--- layout: handbook-page-toc title: "Corporate Marketing" --- ## Welcome to the Corporate Marketing Handbook {:.no_toc} The Corporate Marketing team includes Content Marketing, Corporate Events, PR (Public Relations), All-Remote Marketing, and Design. Corporate Marketing is responsible for the stewardship of the GitLab brand and the company's messaging/positioning. The team is the owner of the Marketing website and oversees the website strategy. Corporate Marketing develops a global, integrated communication strategy, executes globally, and enables field marketing to adapt and apply global strategy regionally by localizing and verticalizing campaigns for in-region execution. Corporate marketing also ensures product marketing, outreach, and marketing & sales development are conducted in a way that amplifies our global brand. {: .note} ## On this page {:.no_toc .hidden-md .hidden-lg} - TOC {:toc .hidden-md .hidden-lg} ## Brand personality GitLab's brand has a personality that is reflected in everything we do. It doesn't matter if we are hosting a fancy dinner with fortune 500 CIOs, at a hackathon, or telling our story on about.gitlab.com...across all our communication methods, and all our audiences, GitLab has a personality that shows up in how we communicate. Our personality is built around four main characteristics. 1. Human: We write like we talk. We avoid buzzwords and jargon, and instead communicate simply, clearly, and sincerely. We treat people with kindness. 1. Competent: We are highly accomplished, and we communicate with conviction. We are efficient at everything we do. 1. Quirky: We embrace diversity of opinion. We embrace new ideas based on their merit, even if they defy commonly held norms. 1. Humble: We care about helping those around us achieve great things more than we care about our personal accomplishments. These four characteristics work together to form a personality that is authentic to GitLab team-members, community, and relatable to our audience. If we were `quirky` without being `human` we could come across as eccentric. If we were `competent` without being `humble` we could come across as arrogant. GitLab has a [higher purpose](/company/strategy/#mission). We want to inspire a sense of adventure in those around us so that they join us in contributing to making that mission a reality. ## Tone of voice The following guide outlines the set of standards used for all written company communications to ensure consistency in voice, style, and personality, across all of GitLab's public communications. See [the Blog Editorial Style Guide](/handbook/marketing/corporate-marketing/content/editorial-team/#blog-style-guide) for more. ### About #### GitLab the community GitLab is an [open source project](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/) with a large community of contributors. Over 2,000 people worldwide have contributed to GitLab's source code. #### GitLab the company GitLab Inc. is a company based on the GitLab open source project. GitLab Inc. is an active participant in our community (see our [stewardship of GitLab CE](/company/stewardship/) for more information), as well as offering GitLab, a product (see below). #### GitLab the product GitLab is a complete DevOps platform, delivered as a single application. See the [product elevator pitch](/handbook/marketing/product-marketing/messaging/) for additional messaging. ### Tone of voice The tone of voice we use when speaking as GitLab should always be informed by our [Content Strategy](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/marketing/blob/master/content/content-strategy.md#strategy). Most importantly, we see our audience as co-conspirators, working together to define and create the next generation of software development practices. The below table should help to clarify further:
We are: We aren't:
Equals in our community Superior
Knowledgeable Know-it-alls
Empathetic Patronizing
Straightforward Verbose
Irreverent Disrespectful
Playful Jokey
Helpful Dictatorial
Transparent Opaque
We explain things in the simplest way possible, using plain, accessible language. We keep a sense of humor about things, but don't make light of serious issues or problems our users or customers face. We use colloquialisms and slang, but sparingly (don't look like you're trying too hard!). We use [inclusive, gender-neutral language](https://litreactor.com/columns/5-easy-ways-to-make-your-writing-gender-neutral). ## Updating the press page ### Adding a new press release 1. Create a new merge request and branch in www-gitlab-com. 1. On your branch, navigate to `source` then `press` and click on the [`releases` folder](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/tree/master/source/press/releases). 1. Add a new file using the following format `YYYY-MM-DD-title-of-press-release.html.md`. 1. Add the following to the beginning of your document: ``` --- layout: markdown_page title: "Title of press release" --- ``` 5. Add the content of the press release to the file and save. Make sure to include any links. It is important to not have any extra spaces after sentences that end a paragraph or your pipeline will break. You must also not have extra empty lines at the end of your doc. So make sure to check that when copying and pasting a press release from a google doc. ### Updating the `/press/#press-releases` page When you have added a press release, be sure to update the index page too so that it is linked to from [/press/#press-releases](/press/#press-releases). 1. On the same branch, navigate to `data` then to the [`press.yml` file](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/blob/master/data/press.yml). 1. Scroll down to `press_releases:`, then scroll to the most recent dated press release. 1. Underneath, add another entry for your new press release using the same format as the others, ensuring that your alignment is correct and that dashes and words begin in the same columns. 1. The URL for your press release will follow the format of your filename for it: `/press/releases/YYYY-MM-DD-title-of-press-release.html`. ### Updating the recent news section 1. Every Friday the PR agency will send a digest of top articles. 1. Product marketing will update the `Recent News` section with the most recent listed at the top. Display 10 articles at a time. To avoid formatting mistakes, copy and paste a previous entry on the page, and edit with the details of the new coverage. You may need to search online for a thumbnail to upload to `images/press`, if coverage from that publication is not already listed on the page. If you upload a new image, make sure to change the path listed next to `image_tag`. ---- ## Design Read more about our brand guidelines in the [Brand and Digital Handbook](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/marketing/brand-and-digital-design/). ---- ## Speakers ##### For GitLab Team-members Attending Events/ Speaking - If you are interested in finding out about speaking opportunities join the #cfp Slack channel. Deadlines for talks can be found in the Slack channel and in the master GitLab [events spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16usWToIsD-loDQYpflaMiGTmERMYSieNj_QAuk5HBeY/edit#gid=1939281399). - If you want help building out a talk, coming up with ideas for a speaking opportunity, or have a customer interested in speaking start an issue in the marketing project using the [CFP submissions template](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/marketing/corporate-marketing/issues/new?issuable_template=CFPsubmission) and tag any associated event issues. Complete as much info as possible and we will ping you with next steps. We are happy to help in anyway we can, including public speaking coaching, and building out slides. - If there is an event you would like to attend, are attending, speaking, or have proposed a talk and you would like support from GitLab to attend this event the process goes as follows: 1. Contact your manager for approval to attend/ speak. 