--- layout: handbook-page-toc title: "Outreach" --- ## On this page {:.no_toc .hidden-md .hidden-lg} - TOC {:toc .hidden-md .hidden-lg} ### Set-Up User set-up instructions can be found [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VJpZaoDoGtwN4Dp21g_OuhVauN2prHNyUtmIWKuROUY/edit#heading=h.v6blhaepsusl). ### Sequences Sequences are one of the main features of Outreach. Users can create a series of touchpoints in order to communicate and automate their workflows. We currently have two types of sequences. Master and personal. Master sequences are created to be shared and used across teams. Personal are for your own use. Naming convention for master sequences include the following: - MASTER - LOW or HIGH touch - Name of campaign - Region or language (NORAM, APAC, EMEA or Spanish, French, Russian, ect) Example: | **MASTER - HIGH - Just Commit - NORAM** When creating a new master sequence or shared event sequence, please tag marketing ops on the issue for QA review prior to enabling it. The sequence is reviewed to ensure it has the correct rulesets, tags, collections, throttles, variables and other settings. Personal sequences do not need to be reviewed unless you wish to have an additional pair of eyes on it. ### Sequence Settings You may choose the best delivery schedule and ruleset applicable to your goals. You may choose whether or not others can see and use your sequence or if you would like to keep it private. All sequence must have Throttle's enabled. This helps to stagger the volume of prospects moving through a sequence at one time. It is necessary to help prevent users from hitting the email provider's mailing limits. If you have too much volume this may result in you being kicked out of your email inbox by our provider. **Max adds per user every 24 hours are to be set up to 75.** If you need to request special sequence settings please reach out to Marketing Operations with your use case. ### Collections Collections are an easy way to group sequences, snippets, and templates that get assigned to user groups for easier access. Examples associated to our SDR groups include our `SDR Inbound 2020` and `2020 Events` collections. You may request new collections by opening an issue in the Marketing Operations Project. ### Rulesets - **Default** - Does not make tasks on your behalf. Prospects can be added to these sequences more than once, if not already active. prospects are not able to be added to other exclusive sequences, but can be added to a non-exclusive sequence. Updates prospoects to appropriate stages. Resumes out of office prospects after 5 days. - **Campaign** - Follows the same rules as the default settings except out of office are resumed 1 day after. - **Create Call Task** - Follows same rules as the default except it will create call tasks on opened emails. Minimum email opens needed: 2 - **Event** - Prospects can only be added to this sequence once. They are not exclusive to this sequence. Out of office are resumed 1 day after. ### Outreach Meetings The current meeting templates will sync to an SFDC event. |Meeting Type|Use Case|Notes| |----|----|----| |IQM (30)|For qualified prospects being sent from the SDR team to Sales to determine next steps with GitLab.| If no template is selected in the drop down this is the default meeting type used.| |Discovery Call (30)|To be used as an intro call for potential clients and qualify their needs.| |Evaluation Orchestration Call (25)|A deeper dive into a potential clients needs.| 25 minute evaluation.| |Evaluation Orchestration Call (45)|A deeper dive into a potential clients needs.|This is a longer duration at 45 minutes rather than 25.| |Pricing Call (25)|This is for potential clients who want to know about GitLab pricing. May also be used for renewal discussion with current clients.| Outreach is able to sync some custom information about these meetings into events including: |Event Field|Notes| |----|----| |`Subject`|If using a template the subject line is provided as the `Title` of the meeting. |`Description`|If using a template the `Description` is already filled in for you. If not it will be whatever you are writing to who you are inviting to the meeting. |`Location`|The zoom link associated to the meeting. |`Start Date`|Date and time the meeting is booked for. |`End Date`|Date and time the meeting ends. |`Name of Prospect`|This is the person who is attending the meeting. |`Owner of the Meeting`|Who the meeting is assigned to. |`Related Opportunities`|When booking meetings you can associate the event to an open opportunity. |`Outreach Meeting Type`|This displays the name of the meeting template used for the meeting. |`Booked By`|If you book a meeting on someone else's behalf this displays the name of the person who booked it. |`Attributed Sequence Name`|The last known sequence name will be brought over into this field.