layout: markdown_page
title: "Third Party Vendor Security Review process"
## On this page
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## Process Overview
Security Compliance performs annual security reviews of vendors for corporate tools and services that may process GitLab data. As part of [New Vendor Evaluations](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/finance/procurement/#1-new-vendor-evaluation) and [Vendor Contract Renewals](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/finance/procurement/#2-existing-vendor-negotiation-for-renewals-and-true-ups), a security review will
will be required for all vendors and systems that will be processing, storing, and/or transmitting non-public data, which is all data
as Yellow or higher. Security Compliance identifies potential risks of the introduction of the third party to our environment and any compensating controls or processes if applicable. Security management approval is required for vendors processing Red data and vendors with major risks identified during the review. The output of the review is not meant to be a recommneded "yes" or "no" from security complaince. Instead, all risks identified from the review will be shared with the relevant stakeholders and for significant risks that are identified, a [risk exception must be filed](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/security/risk-management.html#risk-exceptions). The Security Compliance [runbook](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-security/compliance/compliance/blob/master/runbooks/Vendor_Security_Report_Review.md) and [security review template](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-security/compliance/compliance/issues/new#) outline the steps and criteria that are used when performing a vendor security review.
This vendor security review process is not meant to slow down the procurement process, but a certain amount of friction to this process is inevitable. The goal of the vendor security review is to identify and document all risks associated with the use of a vendor tool or service and to reduce the likelihood that GitLab data will be exposed or mishandled. This extra scrutiny is due to the fact that GitLab no longer controls our data when it is processed, transmitted, or stored by a third party. Refer to the decision tree below to determine whether a security review is required.
graph TD;
A[New Vendor or Contract renewal] --> B{"Will this vendor be used for
marketing purposes such as
events, programs, sponsorships
hotels, content, or creative
and professional services?"};
B --> |Yes| C["No Security Review is required
if non-public data will not be stored or
processed by the vendor as part of this contract
(i.e. any information not available in our
handbook). Right click this box and
open in a new tab to navigate to the
appropriate vendor contract approval
issue template."]
B --> |No| D[A Security Review may be required.]
D --> E{"Will non-public data
be stored or processed
by the vendor as part of
this contract? (i.e. any
information not available
in our handbook)"}
E --> |No| F[A Security Review is
not required.]
E --> |Yes| G["A Security Review is required.
Determine the type of data that
will be stored or processed per
our data classification policy
(red, orange, or yellow data).
Right click this box and open
in a new tab to navigate to
our data classification policy."]
G --> H{Is an NDA already in place?}
H --> |No| I[An NDA is required for any
vendor contract involving
non-public data. Right click this
box and open in a new tab
to navigate to the handbook
process for creating an NDA.]
H --> |Yes| J[Complete the vendor contract approval
issue template by right clicking this box
and opening in a new tab.]
J --> K[Reach out to the vendor contact and
request Security Documentation that
will be required for a Security Review.
Right click this box and open in a
new tab to navigate to an email
template that can be used.]
click C "https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/finance/issues/new?issuable_template=vendor_contracts_marketing_events" "Vendor Contracts Marketing Events Issue"
click G "https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/security/data-classification-policy.html#data-classification-levels" "Data Classification Policy"
click I "https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/finance/procurement/#1-new-vendor-evaluation" "Creating an NDA"
click J "https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/finance/issues/new?issuable_template=vendor_contracts" "Vendor Contract Approval Issue"
click K "https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/security/third-party-vendor-security-review.html#email-template-for-requesting-security-documentation" "Security Documentation email template"
style A fill:#e6e6e6
style B fill:#e6e6e6
style C fill:#a2f2a9, stroke:#0000ff, stroke-width:2px
style D fill:#e6e6e6
style E fill:#e6e6e6
style F fill:#a2f2a9, stroke:#0000ff, stroke-width:2px
style G fill:#e6e6e6, stroke:#0000ff, stroke-width:2px
style H fill:#e6e6e6
style I fill:#e6e6e6, stroke:#0000ff, stroke-width:2px
style J fill:#e6e6e6, stroke:#0000ff, stroke-width:2px
style K fill:#e6e6e6, stroke:#0000ff, stroke-width:2px
### Email template for requesting security documentation
You can help expedite this process by sending the following message to the vendor:
> Because the use of your tool or services requires the protection of GitLab data and/or there is a reliance on your tool or service to support various business/financial processes at GitLab, our Security Compliance team will need some additional information to ensure that controls in your environment provide reasonable assurance that processes we rely on are operating effectively and that our data is appropraitely secured. If you have gone through an independent certification for a SOC1 Type 2 or SOC2 Type 2, and have undergone a recent PenTest, please provide a copy of all these reports or summary of results. Additionally, if there are bridge letters available to supplement your SOC reports, please provide these so that our Security Compliance team can determine that there have been no major changes to controls over your environment between certifications. If you have not gone through these certification processes, please complete the GitLab Information Security Questionnaire and answer only the applicable questions. We appreciate your partnership in helping GitLab complete it's due diligence requirements.
### Vendor Documentation Decision Tree
In the event that the vendor cannot provide the above information, the following shows what documentation is required in order to complete this vendor security review process:
Does the vendor have an external audit report that shows how controls were tested and those testing results? (e.g. SOC1 Type 2 and SOC2 Type 2 reports, ISO 27001 audit reports, etc.)