1. After getting approval from your manager to attend, [add your event/ talk](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/-/blob/master/data/events.yml) to the [events page](/events/) and submit merge request to Emily Kyle. 1. If your travel and expenses are not covered by the conference, GitLab will cover your expenses (transportation, meals and lodging for days said event takes place). If those expenses will exceed $500, please get approval from your manager. When booking your trip, use our travel portal, book early, and spend as if it is your own money. Note: Your travel and expenses will not be approved until your event / engagement has been added to the events page. 1. If you are speaking please note your talk in the description when you add it to the Events Page. 1. If you are not already on the [speakers page](/events/find-a-speaker/), please [add yourself](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/-/blob/master/data/speakers.yml). 1. We suggest bringing swag and/or stickers with you. See notes on #swag on this page for info on ordering event swag. ##### Finding and Suggesting Speakers and Submitting to CFPs - Speaker Portal: a catalogue of talks, speaker briefs and speakers can be found on our [Find a Speaker page](/events/find-a-speaker/). Feel free to add yourself to this page and submit a MR if you want to be in our speaker portal and are interested in being considered for any upcoming speaking opportunities. - If you have a customer interested in speaking start an issue in the marketing project using the CFP submissions template and tag any associated event issues. Complete as much info as possible and we will ping you with next steps. We are happy to help in anyway we can, including public speaking coaching. ##### Best practices for public speaking Below are some tips on being a better presenter. For an in-depth book that covers the entire speaking process, from submitting an abstract through preparing a structured talk to practicing and delivering read [Demystifying Public Speaking](https://abookapart.com/products/demystifying-public-speaking). 1. Use a problem/solution format to **tell a story**. Many talks, especially tech talks, talk about what they built first and then what the result was. Flip this around and [start with the why](https://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action). Why did you need to take the action that you did? Talking about what problems you were encountering creates a narrative tension and people will listen intently to the talk because they want to hear the solution. 1. **Drive towards an action**. Ask yourself, "What will people do once they hear this talk?" The answer can't be, "be more aware of this topic." By deciding what action you expect the audience to take you can build your talk to drive towards this action. Talks that motivate the audience to action are more engaging and memorable than talks that simply describe. Some good example answers are 1. Contribute to an open source project. 1. Implement the technology or process you've come up with 1. Follow the best practices you've outlined 1. **Practice how you play**. Practicing your talk is key to being a great presenter. As much as possible, practice exactly how you plan to give the talk. Sand up and pretend you are on stage rather than sitting down. If you'll demo, build the demo first and practice the demo. Even practicing while wearing the outfit you plan to wear can help. 1. **Give concrete examples**. Real life details bring a talk to life. Examples help people to understand and internalize the concepts you present. For each of your points try to have a "for instance." As an example, "We recommend using this script to delete old logs and free up diskspace. For instance, one time our emails lit up as users were complaining about slow performance. Some were reporting tasks hanging for over an hour when they should have completed in less than a minute. It turned out we were out of diskspace because we had verbose logging enabled. Once we ran the script we saw performance return to normal levels." 1. **Be mindful of your body language** when presenting as it will impact the way the audience perceives your presentation. Move around the stage purposefully (don't pace or fidget). Make natural gestures with your hands, and maintain good posture to convey confidence and openness which will help you to better connect with your audience. ### Customer Speakers In an effort to grow our engagement and connectivity with our community, we're pleased to offer a SPIFF incentive for our Sales (Sal's, TAM's, SA's, Professional Services), and Support Teams teams to get customers involved in speaking at any GitLab Commit Event. #### SPIFF criteria- only applicable for Commit our user conference series ##### The SPIFF will payout for each customer speaker submission that has the following criteria met - Customer industry is financial services, banking, insurance, telecom, federal government agency, software, or embedded software. - Customer market segment is large, strategic, or a startup in the top 500 ranking on [this list](https://www.startupranking.com/top/) - The proposed talk is for one of our top Corporate or Field Events (AWS, KubeCon, DOES, Open Source Leadership Summit, please connect with [Technical Evangelism](/handbook/marketing/technical-evangelism/) for others that might apply) - Customer CFP must be submitted before CFP closes and be reviewed by someone on the [Technical Evangelism](/handbook/marketing/technical-evangelism/) team before being submitted. - Speaker title must be director or above, and/or be a subject matter expert in their field and on the topic in question. ##### Eligibility - SAL, AM, AE, TAM, SA, and Support team members are eligible. ##### Payout - If the above criteria is met the payout will be $500 upon submission of the CFP. - We will pay out an additional $500 upon acceptance of talk. For ideas to help customers get their submissions accepted, see [How to Get Your Presentation Accepted (video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGDCavOCnA4) or schedule a chat with a [Technical Evangelism](/handbook/marketing/technical-evangelism/) team member. ---- ## Corporate Events ### Mission Statement * The mission of the Corporate Events Team is to: * Showcase the value and strengths of GitLab on