--- layout: markdown_page title: "Authorization Matrix" --- For instruction on how to get approval to purchase goods or services see our [Procure to Pay Process](/handbook/finance/procure-to-pay/). ## Signing Legal Documents The table below designates team members that are authorized to sign legal documents, with the exception of NDAs covering a physical visit of another organization. When working with legal agreements with vendors, consultants, and so forth, bear in mind the [signature authorization matrix](/handbook/finance/authorization-matrix/). If you need to obtain approval for a vendor contract, please create a confidential issue in the finance issue tracker using our [Contract Approval Workflow](/handbook/finance/procure-to-pay/). For all other documents that need to be signed, filled out, sent, or retrieved electronically, please do your best to fill out the form using the handbook and [wiki](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/finance/wikis/company-information ) then e-mail it to `legal@` with the following information: 1. Names and email addresses of those who need to sign the document. 1. Any contractual information that needs to be included in the document. 1. Deadline (or preferred timeline) by which you need the document prepared (i.e. staged in [HelloSign](https://www.hellosign.com) for relevant signatures) 1. Include a link to the relevant issue in the body of the hellosign email message. 1. If the vendor insists on sending the document via electronic issue please provide them a link to include in the request. 1. Names and email addresses of those who need to be cc-ed on the signed document. The process that Legal will follow is: 1. Review the document and prepare as requested. 1. Have the requestor check the prepared document, AND obtain approval from the CFO or CEO (such approval may be explicit in the email thread that was sent to `legal@`, in which case a second approval is not needed unless there have been significant edits to the document). 1. Requestor shall stage the document for signing in HelloSign and cc (at minimum) `legal@`. 1. Once signed: a. For customer contracts, the Requestor needs to attach the document to the applicable Contracts Object in Salesforce, and fill out all applicable fields in the Contracts Object. b. For vendor agreements, Requestor will [file the document in ContractWorks](/handbook/legal/vendor-contract-filing-process/). ## Authorization Matrix Any change or amendement to the authorization matrix is approved by the Board.
Functional Approval(4) Financial Approval
Team Member Exec Team CEO Board PAO or VP, FP&A CFO Director of Legal / CLO
Operating Expenses and Vendor Contracts
Up to $25K Approves Approves/Signs
>$25K up to $100K Approves Approves/Signs
>$100K up to $250K Approves Approves/Signs
above $250K Approves (1) Approves(2) Approves/Signs
Capital Asset Additions
Up to $5K Approves N/A N/A
>$5K up to $10K Approves Approves
>$10K up to $100K Approves Approves
above $100K Approves (1) Approves(2) Approves
Legal Contracts
Standard Terms Signs Signs Signs/Approves
Changes to Standard Terms and Vendor Contracts Approves Signs Signs/Approves
Non standard terms > $0.5M annual revenue Approves Signs Signs/Approves
NDA - GitLab Template Signs Signs Signs/Approves
NDA - Third Party Signs Signs/Approves
Bad debt write-off
Up to $10K Approves Approves
$10K to $100K Approves Approves
$100K plus Approves Advised Approves
Compensation/Hiring - non-executive:
Initial hiring Budgeted Approves
Initial hiring Non-Budgeted Approves Approves
Use of Search Firm Approves
Increases (Budgeted) Approves Approves
Increases (Not Budgeted) Approves Approves
Bonuses Approves Approves
Commission scales Approves Approves Approves
Options Recommends Approves
Executive Compensation - All Approves(3)
Benefit changes
Approves Approves
Employee Travel & Entertainment
Non Billable Expenses:
Up to $5K Approves Approves
>$5K Approves Approves
>$50K Approves Approves
Transfer of funds among GitLab entities
Up to $500K Approves
Over $500K Approves(5) Approves
Treasury Management
Letters of Credit Approves
Guarantees Approves
Debt/Loan Financings Approves
Loan Renewals Approves
Investment Policy Approves
Equity Financings Approves
Opening Closing Bank Accounts Approves
Establish, liquidate, or change the legal status of an entity Approves
Acquire an entity Approves
Decisions to file a lawsuit or accept an injunction or consent decree (other than collection of receivables in due course) Approves
Decision to withdraw from/settle a lawsuit > $50,000 Approves
Hiring or terminating corporate counsel Approves
Amendment to subsidiary charter or by-laws Approves
Change to equity structure and option plans Approves
**Notes/Comments**: - (1) If in Plan - (2) If Not Included in Company Plan - (3) Approved by Compensation Committee (or Board if no Compensation Committee) - (4) Approval from [function](/company/team/structure/#table) responsible for supporting associated objectives and goals - (5) CEO review of transaction should ensure request submitted from member of accounting team and in-line with past practice. - (6) Recurring consumption operating costs on approved contracts do not require multiple approvals. Spend analysis is monitored on a quarterly basis against Plan. Approved costs in this category include hosting services for gitlab.com, bounty programs, lead generation ad placement spend. - (7) Only applies to approvals outside of the discount authorization matrix. ## Banking Controls - All accounts are to be established so initiator and approver must be different.