layout: handbook-page-toc
title: "Scalability Team"

## On this page
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## Common Links
| **Workflow** | [Team workflow](/handbook/engineering/infrastructure/team/scalability/#team-work-processes) | |
| **GitLab.com** | `@gitlab-org/scalability` | |
| **Issue Trackers** | [Scalability](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-infra/scalability) | |
| **Slack Channels** | [#g_scalability](https://gitlab.slack.com/archives/g_scalability) / `@scalability-team` | [#infrastructure-lounge](https://gitlab.slack.com/archives/infrastructure-lounge) (Infrastructure Group Channel), [#incident-management](https://gitlab.slack.com/archives/incident-management) (Incident Management), [#alerts-general](https://gitlab.slack.com/archives/alerts-general) (SLO alerting), [#mech_symp_alerts](https://gitlab.slack.com/archives/mech_symp_alerts) (Mechanical Sympathy Alerts) |
## Mission
The **Scalability team** is responsible for GitLab and GitLab.com at scale,
working on the highest priority scalability items in the application in close
coordination with **Reliability Engineering** teams and providing feedback
to other Engineering teams so they can become better at scalability as well.
## Vision
As its name implies, the Scalability team enhances the **availability**,
**reliability** and, **performance** of GitLab by observing the application's
capabilities to operate at GitLab.com scale.
The **Scalability team** analyzes application performance on GitLab.com,
recognizes bottlenecks in service availability, proposes short term improvements
and develops long term plans that help drive the decisions of other Engineering teams.
Short term goals include:
- Refine existing, define new, and document [Service Level Objectives](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service-level_objective)
for each of GitLab's services.
- Continuously expose the top 3 critical bottlenecks that threaten the stability of
- Work on scoping, planning and defining the implementation steps of the top critical
- Define and track team KPI's to track impact on GitLab.com and GitLab as an
## Team Members
The following people are members of the Scalability Team:
<%= direct_team(manager_role: 'Engineering Manager, Scalability')%>
## Team counterparts
The following members of other functional teams are our stable counterparts:
<%= stable_counterparts(role_regexp: /[,&] Scalability/, direct_manager_role: 'Engineering Manager, Scalability') %>
We work with all engineering teams across all departments as a representative of GitLab.com as one of the largest
GitLab installations, to ensure that GitLab continues to scale in a safe and sustainable way.
[The Memory team](/handbook/engineering/development/enablement/memory/) is a natural counterpart to the Scalability
team, but their missions are complementing each other rather than overlap:
| Scalability Team | Memory Team |
| --- | --- |
| Focused on GitLab.com first, self-managed only when necessary. | Focused on resolving application bottlenecks for all types of GitLab installations. |
| Driven by set SLO objectives, regardless of the nature of the issue. | Focused on application performance and resource consumption, in all environments. |
| Primary concern is preventing disruptions of GitLab.com SLO objectives through changes in the application architecture.| Primary concern is managing the application performance for all types of GitLab installations. |
Simply put:
- The Scalability team is focused on all work that affects GitLab.com SLOs.
- The Memory team is focused on general GitLab resource consumption and performance.
## How do I engage with the Scalability Team?
1. Start with an issue in the Scalability team tracker: [Create an issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-infra/scalability/issues/new).
1. You are welcome to follow this up with a Slack message in [#g_scalability](https://gitlab.slack.com/archives/g_scalability).
1. Please don't add any `workflow` labels to the issue. The team will triage the issue and apply these.
1. We use our [Workflow board](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-infra/scalability/-/boards/1290868) to track the workflow of issues.
## How does the Scalability Team engage with Stage Groups?
When we observe a situation on GitLab.com that needs to be addressed alongside a stage group, we first raise an issue
in the Scalability issue tracker that describes what we are seeing. We try to determine if the problem lies with the action
the code is performing, or the way in which it is running on GitLab.com. For example, with queues and workers, we will see
if the problem is in what the queue does, or how the worker should run.
If we find that the problem is in what the code is doing, then we engage with the EM/PM of that group to find the right path
forward. If work is required from that group, we will create a new issue in the gitlab-org project and use the [Availability
and Performance Grooming process](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/workflow/#process-1) to highlight this issue.