all fronts * Deliver creative solutions to problems * Provide exceptional service * Build lasting and trusting vendor and internal relationships * Treat everyone like they are our most valued customer, including fellow GitLab team-members ### What does the corporate Events team handle? * **Sponsored events** (events with 5000+ attendees for NA, 3000+ for other territories and that also have a global audience (50% or more of audience is national or global). There are some exceptions. There are handful smaller events that we handle due to the nature of the audience, and the awareness and thought leadership positions we are trying to build out as a company). The primary goal is always driving brand awareness but that cannot be the only result. * **Owned events** * [GitLab Commit](/events/commit/), our User Conference * **Internal events** (Contribute-sized events) * [GitLab Contribute](/events/gitlab-contribute/), our internal company and core community event * We also serve as DRI for all internal Sales events- [SKO's](/events/sko21/), Force Management planning, Rewards Travel, SQS, QBR's. Must be above 25 people attending for corp events involvement. Please review our events decision tree to ensure Corporate Marketing is the appropriate owner for an event. If it is not clear who should own an event based on the [decision tree](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aWsmsksPfOlX1t6TeqPkh5EQXergt7qjHAjGTxU27as/edit?usp=sharing), please email events@gitlab.com. ### Corporate Events Strategy / Goals * **Brand** * For Sponsored Events: Get the GitLab brand in front of 15% of the event audience. 40,000 person event we would hope to get 4,000+ leads (10%) and 5% general awareness and visibility with additional branding and activities surrounding participation. * Human touches- Tracked by leads collected, social interactions, number of opportunities created, referrals, current customers met, and quality time spent on each interaction. * Audience Minimum Requirements- volume, relevance (our buyer persona, thought leaders, contributors), reach (thought leaders?), and duration of user/ buyer journey considered. * **ROI** * Work closely with demand gen campaigns and field marketing to ensure events are driving results and touching the right audience. * Exceed minimum threshold of ROI for any events that also have a demand gen or field component- 5 to 1 pipe to spend within a 1-year horizon. * Aim to keep the cost per lead for a live event around $100. * [ROI Calculator](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SAYGXysUHGXPKrTDFf9yRcQrh9TYNxR9_Ts6H9dq8JY/edit?usp=sharing) we aim to make 5x ROI on pipeline focused events but this can be used to estimate what return we might get on an event. * **Thought Leadership and Education** ### GitLab Commit User Conferences * [Link to 2019 Epic](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-com/marketing/-/epics/84) * [Link to 2019 Enablement](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-com/marketing/-/epics/259) * [Link to 2019 Slack Channel](https://gitlab.slack.com/messages/CK8HV2A10) * 2020 Updates Coming soon- [planning Epic](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-com/marketing/-/epics/668) * Onsite at Commit for GitLabbers: * You will be assigend one or multiple onsite tasks. It is crititcal you show up for your set duty and communicate any changes in your plans. Clean your schedule on the day of the event, as it will be a full day commitment. * Tasks include: * Track Scanning- it is essential you show up and stay for this if you are assigned. Our partners have paid to get leads form thir talks and it is our promise to provide said leads. All talk attendees must be scanned for this purpose. * Check in Support * Swag table * Questions/ help desk * Booth Duty (Hiring, UX, Support, Security, Demo) - do not leave the booth unstaffed. We have back up. Ask for helpo on coverage if you need it. * Dress code: casual to business casual. Wear what you feel comfortable in. No open toed shoes for safety reasons. * Team Travel * Team members may come in the day before the event and stay the night of the event. No additional days will be covered unless you have arranged a special circumstance with the Commit planning team. * We can only provide Visa support for speakers and extrenal attendees for this event series. * If you live within 60 miles of the event you will be asked to commute to the event unless you have a specific arrangement with tehe Commit planning team.
### Event Execution For event execution instructions, please see the [Marketing Events page](/handbook/marketing/events/#event-execution) for detail instruction and the criteria used to determine what type of events are supported. ### Best Practices on site at a GitLab event * [Employee Booth Guidelines](/handbook/marketing/events/#employee-booth-guidelines) * [Scanning Best Practices](/handbook/marketing/events/#scanning-best-practices) --- ## Swag ### Swag for Events - [see details on Events page](/handbook/marketing/events/#swag) All swag requests, creation and vendor selection is handled by the Corporate Marketing team. - We aim to have our swag delight and/or be useful. We want to create swag that is versatile, easy to store and transport. - As a remote company with team members in over 50 countries - our swag often has to go on miraculous journeys. - With this in mind we try to ship things that are durable, light and that will unlikely get stuck in customs. - We strive to make small batch, limited edition and themed swag for the community to collect. - Larger corporate events will have custom tanuki stickers in small runs, only available at the specific event. - Region specific sticker designs are produced quarterly. - Our goal is to do swag in a way that doesn't take a lot of time to execute -> self-serve => [web shop](https://gitlab.myshopify.com/) ### Community & External Swag Requests If you would like to get some GitLab swag for your team or event, email your request to `sponsorships@gitlab.com` (managed by the [community advocacy team](/handbook/marketing/community-relations/community-advocacy/#expertises)). In your request include: - expected number of guests - best shipping address - phone number - type of swag you are hoping for The swag we have available can be found on our online store. **Note**: It is recommended submit your request for swag at least **4 weeks in advance** from the event date or we may not be able to accommodate your request. ### Internal GitLab Swag Ordering: * Event Swag (for FM and community): To request GitLab swag for an event you are attending see instructions below. * The event must be 3 or more weeks away for all swag and material requests. Rush shipping is not an option. * NORAM Field marketing and Community Relations should email our contact at Nadel for event swag shipments. Let them know what you want, when and where you need it. They will send your parcel with a return shipping label to get any remaining items shipped back to their warehouse. We have a list of approved items with Nadel you can order from. Any new items must be approved by brand team for brand consistency - Nadel will email