| |`Meeting Source`|The Source field will display one of two values (App or Sync) so that you can distinguish whether a meeting was booked through Outreach or if it was booked prior to connecting with Outreach and retroactively synced back to SFDC.| |`Meeting Cancelled`|Outreach can not delete events in SFDC. If a meeting is deleted within Outreach it will check the `Meeting Cancelled` checkbox.| | Outreach.io Call Disposition | Notes| |---|---| `Correct Contact: Answered`| The correct contact actully picked up the phone and you had a conversation with the contact| |`Correct Contact: Left Message`| You were able to reach the voicemail for the correct contact and you left a message on their machine or with their Personal Assistant | |`Correct Contact: Not Answered/Other`| You were able to reach the correct contact through a company directory but it kept ringing. You reached the contacts voicemail but their voicemail was not set up so you could not leave a message | |`Busy`|Get a busy tone when calling| |`Bad Number`|The phone number is not valid| |`Incorrect Contact: Answered`| The wrong person answered the phone number that you had for this contact and it is the wrong persons phone number (They were not a personal assistant). They didn’t take a message for the correct person or give helpful information| |`Incorrect Contact: Left Message`|The wrong person answered the phone and it is the wrong persons phone number (They were not a personal assistant). They took a message for the correct person/gave you the correct number for the contact| |`Incorrect Contact: Not Answered/Other`| You got through to the voicemail but the voicemail was for someone other than the person who you were trying to contact. Or the person was not listed in the company directory and you were calling the companies main number| ### Sending Email Using Outreach Outreach is **not** meant for mass communications nor bulk email sends it is intended for very targeted account and prospect communications. The Outreach platform is directly integrated to the GitLab Gmail account and each users email is linked through OAuth therefore all activity in Outreach has the potential to impact the IP reputation of the GitLab domain with all major email services providers. As such there are [sending limits built into the Outreach platform](https://support.outreach.io/hc/en-us/articles/205022518-Individual-Email-Limits-Safeguards) as well as [limits put in place by Gmail itself](https://support.google.com/a/answer/166852?hl=en). #### Sending Limits * Individual users can send up to 2,000 emails *combined* between Outreach and Gmail inbox in a rolling 24-hour period. * This is the maximum across both systems, if you max out in Outreach, you **will be** maxed out in Gmail. * Outreach has a **hard limit** of 5,000 emails in a rolling seven day period. * If you max out in Outreach, your emails will be queued to try again in 24 hours, when your account drops below this hard limit. ### Outreach Automation Outreach will automatically update SFDC `status` and `contact status` in these scenarios. | Trigger Name | Outreach Stage | SFDC Status | Status Reason | Conditions | |---|---|---|---|---| |01 - Operational - Added to Sequence - Accepted|`Added to Sequence`| `Accepted`| |Only if lead or contact status is `Raw`, `MQL`, or `Inquiry`. |01 - Operational - Added to Sequence - Accepted|`Attempting to Contact`| `Accepted`| |Only if lead or contact status is `Raw`, `MQL`, or `Inquiry`. |01 - Operational - Added to Sequence - Accepted|`Unresponsive - Added to follow up`| `Accepted`| |Only if lead or contact status is `Raw`, `MQL`, or `Inquiry`. |02 - Operational - Responded & SDR Engaged - Qualifying|`Responded`| `Qualifying`| |Only if lead or contact status is `Raw`, `MQL`, `Inquiry`, or `Accepted`. |02 - Operational - Responded & SDR Engaged - Qualifying|`SDR Engaged`| `Qualifying`| |Only if lead or contact status is `Raw`, `MQL`, `Inquiry`, or `Accepted`. |03 - Operational - Nurture - No Response|`Unresponsive`| `Nurture`|`No response` |Only if lead or contact status is `Raw`, `MQL`, `Inquiry`, `Accepted`, or `Qualifying`. |03 - Operational - Nurture - No Response|`Nurture`| `Nurture`|`No response` |Only if lead or contact status is `Raw`, `MQL`, `Inquiry`, `Accepted`, or `Qualifying`. |04 - Operational - Nurture - Accepted|`Added to Sequence`| `Accepted`| |This will trigger if a lead or contact is in status `Nurture` and is `Added to Sequence` again, in this scenario it will remove status reason of `No response`. |05 - Operational - Not Interested - Unsubscribe - Unqualified|`Not Interested - Unsubscribe`| `Unqualified`|`Unsubscribe` | |05 - Operational - Not Interested - Unsubscribe - Unqualified|`Do Not Contact`| `Unqualified`|`Unsubscribe` | |06 - Operational - Attempting to Contact - Bounce - Bad Data|`Attempting to Contact - Bounce`| `Bad Data`|`Bounced email` |