## How we work
### Prioritization Process
All work tracked by the team is compiled in the [Scaling GitLab.com epic](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-com/gl-infra/-/epics/148).
When we need to work in the [GitLab.org group](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org), we create a corresponding epic there and link it in the above epic's description (as epics are tied to groups, and we use more than one top-level group).
The diagram below describes how the work gets prioritized in the Scalability team, and added to the above mentioned epic:
graph LR
observe("๐ Observe")
style observe fill:#fed217,stroke-width:4px,stroke:#dddd
analyse("๐ฌ Analyse")
style analyse fill:#fec612
propose("๐ก Propose Improvements")
style propose fill:#fec612
triage("๐คน Triage")
style triage fill:#feaf09
devanddeploy("๐ฟ๏ธ Develop & Deploy")
style devanddeploy fill:#fea404
assess("๐ฆ Assess")
style assess fill:#fe9900
observe --> analyse
analyse --> propose
subgraph Scalability Issue Tracker
propose --> triage --> devanddeploy --> assess
*Note* If you are not seeing the diagram, make sure that you accepted all cookies.
The process contains 6 cyclical stages:
1. **Observe** - What is causing SLA and SLO degradations on GitLab.com? Monitor the 4 golden signals provided by general metrics (latency, traffic, errors, saturation) for each service, looking for SLA breaches (for latency, errors, saturation) and prioritising for the worst breaches
1. **Analyse** - Why is availability being reduced, do we have all information, and are our metrics sufficient? Investigate the major causes leading to reduction in availability on GitLab.com. What are the reasons for these degradations and outages? Investigate to understand the cause.
1. **Proposed Improvements** - Issue with a (partial, temporary or full, permanent) proposal is created on the Scalability tracker, with one or more additional issues in other trackers as required, including estimated SLA improvements for services affected. Improvements can be:
* Changes to the infrastructure
* Changes to the application
* Changes to our observability
1. **Triage** - Prioritise changes based on pre-defined set of [rules](#priorities) and according to expected availability improvements. Tickets can be either delegated to engineering teams via the infra/dev process, delegated to infrastructure (via TBD process), or implemented by the scalability team
1. **Development & Deployment** - The work on developing and ensuring that the change has no unexpected effects is executed by the owner defined in the previous stage.
1. **Assessment** - Assessment of the implemented change is done through retrospecting on the expected and observed state. The retrospective process is documented in an issue that is marked related to the original issue driving the change. Can we see the changes we expected following the deployment of this change? If not, why is this?
### Triage rotation
We have automated triage policies defined in the [triage-ops
project](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-infra/triage-ops). These
perform tasks such as automatically labelling issues, asking the author
to add labels, and creating weekly triage issues.
We currently have two weekly triage issues:
1. Board grooming - walk through the current project board and move
issues forward towards `workflow-infra::Ready` where possible.
2. `Service::Unknown` grooming - lists issues with `Service::Unknown`
with the goal of adding a defined service, where possible.
We rotate the triage ownership each month, with the current triage owner
responsible for picking the next one (a reminder is added to their last
triage issue).
### Project Management
We use Epics and Issue Boards to organize our work, as they complement each other.
We use Epics to group work per theme, and issue boards to organize work within the said theme.
The single source of truth for all work is [Scaling GitLab.com epic](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-com/gl-infra/-/epics/148).
This epic will contain past, future and present work the team is focused on, organised by theme such as service,
workflow, etc. optimization. Each of these themes has a single epic describing the overall work, and that epic will link
to additional epics and issues as necessary.
Example organization is shown on the diagram below:
graph TD
A[Scaling GitLab.com] --> B{Redis}
A --> H
subgraph Redis
B --> C[Observability Epic]
B --> D[Performance Epic]
B --> E[Feature Epic]
E --> F[Design issue]
E --> G[Implementation epic]
subgraph Web
H[Improvement Epic]
*Note* If you are not seeing the diagram, make sure that you accepted all cookies.