* `If yes`, does the scope of that report cover the services that GitLab will be using?
* `If yes`, please please request these reports and share with the security compliance team for review. Also, please request a [penetration testing report](#recent-penetration-testing-report)
* `If no`, does the vendor have an external audit report that does cover these services?
* `If yes`, please request this report and share with the security compliance team for review. Also, please request a [penetration testing report](#recent-penetration-testing-report)
* `If no`, please continue through this decision tree
* `If no`, Does the vendor have a point in time assessment of the design of controls (e.g. CSA CAIQ self-assessment, SOC1 Type 1 and SOC2 Type 1, etc.)?
* `If yes`, please request this report and share with the security compliance team for review. Also, please request a [penetration testing report](#recent-penetration-testing-report)
* `If no`, please continue through this decision tree
Is the vendor willing to fill out GitLab's information security questionnaire so we can assess the maturity of their information security program?
* `If yes`, please share the [GitLab Information Security Questionnaire](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1isL6fkYX45Wb0BewozUPROnGgirmonTENFuBGapS_Xk/edit#gid=1307424571) with the vendor. Also, please request a [penetration testing report](#recent-penetration-testing-report)
* **Note: It can take vendors some time to complete these questionnaires so the earlier we start this process the better **
* `If no`, please complete a [risk exception](/handbook/engineering/security/risk-management.html#risk-exceptions) so we can document the fact that we are proposing to move forward with a vendor for which we have no insight into the maturity of their security program.
#### Recent Penetration Testing Report
Penetration testing reports have a very different scope and goal than audits of an information security program audit, but they are very useful when assessing the maturity of a vendor's information security program. The fact that a vendor has completed such a test indicates that they are operating a mature security program and are reducing the likelihood of a vulnerability existing in architecture or software. For this reason we request a copy of a recent penetration testing report as a part of all documentation requests as well as a current state of the remediations associated with any findings in that report.
#### What if a vendor is providing a security whitepaper instead?
Unfortunately, security whitepapers rarely give us all of the information we need. When a company generates these whitepapers they are always from the perspective of everything the vendor feels like they are doing well, but won't have any information about what controls are not in place or not yet mature. For this reason we won't accept whitepapers in place of audit reports or the GitLab Information Security Questionnaire, but the vendor can absolutely attach the whitepaper and reference any information in there when completing our questionnaire if that makes the process easier for the vendor.
## Vendor Security Reports Review
### Finance issue
When a Finance issue is opened for new services, there is a section for `Data Processing` that must be completed by the business owner requesting the service. This will initiate the secuity review which must be followed in tandem with the Contract and Approval Workflow. The instructions ask for security reports and certifications including SOC1, SOC2 Type 2, and the latest Penetration test. The label ~"SecurityReview::NotStarted" is applied by the template.
### Security Compliance intake and issue management
Security Compliance monitors the [Finance Security Review dashboard](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/finance/-/boards/1375804) for new requests. If the service or tool uses GitLab data classified as Yellow or above, the Security Compliance DRI will open a [Compliance issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-security/compliance/compliance/issues?scope=all&utf8=✓&state=all&label_name[]=Vendor%20Security%20Review)
using the [Vendor Security Report Review template](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-security/compliance/compliance/issues/new?issue%5Bassignee_id%5D=&issue%5Bmilestone_id%5D=). The scoped label "SecurityReview::" workflow will be used in the Finance issue through completion of the security review in the Compliance issue. If the review is blocked due to missing information from the business owner or documentation needed to perform this review, the corresponding label describing the delay is applied (with the prefix "SecurityReview_".) Once resolved the Finance issue label will then be updated to the appropriate scoped label beginning with "SecurityReview::". Information is requested from the vendor as needed to complete the review. Updates in the Finance issue must be kept current, along with the appropriate scoped label. The label ~"SecurityReview::Completed" is used once the Security review is finished and ready for Step 5 of the procurement template.
### Vendor Security Report Review
Reports and questionnaires returned by the vendor are [reviewed for noted exceptions and gaps](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-security/compliance/compliance/blob/master/runbooks/Vendor_Security_Report_Review.md). Exceptions are recorded according to the instructions within the template and shared in the original Finance issue. The Security Compliance DRI then selects the appropriate `Security Approval` in Step 5 of the template. If management approval is needed, the additional steps are followed to tag for review.
## Criteria
Security reviews are largely operating on a guidance basis where Security Compliance provides recommendations after reviewing reports based on identified risks. As specifications and requirements are identified by stakeholders, those will be added to this page as security guidance for sourcing.
## SLA
Security Compliance commits to a 3-business day SLA for completion when not waiting on input from the vendor. The scoped lables will be used to audit SLAs.
## Accepting risks identified during the procurement process
If the result of a vendor security review is either:
1. We were not able to get any security documentation from the vendor; or
1. We identified 1 or more findings that indicate the vendor's security program is not appropriately mature or has known flaws
then our findings will be presented to the Senior Director of Security for a final determination on whether or not that vendor can be approved from a security perspective.
If a GitLab team wants to move forward with a vendor without security approval, then a [risk exception](/handbook/engineering/security/risk-management.html#risk-exceptions) is required.
The purpose of this risk exception is to ensure that when GitLab leadership is approving of these risks, they do so with full context and insight into the tangible dangers presented by that risk to our team-members and customers. The output of this process also gives us a record to track organizational risk which is required in external audits.