontend and backend work can be broken into [sub-issues as outlined in this document](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/issues/4588).