--- layout: handbook-page-toc title: "Integrated Campaigns" description: "GitLab Marketing Handbook: Integrated Campaigns" twitter_image: '/images/tweets/handbook-marketing.png' --- ## On this page {:.no_toc .hidden-md .hidden-lg} - TOC {:toc .toc-list-icons .hidden-md .hidden-lg} ## Integrated Campaigns The goal of GitLab integrated campaigns is to strategically land a cohesive message to a target audience across a variety of channels and offers dependent on the goals of the campaign. Content types include a combination of blog posts, webinars, whitepapers, reports, videos, case studies, and more. Channels include digital ads, social, paid social, SEO, PR, email, and more. **Marketing Program Managers** are responsible for the strategizing of integrated campaigns and organizing timelines and DRIs for deliverables to execute on the campaigns. In an effort to continually improve our ability to derive success of campaigns, reporting is a focus using Bizible data in Sisense. [Issue here for more information on progress](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/marketing/marketing-operations/issues/982) **Questions? Please feel free to ask in the [#marketing_programs slack channel](https://gitlab.slack.com/messages/CCWUCP4MS) or ask in the [#marketing slack channel](https://gitlab.slack.com/messages/C0AKZRSQ5) and tag @marketing-programs.** ## In Progress and Future Campaigns **[See Epic for FY21 Integrated Camapigns >>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-com/marketing/-/epics/749)** ## Active Integrated Campaigns ### 📌 Increase operational efficiencies **MPM Owner: Jenny Tiemann** * [Epic with tactical issues](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-com/marketing/-/epics/367) * [Live landing page](/just-commit/lower-tco/) * [Campaign brief](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H3pfX7nJk_LIF5tr_1ZnpPulyeCFT499Y3F8_qfWFPo/edit#heading=h.6jynaot9cbnq) * [SFDC campaign](https://gitlab.my.salesforce.com/7014M000000CyiL) ### 📌 Deliver better products faster **MPM Owner: Zac Badgley** * [Epic with tactical issues](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-com/marketing/-/epics/363) * [Live landing page](/just-commit/reduce-cycle-time/) * [Campaign brief](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dbEf1YVLPnSpFzSllRE6iNYB-ntjacENRMjUxCt8WFQ/edit) * [SFDC campaign](https://gitlab.my.salesforce.com/7014M000000Cyhm?srPos=0&srKp=701) ### 📌 Reduce security and compliance risk **MPM Owner: Megan Mitchell** * [Epic with tactical issues](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-com/marketing/-/epics/368) * [Live landing page](/just-commit/secure-apps/) * [Campaign brief](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NzFcUg-8c1eoZ1maHHQu9-ABFfQC65ptihx0Mlyd-64/edit) * [SFDC campaign](https://gitlab.my.salesforce.com/7014M000000CyeJ) ### 📌 Operation OctoCat **MPM Owner: Jackie Gragnola** * [Epic with tactical issues](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-com/marketing/-/epics/439) * [SDR & Sales enablement epic](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-com/marketing/-/epics/445) * [Live landing page](/compare/github-actions-alternative/) * [Campaign brief](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Mcy_0cwMsTPIxWUXPgoqw9ejsRJxaZBHi4NikYTabDY/edit#heading=h.kf9lglu57c0t) * [SFDC campaign](https://gitlab.my.salesforce.com/7014M000001lmdK) ### 📌 CI Build & Test Auto **MPM Owner: Agnes Oetama** * [Epic with tactical issues](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-com/marketing/-/epics/379) * [SDR & Sales enablement epic](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-com/marketing/-/epics/432) * [Live landing page](/compare/single-application-ci/) * [SFDC campaign](https://gitlab.my.salesforce.com/7014M000001lkp9) ### 📌 Competitive campaign **MPM Owner: Agnes Oetama** * [Parent epic with tactical issues](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-com/marketing/-/epics/10) * [SDR & Sales enablement epic](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-com/marketing/-/epics/85) * [Live landing page](/compare/single-application-ci/) * [Campaign Brief >>](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xtyv59PFUSkVSqOGj0oGpLYAppjV0-nUZiddIwjQPYw/edit?usp=sharing) * [SFDC Campaign >>](https://gitlab.my.salesforce.com/70161000000VxvJ) * [Meeting