### Issues
Issue is being implemented if:
1. Issue has a team member assigned to it.
1. Assigned issue has a priority label set.
1. Issue has "~workflow-infra::In Progress" set.
Issue is resolved when:
1. The problem defined in the issue has been addressed.
1. Issue description is updated with a graph comparing before/after state (if applicable).
1. Issue has "~workflow-infra::Done" set.
### Issue boards
The Scalability team [issue boards](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-infra/scalability/-/boards/) track
the progress of ongoing work. Purpose of some of the more important issue boards
are described below:
1. [Workflow board](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-infra/scalability/-/boards/1290868)
- Tracks the whole team ongoing workload.
1. [Abandoned work board](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-infra/scalability/-/boards/1428754)
- Tracks the work that is not progressing.
1. Individual services board, for example [Sidekiq board](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-infra/scalability/-/boards/1428695)
- Tracks the workload for the individual service.
1. [Priority board](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-infra/scalability/-/boards/1428893)
- Tracks the workload based on issue priorities.
### Labels
The Scalability team routinely uses the following set of labels:
1. The team label, `team::Scalability`.
1. Priority labels `Scalability::`.
1. Scoped `workflow-infra` labels.
1. Scoped `Service` labels.
The `team::Scalability` label is used in order to allow for easier filtering of
issues applicable to the team that have group level labels applied.
The priority labels allow us to track the issues correctly and raise/lower priority of work based on both external and internal factors.
This means that the highest priority is given to working on issues that improve
Gitlab.com SLO's either immediately and directly, or by unblocking other issues
to achieve the same.
#### Workflow labels
The Scalability team leverages scoped workflow labels to track different stages of work.
They show the progression of work for each issue and allow us to remove blockers or change
focus more easily.
The standard progression of workflow is described in the diagram below:
participant triage as workflow-infra::Triage
participant proposal as workflow-infra::Proposal
participant ready as workflow-infra::Ready
participant in progress as workflow-infra::In Progress
participant under review as workflow-infra::Under Review
participant verify as workflow-infra::Verify
participant done as workflow-infra::Done
triage ->> proposal: 1
Note right of triage: Problem has been
scoped and issue has
a proposal ready for
proposal ->> ready: 2
Note right of proposal: Proposal has no
blockers and
work can start.
ready ->> in progress: 3
Note right of ready: Issue is assigned and
work has started.
in progress ->> under review: 4
Note right of in progress: Issue has an MR in
under review ->> verify: 5
Note right of under review: MR was merged
issue is completing
set of verification
verify ->> done: 6
Note right of verify: Issue is updated with
the latest graphs
and measurements,
workflow-infra::Done label
is applied and issue
can be closed.
*Note* If you are not seeing the diagram, make sure that you accepted all cookies.
There are three other workflow labels of importance omitted from the diagram above:
1. `workflow-infra::Cancelled`:
- Work in the issue is being abandoned due to external factors or decision to not resolve the issue. After applying this label, issue will be closed.
1. `workflow-infra::Stalled`
- Work is not abandoned but other work has higher priority. After applying this label, team Engineering Manager is mentioned in the issue to either change the priority or find more help.
1. `workflow-infra::Blocked`
- Work is blocked due external dependencies or other external factors. After applying this label, issue will be regularly triaged by the team until the label can be removed.
#### Priority labels
The Scalability team uses priority labels as a means to indicate order under which work is next to be picked up. Priorities are roughly defined as:
| Priority level | Definition |
| --------------- | ---------- |
| Scalability::P1 | Issue is blocking other team-members, or blocking other work. As soon as possible after completing ongoing task unless directly communicated otherwise. |
| Scalability::P2 | Issue has a large impact, or will create additional work. |
| Scalability::P3 | Issue should be completed once other urgent work is done. |
| Scalability::P4 | **Default priority**. A nice-to-have improvement, non-blocking technical debt, or a discussion issue. |
## Choosing something to work on
We work from our main epic: [Scaling GitLab on GitLab.com](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-com/gl-infra/-/epics/148).
Most of our work happens on the current in-progress sub epic. This is always prominently visible from the main
epic's description. From there, work takes place on the board associated to the current in-progress epic.
Priority labels take precedence; we don't use issue ordering in boards or epics for priorities.
Workflow labels to the right are higher priority than those to the left.