layout: markdown_page
title: "Public Sector Go To Market"
## Messaging
### **Booth Messaging / Tagline**
* **Accelerate Speed to Mission.**
*Deliver faster, better, more secure code.*
## Market-Resonating Themes & Use Case Positioning
*Note: The following themes and use cases should be viewed as sub-messages to the overall government imperatives of Digital Tranformation and IT Modernization.*
* **Speed & Efficiency**
- Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Security (*Use Cases: CI, CD*)
- Shorter time-to-value (*Use Case: CI*)
- Automating pipelines (*Use Case: CD*)
- Empowering the workforce / shift to higher-level work (*Use Case: End-to-End DevOps*)
* **Security**
- Proactive security integration (*Use Case: DevSecOps*)
- Data / code integrity (*Use Cases: SCM, DevSecOps*)
- Trust / confidence in pipelines (*Use Cases: CD, DevSecOps, GitOps*)
- Disciplined data / visibility (*Use Cases: SCM, CI, End-to-End DevOps*)
* **Team Collaboration** (*Use Case: End-to-End DevOps*)
* **Innovation**
- Cultivating innovation throughout the ecosystem (*Use Cases: SCM, End-to-End DevOps*)
- Open Source -> innersource -> INNOVATION (*Use Cases: SCM, Agile planning, End-to-End DevOps, Cloud Native*)
- Pre-empting disruption with pilots / prototypes / iteration (*Use Cases: SCM, Agile planning, End-to-End DevOps*)
* **Citizen Experience (CX) / Human-Centered Design** (*Use Cases: Agile planning, End-to-End DevOps*)
## Topic Focus for PubSec Segments
* **Defense & Intell Community:** "Speed to Mission" and hardened containers / CAC authentication / Security controls / Low-to-High import/export
* **Civilian:** “DevSecOps”, “IT Modernization”, and “Digital Transformation”
* **State & Local:** “DevSecOps”, “IT Modernization”, and “Digital Transformation”
* **Education:** “DevSecOps”, "Privacy", and "Security"
## SWOTT Analysis
## Personas (WIP)
*Note: Within government, titles are inconsistent, so assess for function instead of title when engaging with customers.*
### **Chief Enterprise Architect**
**Function:** Provides architectural leadership, vision, strategy; focused on single greatest organizational priority; may be responsible for all aspects of IT environment (infrastructure, cloud, platform, products, applications, integration, security, UX) and the entire chain of product delivery
**Mindset:** Values implementing standards & common processes that can be generalized across entire agency (adoption)
**Pain(s):** Getting independent teams to work together, culture shift, insufficient workforce skill set, too many moving parts, too much manual work, problems are very hard to diagnose
**Value Driver(s):** Transformation/Efficiency/Speed
**Differentiator(s):** Single app/Kubernetes/Collaborative experience
**Use Case(s):** SCM/Code quality/Speed & automation/DevOps results/Cloud native
**Key Messages:** Standardization across agency’s orgs/high-level, long-term strategy/transformation/future-proofing/people & skill set challenges
### **Director of IT**
### **DevOps Lead/Director**
### **Director of Security/CISO**
### **Program Manager**
## Content
Ungated asset links can be found on [this document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Yvqq-X2fcUgwSKC-UtIP7qLnywIs9BA65F5NgyR4PoQ/edit?usp=sharing).
* **Speed to Mission** (whitepaper)
- Gated link (for customers): https://about.gitlab.com/resources/whitepaper-speed-to-mission/
* **The Hidden Costs of DevOps Toolchains** (with guest speaker from Forrester)
- Gated link (for customers): https://about.gitlab.com/webcast/simplify-to-accelerate/
* **DevOps Powering Your Speed to Mission** (webcast)
- Gated link (for customers): https://about.gitlab.com/webcast/devops-speed-to-mission/
* **Mission Mobility: A DevSecOps Discussion** (webcast)
- Gated link (for customers): https://about.gitlab.com/webcast/mission-mobility/
* **VPAT Template**
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o6gCe2Se_Cuia-VsrUTdGvESNZVefyoqFAu1NY8rJpQ/
***Coming Soon:***
* **Government Matters Technology Leaders Innovation Series: Low-to-High Collaboration** (with Marc Kriz) (video)
* **GitLab and the USDS Playbook: Delivering on the Promise of Digital Services** (whitepaper)
* **Empowering Speed to Mission: A Step-by-Step Guide for Modernizing Government Agencies through DevOps** (whitepaper)
* DevSecOps: How Proactive Security Integration Reduces Your Agency's Risks & Vulnerability
* Application Security for the DevOps Lifecycle: The critical value of shifting security left (S&L focus)
* GitLab Security for the DoD & IC (DoD & IC focus)
* How to Build-In Collaboration Across Your Enterprise
* Empower Your Workforce: Automate Your DevOps & Shift to Higher Value Work
* Cross-Domain DevOps: Low-to-Side Collaboration through DevOps (DoD focus)
* Ways to Make Your DevOps Procurements More Agile
* Hardened Containers for the DOD Software Factory (DoD focus)
* Moving to the Cloud with Less Pain (S&L focus)
## Resources
* **Global PubSec Marketing Account Profile Template (outside of US)** (use this to compile account-specific knowledge to share with Marketing): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SUS0fbtVpvN4y44AT-BAiPAD32Bbq-hW-CSZco7uiUQ/edit
* **Global PubSec Speakers Bureau (outside of US):** https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1u47kBHDh9cqOuA683k0MxzwxrZmqobzR?usp=sharing