all final designs to brand team for approval. * Not in Field Marketing or Community Relations? You can place small event swag orders by emailing `sponsorships@gitlab.com`. Include the date needed, shipping address and items / volume desired. The request will be approved on the back end by the community team. All requests must be made 3 or more weeks out. You can expect a response within 5 business days. * Paper/Print Collateral: In order to be [efficient](/handbook/values/#efficiency), we do not make custom print assets for events. We avoiod printed materials because they are instantly out of date and to help support the efforts to reduce waste. * We have an event kit with a [banner and table cloth](/images/events/GitLabPopupBoothMarch2019.pdf). Contact `events@gitlab.com` if you would like to borrow this setup. You will be shipped this set along with a return label. * For larger swag orders (stickers in a quantity of 100 or greater), do not go through the swag store but rather use our [Stickermule](https://www.stickermule.com/) account or ping `dsumenkovic@gitlab.com`. Include address, date needed and order quantity in request. * If you have any issues with your order please email `events@gitlab.com` with your concerns. * GitLab team-member Swag - if you would like to order something from the GitLab swag shop we have a discount code you can use for 30% off (found in the channel description). Please see the swag Slack channel to get code to be used in the [store](https://shop.gitlab.com/) at checkout. * We have specific shirts available for customer meetings. If you feel you need one of these shirts please email `events@gitlab.com`. ### Returning Swag to Warehouse * If you have items that need to be returned to the warehouse please contact `events@gitlab.com` or find the FexEx account number in 1password to create a return label. Returns are only recommended if you have a very large number of items (50+) or a booth setup (banner, tablecloth, backdrop) that need to be returned. ### Swag for customer/ prospects * Anyone can request to send swag to customers, prospects, candidates, or partners by following the process outlined for external [Swag Requests](/handbook/marketing/community-relations/community-advocacy/workflows/merchandise-handling/#swag-requests). * Questions about the order process should be posted in the #swag Slack channel. A Corporate Marketing or Community Advocate will reply within 24-48 business hours. * Please review the following guidelines for what is appropriate to send based on customer deal size: | Deal Size, by License | Suggested Order| | ------ | ------ | | 50-100 | 2 shirts, up to 20 stickers | | +100-250 | 5 shirts, 1 camper mug, up to 100 stickers | | +250-500 | 2 shirts, up to 200 stickers | | +500-1000 | 10 shirts, up to 250 stickers | | +1000 | 1 hoodie or beanie, 20 shirts, 5 socks, max 500 stickers | * If you have additional questions on what is appropriate to send, please review [sending swag to customers parameters](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/sales/issues/144). * SA's, TAM's, and AE's should coordinate with their SDR to send swag to customers. * Each SDR with an account has a set budget of $50 to spend on sending swag and gift cards monthly. Mid market and SMB reps have $100. * All sends are tracked in SFDC, in either the physical or coffee swag campaign. * Orders placed for customers via the Printfection link are subject to change based on inventory availability and cost. * *NOTE:* Please keep in mind the [list of countries we do not do business in](/handbook/sales/#export-control-classification-and-countries-we-do-not-do-business-in). ### Swag Providers We Use * See [issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/marketing/general/issues/1554) for vendors we use and what we order from them. * Please direct swag vendor suggestions to the `#swag` Slack channel. ### New and Replenishment Swag Orders Corporate handles the creating and ordering of all new swag. All swag designs should be run past design (Luke) for approval before going to production. * If you need swag for an upcoming event complete the swag selection of the event template and corporate will be in touch on issue to complete request. Note: at least 6 weeks to produce anything new and 2-3 weeks to reorder current designs. * Triggers are setup in Sendoso to remind our account admins when balances and swag inventory is low. No need to ping anyone if you see inventory is low. * Reordering of inventory for internal swag requests is done by corporate team. See section above on swag providers we use for items not produced by Sendoso. ### Suggesting new items or designs * You can suggest new designs in the swag Slack channel or more formally in an issue in the [swag project](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/swag_suggestions). --- ## Social Marketing and Social Media Please consult the [Social Marketing Handbook](/handbook/marketing/corporate-marketing/social-marketing/). ## All-Remote Marketing ### Mission Statement The mission of GitLab’s [All-Remote Marketing](/job-families/marketing/all-remote-marketing/) team is to champion the company’s [all-remote culture](/company/culture/all-remote/) and initiatives. This involves close collaboration with corporate marketing (PR, corporate events), people group ([employment branding](/handbook/people-group/employment-branding/)) and [Diversity & Inclusion](/company/culture/inclusion/). ### Vision GitLab is an influencer and educator in remote work. It serves the community by creating valuable content that furthers the proliferation and ubiquity of [remote-first](/company/culture/all-remote/how-to-work-remote-first/) and [all-remote](/company/culture/all-remote/terminology/) organizations, while enhancing the operations of colocated and [hybid-remote](/company/culture/all-remote/hybrid-remote/) companies by sharing implementable remote-first practices. We believe that the remote principles relied on by GitLab are applicable even to colocated companies, and educating on pillars such as [asynchronous workflows](/company/culture/all-remote/asynchronous/) and [informal communication](/company/culture/all-remote/informal-communication/) can benefit all organizations. ### Evangelism materials If you are asked by peers for more information on how GitLab thrives as an [all-remote](/company/culture/all-remote/terminology/) team, please see the below. #### GitLab's Guide to Remote Work If you're wondering where to start, direct people to a blog post — [Resources for companies embracing remote work](https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2020/03/06/resources-for-companies-embracing-remote-work/) — which gives background and context, and lays out a logical flow of links for leaders and workers to follow as they learn. We've built The Remote Playbook, a curated eBook with GitLab's top advice for companies transitioning to remote. This can be downloaded via a prompt on the all-remote homepage, accessible at [http://allremote.info/](http://allremote.info/) In scenarios where you need a quick link to vocalize, tweet, email, or otherwise share, we have established a memorable redirect: http://allremote.info/ ("*All Remote Dot Info*") #### Presentations (slide deck) You may be asked to give a presentation on how GitLab works as an all-remote team, including requests that are specific to your role (sales, engineering, finance, people, etc.). In these instances, you're welcome to use [this Google Slides presentation](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/10TlUsukBrpluRkMqWgz5xA1sCAWGm-CHIUplNqQvDM0/edit?usp=sharing), `Thriving as a Remote Team: A foundational toolkit`. (This link is only viewable by GitLab team members.) A [suggested script](https://docs.google.com/document/d/16viV_819RhRtCb_SOJami3ctw7gcZoBMzT8ICIU_wX0/edit?usp=sharing) following this presentation is available for your use. For a video of GitLab's Head of Remote walking through this presentation to a group of founders, [click here](https://youtu.be/MVTvm4awuJ0). This presentation will serve as a guide to narrating the slides and connecting GitLab's approach to remote with the current reality of your audience. Other slide decks are below. * [GitLab remote work starter guide — adjusting to work-from-home for workers](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1n6y8sEUKGLdRuPAVN3cTBI3XnKPY_mFnEAi6E08f4qI/edit?usp=sharing) with [suggested script](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vUJ_Lks1O2kZuekPQMhadd2LjynH1n7b87A2FJmfcrA/edit?usp=sharing) * [GitLab remote work company emergency plan — what to do and where to start for team leaders](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1XC0eysmuImfvdTy81IVaZ98mRq_rX2IGX3j_CISWc04/edit#slide=id.g8164dec4ba_0_215) with [suggested script](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RgHTZ_eDEQrcMA_w8mkuxhjjslFH5gnGwbzccXX2S2Q/edit?usp=sharing) **Usage guidelines**: 1. Please make a copy of the presentation and script instead of overwriting the template. 2. Swap out existing names/headshots for your own. 3. Feel welcome to add a slide or two related to the specifics of the request. #### Teaching other companies how to go remote GitLab is unique in that every single team member is remote. All-remote is the common thread that we all share, regardless of what department we serve. This means that each GitLab team member is uniquely equipped to share best practices with other leaders and companies. The requests may be varied, from small firms looking to [unwind](https://youtu.be/MSj6-wC4f9w) their office strategy and go [all-remote](/company/culture/all-remote/terminology/), to multi-nationals which are looking to implement [remote-first](/company/culture/all-remote/how-to-work-remote-first/) best practices to account for more of their team working outside of the office (or in different offices). Regardless of the nuance in the request, here are the foundational areas that should be covered. Be sure to describe how GitLab implements these tactics using [low-context communication](/company/culture/all-remote/effective-communication/#understanding-low-context-communication), leaning on examples and detail such that a non-GitLab company can envision how such a tactic could be useful in their own organization. 1. **Set the stage**. GitLab is the [world's largest all-remote company](/company/history/#how-did-gitlab-become-an-all-remote-company), which is why our advice matters. 1. **Remote requires a different mindset**. All the tools and processes in the world will falter if leadership doesn't lead with **trust and transparency** rather than micromanagement and fear. 1. **Lead with data**. GitLab's [Remote Work Report](/remote-work-report/) surveys thousands of global remote workers. As leaders and team members grapple with going remote, this report provides insights on what matters to those who adopt this way of working, charting a path for building culture around autonomy and flexibility. 1. **Remote-first practices aren't just for remote companies.** Empathize with [challenges](/company/culture/all-remote/how-to-work-remote-first/). Offer up common issues that teams who are going remote will face. Although GitLab is [all-remote](/company/culture/all-remote/terminology/), we should make clear that our advice applies to colocated companies and [hybrid-remote](/company/culture/all-remote/hybrid-remote/) companies as well. 1. **How do I manage a remote team?** * What tools do we need? * How much communication is too much? * What is in charge of our remote transition? 1. **Guidance is about the here-and-now, but approach this for the long-term.** * Recognize that companies forced into work-from-home need communication gaps filled *now*. * The reason to do this with intention is that it will become a core part of a company's talent and operational strategy. * Remote de-risks a company, making it less susceptiable to socioeconomic swings and crises. 1. **Three biggest challenges!** * Workspace challenges and work/life separation. * Communications in a remote world, and keeping everyone engaged/informed. * Mindset and culture, leaning into the reality that change takes time, and a focus on iteration. 1. **How does GitLab do it?!** * This is your moment to showcase specific examples of how GitLab does things differently. If you are addressing an department-specific audience (sales, engineering, HR, finance, etc.), surface examples germane to that audience. * Prepare for minds to be blown. These things feel like second nature to GitLab team members, but are revolutionary to most. 1. **You must have a single source of truth** * It's not about blanket documentation. It's about working [handbook-first](/company/culture/all-remote/handbook-first-documentation/). * Start now! Designate a scribe if you have to. Start small, as an FAQ, and build it out. * Show an example of a handbook page — a great example is our [Communication page](/handbook/communication/). 1. **Asynchronous over synchronous** * Explain how GitLab requires each meeting to have an agenda and someone [documenting](/company/culture/all-remote/meetings/#document-everything-live-yes-everything). * Explain how meeting takeaways then need to be contextualized and [added to relevant handbook pages](/company/culture/all-remote/self-service/#paying-it-forward). * Explain how this added burden on meeting is a [forcing-function](/company/culture/all-remote/how-to-work-remote-first/) to work first in GitLab, and rely on a meeting as a last resort. 1. **"OK, but where do we start?"** * Start small, don't be overwhelmed. Get your executives out of the office and have EA's document the communication gaps that emerge. (Hint: *That's your priority list of what voids to fill*.) * Establish a team responsible for communication. Everything that comes next requires clear, frequent, transparent communication and an understanding of where to communicate and who are the DRIs for various functions. * Provide a feedback mechanism. [It's impossible to know everything](/handbook/values/#its-impossible-to-know-everything), so ask your team members what's missing in their remote approach. Prioritize those asks as you see themes forming. * Remind people that GitLab has two Getting Started guides: one for [leaders/companies](/company/culture/all-remote/remote-work-emergency-plan/), another for [workers](/company/culture/all-remote/remote-work-starter-guide/). 