layout: handbook-page-toc
title: "Recruiting Metrics"
## On this page
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## Recruiting Metrics
The recruiting team pulls metrics reports each week, month, quarter, and year, as well as routinely for the People [Group Conversation](/handbook/people-group/group-conversations/).
### Diversity Lifecycle: Applications, Recruited, Interviewed, Offers Extended, Offers Accepted, and Retention
The recruiting workflow [metrics](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-data/analytics/issues/1215) specific to candidates who self-identified as coming from an [underrepresented group](/company/culture/inclusion/).
### New Hire Location Factor
The [average location factor](/handbook/people-group/people-operations-metrics/#average-location-factor) of all newly hired team members within the last rolling 3 month as of the end of the period. (Ex: If the current month is 2019-09-01 then the calculation pulls months 2019-06-01 to 2019-08-31).
Each division and department has their own new hire location factor [target](/handbook/people-group/people-group-metrics/#sts=Average%20Location%20Factor).
### Offer Acceptance Rate
The number of offers accepted divided by the number of offers extended in a given month. The offer acceptance rate target is > 0.9.
In other words, if 50 offers were extended in June, the offer acceptance rate is the total number of those offers accepted divided by fifty. If an offer is extended June 30 but accepted July 1, it is presented in June's offer acceptance rate. This means that last month's numbers may change slightly as offers are accepted in the beginning of the next calendar month. This analysis can be found on the [People Group Dashboard](https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/482006/People-Group-KPIs).