--- layout: markdown_page title: "BDR Onboarding Checklist" --- ## Checklist for Onboarding New BDR Hires Create issue for new hire in marketing with following checklist. ``` ### Week 1 1. [ ] Watch [Intro to Git](https://www.codeschool.com/users/sign_in) video 1. [ ] Watch the [Vision Demo](/handbook/sales/vision-demo/): Idea to Production 1. [ ] Read [GitLab Direction](/direction/) 1. [ ] Read the [Handbook](/handbook/) 1. [ ] Study GLU: [GitLab University](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/university/) 1. [ ] Create an email signature [Sample](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NvfC4a26G0WZwxB1K2oeXyGvI0DGqy-LbTKa9iPP6kU/edit) 1. [ ] Open Salesforce welcome email and activate account 1. [ ] Open Collabspot welcome email and activate account 1. [ ] Schedule time with your assigned mentor 1. [ ] Complete [General Onboarding Issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/people-group/employment-templates-2/blob/master/.gitlab/issue_templates/onboarding.md) #### By the end of your first week you should (know) and be able to do the following: - What is GitLab (from a high level) - Create and assign merge requests (from your onboarding issue) - Sign in to SFDC (Salesforce.com) - Sign in to Linkedin ### Week 2 #### Training 1. [ ] Study [GitLab University](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/university/) 1. [ ] SFDC Training TBD 1. [ ] [Sales Process](/handbook/sales/) and [Qualification](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GR0v4cvBYUoTSn66kVAqzY5q_imWbDWW4ifo7ag6Gow/edit#heading=h.ebl8fraqpynv) 1. [ ] Prospecting 101 by Scheduled Chet ### For Inbound BDR's 1. [ ] Message 200 inbound leads that you'll receive starting this working week 1. [ ] Add these suggested [canned responses](https://docs.google.com/a/gitlab.com/document/d/1EektuIAJKo9fBe-EiAnPR3BHhlkdaWE4wqG2z3QuP5o/edit?usp=sharing) to your gmail for quick replies 1. [ ] Create SFDC tasks for the leads you choose to work 1. [ ] Create a task list in SFDC of at least 15 leads 1. [ ] Shadow 3 Inbound BDRs for one hour (See [Team Page](/company/team/)) #### Metrics 1. [ ] Convert your first SQL 1. [ ] Make 25 Prospecting Calls 1. [ ] Send 25 Prospecting Emails ### For Outbound BDR's 1. [ ] Mine 5 leads each day using Linkedin Sales Navigator and Inside View then add them as contacts to SFDC 1. [ ] Create tasks for each contact 1. [ ] Create a task list in SFDC of at least 25 contacts/leads 1. [ ] Shadow 3 Outbound BDRs for one hour (See [Team Page](/company/team/)) #### Metrics 1. [ ] Make 50 Prospecting Calls 1. [ ] Send 25 Prospecting Calls 1. [ ] Add 25 New contacts to your task list 1. [ ] Convert first SQL #### By the end of your second week you should (know) and be able to do the following: - Create tasks for leads within SFDC (inbound) - Maintain a task list of at least 15 leads (inbound) - How to manage your task list in SFDC - Create and add contacts to SFDC (outbound) - Craft a basic response email - Be assigned a list of accounts to work by your Team lead (outbound) ### Week 3 #### Training 1. [ ] Study [GitLab University](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/university/) 1. [ ] Manager Session 1. [ ] BDR Ongoing Training (Friday) ### For Inbound BDR's #### To Do List 1. [ ] Start receiving live leads 1. [ ] Schedule time with 3 AE's to collaborate and learn about lead management **Note** There is no agenda for this meeting, attend prepared with questions 1. [ ] Develop a healthy task list of at least 25 leads to target 1. [ ] Sit in on three discovery calls with the AE's (See [Team Page](/company/team/)) #### Metrics 1. [ ] Generate three SQLs 1. [ ] Send 50 Prospecting Emails (See Endnote [1](#end1)) ### For Outbound BDR's #### To Do List 1. [ ] Schedule 30 minutes with the AE’s that own your accounts (Accounts will assigned to you by your team lead) to collaborate, strategize, and plan. 1. [ ] Have a healthy task list of at least 30 contacts/leads to target 1. [ ] Sit in on three discovery calls with the AE's (See [Team Page](/company/team/)) #### Metrics 1. [ ] Generate three SQLs 1. [ ] Make 100 Prospecting Calls 1. [ ] Send 50 Prospecting Emails 1. [ ] Add 25 new contacts to your list (See Endnote [1](#end1)) #### By the end of your third week you should (know) and be able to do the following: - Convert leads into opportunities (Inbound) - Create and add contacts to SFDC (Outbound) - How to manage your task list in SFDC - How to BDR ### Endnotes [1] We do not have minimum call/email metrics that you are held against. Be tenacious in your efforts. Remember the more at bats you have the better chance you have of hitting a home run. The numbers reflected above are best practices to get you ramped and ready for your everyday workflow. ```