1. **Minimize your tool Stack**. The fewer moving pieces when transitioning to remote, the better. 1. **"But wait, I still need help!"** Fret not! GitLab's entire library of remote guides are available at http://allremote.info/ ("*All Remote Dot Info*") In case you as a subject matter expert are invited to write an Unfiltered blog post or create other written content, please feel free to make a copy of the ["Going remote in ____" blog post template](https://docs.google.com/document/d/199fWehOHX2tPUZgOLDIJUSjpTUOezqQXCtIFXo2uEng/edit?usp=sharing) and tailor based on your audience. #### How do I talk about remote? If you're looking for examples of the GitLab team describing our experience with remote work, have a listen at the podcasts below. * Customer Centric Podcast — [Darren Murph: home is where the office is](https://customercentric.unbabel.com/podcast/darren-murph-gitlab) * Bright & Early Podcast — [Darren Murph: Remote Work at GitLab](https://www.brightandearlypodcast.com/33) * Working Without Borders: The Get on Board Podcast — [Darren Murph on leading a remote culture at GitLab](https://medium.com/getonbrd/working-without-borders-s01e02-darren-murph-head-of-remote-at-gitlab-5567d7c634fd) #### Social media assets and guidelines [This is the issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/marketing/corporate-marketing/-/issues/1973) to get everything you need in order to evangelize remote work on your social media accounts. It includes: * Goals * Perspective * Hashtags to use * Topics to follow * Tips for writing your own posts * FAQ #### Approvals Any GitLab team member is welcome to offer 1:1 advice or consultations on remote work. If you're asked to give a broader presentation or webinar to a group, private or public, please create a new issue in Corporate Marketing per the instructions in [How To Contribute](/handbook/marketing/corporate-marketing/#how-to-contribute) with details of the request. An example of these details in an issue can be found [here](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/marketing/corporate-marketing/-/issues/2177). Once created, please tag `@jessicareeder` in a comment with a note that includes `Seeking Approval`. The all-remote team will be available to help direct if you feel unprepared, or pair the creator of the issue with someone else on the GitLab team if there's opportunity to add another layer of expertise (e.g. a DevOps expert, an HR expert, a Finance expert) depending on the company that's requesting. #### Other assets ##### GitLab Remote Work Report GitLab's [Remote Work Report](/remote-work-report/) sheds light on the current reality of remote work during a critical time in its global adoption. As leaders and team members grapple with going remote, this report provides insights on what matters to those who adopt this way of working, charting a path for building culture around autonomy and flexibility. For example, 86% of respondents believe remote work is the future and 62% of respondents said that they would consider leaving a co-located company for a remote role. Contrary to popular belief, we found that most remote workers aren't digital nomads, and 52% are actually likely to travel less than their office working counterparts. ##### Remote Work playlist on GitLab Unfiltered GitLab is a very [transparent](/handbook/values/#transparency) company. As such, our AMAs, webinars, and other conversations with team members and other companies are uploaded to a dedicated [Remote Work playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL05JrBw4t0Kq7QUX-Ux5fOunQotqJbECc) on the GitLab Unfiltered YouTube channel. ##### All-Remote on the GitLab blog * GitLab blog posts [in the `Culture` category](/blog/categories/culture/) * GitLab blog posts [tagged `remote-work`](/blog/tags.html#remote-work) ##### All-Remote Initiatives Parent Epic This [parent epic](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-com/marketing/-/epics/334) houses all corporate marketing campaigns, projects, child epics, and issues related to all-remote initiatives. ##### Images and illustrations This [repository](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/marketing/corporate-marketing/-/tree/master/design/web-design/about-gitlab-com/all-remote) is home to our all-remote images and illustrations. ### Our audience The audience we aim to reach with our all-remote initiatives is both internal and external to GitLab. It closely aligns with our employment branding audience, and expands to cover key segments in the investor and business communities. * Venture capitalists * Entrepreneurs * Business founders * Talent, recruiting, and HR leads * Media (business, lifestyle, workplace, finance) * Educators and researchers * GitLab team members * Job candidates and future team members * The broader GitLab community * People interested in remote work * Executives, Managers and HR that are finding a need for resources to support a remote workforce * Educators suddenly needing to support remote teaching * Industry analysts * People suddenly working remotely ### Key Messages for All-Remote #### GitLab: The Remote Strategy * GitLab is an [all-remote](/company/culture/all-remote/terminology/) company. Hiring managers are able to find candidates not limited to tech hubs like San Francisco, New York or Boston. * When you can hire around the world, you can pay market wages and offer people an at-market or above-market wage while still reducing costs for the company. * Without office rent, an organization [saves](/company/culture/all-remote/benefits/) a significant amount of money. GitLab, for example, has experienced rapid growth and would've had to move offices seven times in the last few years. We save a significant amount of money on rent, utilities, office equipment, and additional team members to manage the office. * GitLab has [grown](/company/history/) from 350 employees at the beginning of 2019, to over 1,200 employees across 65+ countries and regions currently. We chose the all-remote structure so we can hire people irrespective of location and we’re able to find the most talented people in the world rather than within a commutable distance. #### Best practices for managing teams and communications remotely **Managing your team** * Prioritize results over hours worked * Don't require people to have consistent set working hours or say when they're working * Don't encourage or celebrate working long hours or on weekends * Encourage teamwork and saying thanks **Communication** * Encourage people to write down all information * Allow everyone in the company to view and edit every document * Consider every document a draft, don't wait to share until it's done * Use screenshots in an issue tracker instead of a whiteboard, ensuring that everyone at any time can follow the thought process * Encourage non-work related communication for relationship building * Encourage group video calls for bonding * Encourage one-on-one video calls between people (as part of onboarding) * Host periodic summits with the whole company to get to know each other in an informal setting #### Connecting to GitLab's values of iteration and transparency **Iteration** * We do the smallest thing possible and get it out as quickly as possible. If you make suggestions that can be excluded from the first iteration, turn them into a separate issue that you link. Don't write a large plan, only write the first step. Trust that you'll know better how to proceed after something’s released. You're doing it right if you're slightly embarrassed by the minimal feature set shipped in the first iteration. * This value is the one most underestimate when they join GitLab. The impact both on your work process and on how much you achieve is greater than anticipated. In the beginning, it hurts to make decisions fast and to see that things are changed with less consultation. But frequently the simplest version turns out to be the best one. **Transparency** * Be open about as many things as possible. By making information public we can reduce the threshold to contribution and make collaboration easier. Use public issue trackers, projects, and repositories when possible. * An example is the public repository of our website that also contains our company handbook. Everything we do is public by default, for example, the GitLab CE and GitLab EE issue trackers, but also marketing and infrastructure. * Transparency creates awareness for GitLab, which allows us to recruit people that care about our values. It gets us more and faster feedback from people outside the company, and makes it easier to collaborate with them. It’s also about sharing great software, documentation, examples, lessons, and processes with the whole community and world in the spirit of open source, which we believe creates more value than it captures. ### Objectives and goals As detailed in GitLab’s public [CMO OKRs](/company/okrs/), GitLab’s All-Remote Marketing team seeks to elevate the profile of GitLab in the media and investor circles, positioning it as a pioneer of remote work. It will spread the story of GitLab’s global remote employees, remote work processes, transparent culture and the movement to remote work that GitLab has created. It also seeks to position GitLab as an innovator in the eyes of investors, a vital part of GitLab’s [public ambition to become a public company](/company/strategy/). * Leverage events to generate business interest and media coverage on GitLab’s all-remote culture * Form and foster relationships with other remote companies, creating unity in ramping up mentions and credibility for remote work * Position GitLab CEO Sid Sijbrandij as a thought leader in the space, utilizing [interviews, livestreams, podcasts and panels](/company/culture/all-remote/resources/#videos-podcasts-interviews-presentations) to raise visibility * Attract new [candidates](/jobs/) that embrace geographic diversity and place a high degree of value on an all-remote culture * Maintain and evolve an [all-remote web destination](/company/culture/all-remote/) focused on GitLab’s leadership in remote work culture in the context of the broader movement * Work with GitLab team members around the globe, as well as external remote advocates, to highlight remote culture [stories](/company/culture/all-remote/stories/) * Employ an ethnographic storytelling approach to document and share authentic, credible stories from the movement offering insights that can be applied to solve problems throughout the organization and also adopted by others outside of GitLab * Position GitLab (the product) as a key enabler of remote work * Develop strategy for mentoring, advising and consulting within the startup community to foster the creation of more all-remote companies * Leverage partners and friendlies in the all-remote space to cross-promote and amplify GitLab’s all-remote messaging across events, web and social media ### Channels #### Web The team's primary home for publishing informational guides and content is the [all-remote section of GitLab's handbook](/company/culture/all-remote/). This will be the preeminent home to all-remote content, positioned for consumption by media, investors, prospective customers and candidates. #### Video GitLab is a very [transparent](/handbook/values/#transparency) company. As such, our remote-centric AMAs, webinars, and other conversations with team members and other companies are uploaded to a dedicated [Remote Work playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL05JrBw4t0Kq7QUX-Ux5fOunQotqJbECc) on the GitLab Unfiltered YouTube channel. #### Events, panels, keynotes and webinars All-remote events should elevate GitLab as a thought leader in the remote work space, create new partnerships, generate leads and generate media interest/coverage. We will consider physical events, virtual events and events that combine an in-person presence with a livestream option. We believe that [all-remote is for everyone](/blog/2019/08/15/all-remote-is-for-everyone/), and that almost every company is [already a remote company](/company/culture/all-remote/scaling/#does-all-remote-work-at-scale). This includes all company sizes, from solo enterprises to multi-nationals, and geographies. Our event strategy should reflect this, offering education, insights, and actionable advice that applies to a wide spectrum of remote companies. Events should create an inclusive atmosphere, welcoming and beneficial to those who are not receptive to remote or are working in a company where remote is not feasible/acceptable. #### Social media We incorporate all-remote content on GitLab’s [social media](/handbook/marketing/corporate-marketing/social-marketing/) accounts, and are investigating a visual approach to new mediums that are aligned with culture and lifestyle stories. We are working with employment branding to surface relevant all-remote stories from GitLab team members to recruiting channels and review sites, such as Glassdoor, LinkedIn and Comparably. There are also a number of videos on GitLab's [YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/gitlab) that relate to working here: - [GitLab Unfiltered Remote Work playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL05JrBw4t0Kq7QUX-Ux5fOunQotqJbECc) - [Everyone can contribute](https://youtu.be/V2Z1h_2gLNU) - [Working remotely at GitLab](https://youtu.be/NoFLJLJ7abE) - [This is GitLab](https://youtu.be/Mkw1-Uc7V1k) - [What is GitLab?](https://youtu.be/MqL6BMOySIQ) ### Remote Work Report Beginning in 2020, GitLab is sharing important data that quantifies the state of remote work globally via the [Remote Work Report](/remote-work-report/). ### How to contribute To contribute an idea or proposal to further GitLab's all-remote mission: 1. Please put each new idea/topic in a new issue within [Corporate Marketing](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/marketing/corporate-marketing/issues/) 1. Put `Proposal: [IDEA]` as the subject 1. Add the label `mktg-status::triage` 1. Tag `@echin` and `@jessicareeder` ## PR (Public Relations) ### Mission Statement The mission of GitLab’s PR (public relations) team is to amplify GitLab's product, people and partner integrations in the media. ### Our audience The audience we aim to reach is external press/media. This