--- layout: handbook-page-toc title: "Code of Conduct Enforcement" --- ## On this page {:.no_toc .hidden-md .hidden-lg} - TOC {:toc .hidden-md .hidden-lg} ## Overview The Community Advocates team will contribute to enforce the [GitLab Code of Conduct](https://about.gitlab.com/community/contribute/code-of-conduct) on GitLab.com, to ensure we keep a positive, welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone to contribute. At this point, the Advocates team will engage in moderation if there is a discussion (generally on an issue or on a Merge Request) that requires urgent or a significant volume of moderation. ## Moderation process - As a general practice, comments will not be deleted - If a comment is deemed to violate the Code of Conduct, its content will be redacted - The redacted text will be based on one of the [templates](#templates) to justify the motivation for moderating the comment - Before starting the moderation process, a confidential issue will be created on the [Community Advocacy project](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/marketing/community-relations/community-advocacy/general/issues), to keep a track record of comments which have been edited out - During the moderation process, the original content of each comment considered to violate the CoC will be moved over as a thread on the confidential issue. Threads allow for discussion around the comment and feedback from topic or language experts - Threads opened on the confidential issue should include a link to the original public comment, the GitLab user name of the commenter, and the original comment (see [templates](#templates)). - Comments where the violation is unclear, or comments not in English will be marked for review on a subsequent moderation pass. Native language speakers in the GitLab team can help translate messages if necessary. - If a discussion is deemed to become too toxic to enable participation, it might be locked or made confidential. ## Notification As a further refinement, the e-mails sent to `conduct@gitlab.com` will be added to the Community Advocates' Zendesk instance on the next iteration of this process. ## Templates Please use these templates to replace public comments that violate the CoC. ### Thread on confidential moderation issue You can use this template to move over the original public comment's content to the private issue opened for moderation. ``` https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com//issues/#note_239807447 @username > (username's original comment) ``` ### Clear CoC violation Use this template where the comment is a CoC violation ``` *This comment has been removed for violating the following rule in our [GitLab Code of Conduct](https://about.gitlab.com/community/contribute/code-of-conduct), which is against Rule 3 in our [Terms of Service](https://about.gitlab.com/terms/).* > Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks. *Continuing to disregard our Code of Conduct will result in a ban of this account. For more information, please reach out to [conduct@gitlab.com](mailto:conduct@gitlab.com).* ``` ### Needs review Use this template where the comment needs further discussion to understand whether it is a CoC violation. You can discuss it with the other Advocates and ultimately decide whether the comment needs to be moderated or moved back to the original location. ``` Under Review *This comment is currently under review for potential violation of the [GitLab Code of Conduct](https://about.gitlab.com/community/contribute/code-of-conduct).* *For more information, please reach out to [conduct@gitlab.com](mailto:conduct@gitlab.com).* ```