recordings >>](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1q5foxAX_Ezy6FGdLxKMXLwCpHkwxIRAA?usp=sharing) * [Meeting slide deck >>](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1eaMBQjXZ8v5R8KGEB1H_DZ4hPpML8heP5X6lq8a3Q_U/edit#slide=id.g2823c3f9ca_0_30) ## Past Integrated Campaigns ### Just Commit * [Parent epic with child epics and issues >>](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-com/marketing/-/epics/7) * [SDR & Sales enablement epic](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-com/marketing/-/epics/50) * [Former landing page (repurposed since close of the campaign)](/just-commit/) * [SFDC Campaign](https://gitlab.my.salesforce.com/70161000000VwZq) * [Meeting recordings >>](https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/147CtTEPz-fxa0m1bYxZUbOPBik-dkiYV) * [Meeting slide deck >>](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1i2OzO13v77ACYo1g-_l3zV4NQ_46GX1z7CNWFsbEPrA/edit#slide=id.g153a2ed090_0_63) ## Campaign Planning **There will be an epic for every campaign - created by the Marketing Program Manager managing the campaign - and a content pillar will align to the campaign, including gated assets to be created, pages to be created/revamped, blog posts, etc.** * The campaign will have a clear launch date * The new resources and webpages will have a clear due date prior to the launch date or defined for a cascading roll-out of content post-launch * All action items will have DRIs and a timeline, working back from the launch date * The campaign will be determined at least 45 days prior to launch to allow for a proactive, not reactive, timeline Ideally, campaigns will be agreed at least a quarter in advance to allow for ample planning and execution, prep time with agencies, creative concepting, and communication internally. This is a collaborative effort to deliver a cohesive program. #### Overall Campaign Steps * **Campaign and launch date is determined by Marketing Leadership** * **Assign:** Marketing Progragm Manager (MPM) is assigned * **Assign:** Marketing team leaders assign DRIs from their teams * **Meeting:** MPM organizes campaign kickoff call with early-stage DRIs (MPM, DMP, PMM, TMM) * **Meeting:** MPM organizes campaign brief call with early-stage DRIs (MPM, DMP, PMM, TMM) * **Plan:** MPM creates project plan (GANTT chart) with timelines and DRIs * **Plan:** Marketing Program Manager creates the epic and related issues, including the due dates and DRIs from project plan * **Meeting:** MPM organizes the bi-weekly 30 minute check-in call to cover milestones met and determine any blockers/at-risk action items * **Async:** *DRIs are responsible for delivering by their due dates, with timeline adherence being critical due to dependencies for later tasks to be completed by other teams* * **Reporting:** MPM organizes reporting issue with clear DRI to include overall metrics and more detailed drill-in by channel (one month post-launch) * **Optimization:** MPM creates issues for optimizing the landing page, channels, etc. and assigning to relevant DRIs ## MPM Epic Creation #### Overall Campaign Epic Creation ***The Marketing Program Manager owner of the integrated campaign will create the epic with the following structure - details and links to be added up on creation of documents and timeline defined.*** ``` ## 🙌 Overview of _[Campaign Name]_ Integrated Campaign Epic This is the parent epic, organizing the epics to and issues for the **[camaign name]** integrated campaign, launch date `TBD`. The related issues will be included below (upon rollout of the campaign) with _DRIs, due dates, and labels_ assigned appropriately. _Please see related issues for details related to their respective purposes - this epic will be used for high level communication regarding the integrated campaign._ ### [Campaign Execution Timeline >>]() - Owned by MPM ### [Campaign Brief >>]() `to be added once created` ### [Live Campaign Page >>]() `to be added upon launch when live` ### [Google Drive >>]() `to be added once created` ## 🔗 UTM for tracking URLs * Overall utm_campaign - `tbd`, i.e. **`utm_campaign=`** [determine UTM with DMP] * More on [when](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/marketing/marketing-sales-development/online-marketing/#url-tagging) and [how](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12jm8q13e3-JNDbJ5-DBJbSAGprLamrilWIBka875gDI/edit#gid=0) to use UTMs ## ⚡ Quick Links * [Marketo Program]() * [SFDC]() * [PathFactory Issue]() * [Design Issue]() * [Datastudio Dashboard]() ## 👥 Target persona **[Target Persona & Positioning Matrix]()** * **Level:** [to be filled in after kickoff call] * **Function:** [to be filled in after kickoff call] ## 📅 Key timeline dates * [ ] **[day of week] [ISO date]** - Campaign Brief Due * [ ] **[day of week] [ISO date]** - Persona/Positioning/Messaging Matrix Due * [ ] **[day of week] [ISO date]** - Content Journey Map Due * [ ] **[day of week] [ISO date]** - Imagery Concepting Final * [ ] **[day of week] [ISO date]** - Paid Ads Provided to Agency * [ ] **[day of week] [ISO date]** - Nurture + Pathfactory Live * [ ] **[day of week] [ISO date]** - Landing Page Live * [ ] **[day of week] [ISO date]** - Reporting V1 /label ~"Marketing Programs" ~"Content Marketing" ~"Digital Marketing Programs" ~"Product Marketing" ~"Strategic Marketing" ~"mktg-status::plan" ``` #### SDR Enablement Epic Creation ***The Marketing Program Manager owner of the integrated campaign will create the SDR enablement epic with the following structure - details and links to be added up on creation of documents and timeline defined. Name of the epic should be `Operation OctoCat - SDR & Sales Enablement`*** ``` # [See parent epic >>]() ## Key Links * :white_check_mark: **[Live campaign page >>]()** * :memo: **[Campaign brief >>]()** * :busts_in_silhouette: **[Persona / positioning matrix >>]() * :video_camera: [SDR enablement training video]() (WIP) ## SDR follow up process ### 🔔 About the inbound leads * **What did they do?** They filled out a form on the [campaign page]() * **What did they get from the form?** They will "" in a Pathfactory experience that provides like-minded content. * **Are they MQLs?** If filling out the form makes them reach the 90 point threshold, they will MQL. * **What if they don't hit the threshold?** They will receive additional related assets via a [bi-weekly email nurture campaign in Marketo](link-to-nurture-issue). As they engage more, their score increases toward the 90 point threshold. ### :information_desk_person: Great... so where do I see these leads in SFDC? In an effort to keep you focused on the prioritized lead and contact views, an **Interesting Moment** is triggered from Marketo. **Interesting Moment to Look For: ` Campaign - downloaded ""`** #### Please prioritize lead AND contacts views per normal SLAs: * [My P2 - MQL excl SaaS trials](https://gitlab.my.salesforce.com/00Q?fcf=00B4M000004oR0o) * [My P4 - MQL - Trial SaaS](https://gitlab.my.salesforce.com/00Q?fcf=00B4M000004oR0o) * [My P7 - Inquiry](https://gitlab.my.salesforce.com/00Q?fcf=00B4M000004oR0o) * [My P8 - Stale MQLs or Nurture](https://gitlab.my.salesforce.com/00Q?fcf=00B4M000004Zcsp&rolodexIndex=-1&page=1) with new last interesting moment *If they are in salesadmin / raw status / legacy AE owned, managers will monitor these leads for re-routing.* ### :large_blue_circle: MASTER|Inbound sequence for each region * [NORAM](add-link-to-outreach-noram) * [EMEA](add-link-to-outreach-noram) * [APAC](add-link-to-outreach-noram) **Note: These master sequences all have the same steps and copies, the only difference is the delivery schedules are aligned to each region's weekday business hours.* /label ~"Marketing Programs" ~"Strategic Marketing" ~"SDR" ~"mktg-status::wip" ``` Note: The Marketing Team owns content on marketing pages; do not change content or design of these pages without consulting the #dmpteam slack channel. Marketing will request help from product/UX when we need it, and work with them to ensure the timeline is reasonable. ## Sales Lead Funnel Cross-Over with All-Remote #### Diagram of sales lead funnel cross-over with all-remote Below is a V1 visual in Mural of the sales lead funnel (pre-opportunity) on the left and the all-remote funnel on the right. Discussion of how and when to "bridge the gap" between the funnels - potentially sharing GitLab audience-targeted offers within All-Remote communications - is included [in this issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/marketing/digital-marketing-programs/-/issues/2590).

Lead Generation Funnel + All-Remote Breakout by Jackie Gragnola

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