includes business, lifestyle, workplace, finance, and beyond, using mediums such as print, digital, video, events, podcasts, etc. ### Objectives and goals As detailed in GitLab’s public [CMO OKRs](/company/okrs/), GitLab’s public relations team seeks to elevate the profile of GitLab in the media and investor circles, positioning it as a pioneer of remote work, increasing share of voice against competitors, and pulling through key messages in feature articles. * Leverage events to generate media interest in GitLab's people and products * Form and foster relationships with key reporters and publications * Position GitLab executives and subject matter experts as thought leaders in their areas of expertise * Increase GitLab's presence in media awards and accolades * Increase GitLab's contributed content * Work with social media team to cross-promote and amplify GitLab's media inclusions ### Contacting GitLab's PR team For external parties, please visit our [Get In Touch page](/press/#get-in-touch). For GitLab team members, please use the `#external-comms` Slack channel. ### Requests for Announcements This process allows us to decide on the best channel to communicate different types of updates and news to our users, customers, and community. Please follow the instructions below to request a formalized announcement around any of the following: - A new product feature and capabilities - A partner integration - A significant milestone achieved - A new initiative - A customer case study - Inclusion in an analyst report - A breaking change - A deprecation - A change in policy or pricing - A product promotion (launching or ending) - Something else? If you're not sure if your case applies, please follow the directions below anyway, so the team can assess how best to proceed. Please submit a request via an `announcement` issue template in the [Corporate Marketing project](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/marketing/corporate-marketing/issues) before opening an issue for a blog post, for example. In the issue template, you will be able to provide additional information on the proposed announcement. As a general guide, below the team has outlined three levels for announcements based on the type of announcements and suggested communications activities associated with each tier. The PR team will assess your request in the issue and determine how to proceed. If you are requesting a joint announcement and you are not part of the [Partner Marketing team](/handbook/marketing/product-marketing/partner-marketing/), please ensure you ping them on your issue. * **Level 1** - A level 1 announcement will be announced via a press release and amplified with social media and an optional blog post. The execution of a blog post will be determined by the blog editorial team on a case by case basis. If the editorial team agrees to have a blog, then the social amplification will be the blog link as it includes assets that are helpful in the link cards across social channels. If there isn't an associated blog post, the social amplification can be for the press release link or relevant news coverage of the announcement. (In this case, the DRI needs to ensure there is an associated image to use with the release link or would make the decision of which news outlet link to select for social amplification.) Example announcements and news include but are not limited to: major GitLab company news around funding, earnings, executive new hires, analyst firm industry awards, acquisitions/mergers, Commit announcements, major joint partner news (ex. a partner such as AWS or Google) and major customer announcement (ex. enterprise or government agencies). * **Level 2** - A level 2 announcement will be announced via a blog post and amplified with social media. The DRI/SME of the announcement will be responsible for working with the blog editorial team on creating the content and MR for the blog post (please see [the blog handbook](/handbook/marketing/blog/index.html#process-for-time-sensitive-posts) for more on this process). Example announcements and news include but are not limited to: partner integrations, new feature/capability highlights from the monthly release cycles (ex. Windows Shared Runners), customer case study announcement (not household names). * **Level 3** - A level 3 announcement will be announced and promoted via GitLab’s social media channels. Example announcements and news include but are not limited to: awards from media publications (ex. DEVIES), speaking opps that GitLab employees are participating in (drive attendees/awareness) and ecosystem partner integrations. * **Other** - In some cases, the following communications channels may be more appropriate: * A targeted email to affected users * Including an item in an upcoming release post (where the announcement is specifically tied to a release, does not require communication in advance of the release, and is not a sensitive topic) * A public issue (for example, to gather user feedback) *Note: If you are seeking feedback from customers or our community on a proposed change, our recommendation is to do so using a public issue on GitLab. See [the blog handbook](/handbook/marketing/blog/#posting-to-solicit-feedback) for more information.* ### PR review and media guidelines Speaking to media or on a podcast as a GitLab team member is a significant responsibility. If you are unsure whether or not you should accept a speaking opportunity or provide comment representing GitLab to a member of the media, please see below for guidance. #### Speaking opportunities If you are asked to speak on behalf of GitLab, consider reaching out to the PR and Technical Evangelist teams to ensure that the opportunity aligns with GitLab objectives. Inquiries should be initiated in the `#external-comms` Slack channel. #### Media mentions and interviews If you are asked to be quoted or to provide commentary on any matter as a spokesperson of GitLab, please provide detail of the opportunity to the PR team in the `#external-comms` Slack channel. In the event that a media member, editor, or publisher offers a draft or preview of an article where you are quoted, please allow the PR team to review by posting in the `#external-comms` Slack channel. The PR team will ensure that the appropriate GitLab team member(s) review and approve in a timely manner. #### Social media Please consult the [Social Marketing Handbook](/handbook/marketing/corporate-marketing/social-marketing/). If you are contacted on a social media platform and asked to share/retweet or provide commentary as a spokesperson of GitLab, feel welcome to provide detail of the opportunity to the social team in the `#social-media` Slack channel. #### Writing about GitLab on your personal blog or for external platforms You are welcome to write about your experience as a GitLab team member on your personal blog or for other publications and you do not need permission to do so. If you would like someone to check your draft before submitting, you can share it with the PR team who will be happy to review. Please post it in the `#external-comms` Slack channel with a short summary of what your blog post is about.