--- layout: handbook-page-toc title: Career Development --- ## On this page {:.no_toc .hidden-md .hidden-lg} - TOC {:toc .hidden-md .hidden-lg} ## What is Career Development It is the lifelong process of managing learning, work, leisure and transitions in order to move toward a personally determined and evolving preferred future. ### Roles and Responsibilities Employee Owned - Take charge of your own development and career - Close the skill gap for current and future positions - Seize development and stretch opportunities - Remember there are no promises or guarantees of a promotion Manager Facilitated - Take time with team members to discuss their career aspirations - Listen and provide feedback, ideas and contacts - Make choices to support their development GitLab Supported - Communicate future direction and skills requirements - Provide information and tools when applicable - Communicate internal opportunities 70-20-10 Rule for Development - 70% of your development should come from on-the-job and action learning. This can include development experiences like managing a project, serving on a cross-functional team, taking on a new task, job shadowing, job rotation, etc. - 20% of your development should come from interactions with others. This includes having a mentor, being a mentor, coaching, participating in communities of practice, serving as a leader in your organization, etc. - 10% of your development should come from training, including classes, seminars, webinars, podcasts, reading, conferences, etc. Learn more about a process of applying for [professional development budget](/handbook/engineering/development/enablement/processes/budget_approval.html). Additional Questions to Think About - Do you have any overused strengths or underdeveloped skills that might cause your career to stall or derail? - Considering feedback from others, are you perceived to have the skills required for the business needs of the future? If not, how could you shape that perception in a favorable direction? - How can you leverage your current skills and talents for your future aspirations? - What skills or talents are missing to qualify you for your future aspirations? - Does your feedback from others tell you anything about how feasible your aspirations are? - Do you currently have the skills and talents needed for the future business needs? If not what can you do now to get ready? ### External Resources some with no cost - [Stanford's Centre for Professional Development](http://scpd.stanford.edu/home) - [Yale Open Courseware](https://oyc.yale.edu/) - [MIT Open Courseware](https://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm) - [Notre Dame Open Courseware](https://www.edx.org/school/notredamex) - [WorkLife with Adam Grant Podcast](https://www.ted.com/series/worklife_with_adam_grant) - [Dose of Leadership with Richard Rierson - Authentic & Courageous Leadership Development](https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/dose-of-leadership-podcast) ### Internal Resources During our Career Development workshops at Contribute, May 2019 we took team members through tips to creating a clear growth (aka development) plan. Below are the resources from that session: - [Career Development Workshop, slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1yY0ofMGgzN07ylTAnRP5geFnWcgUYkiVlcIyR54tpD0/edit#slide=id.g29a70c6c35_0_68) - [Individual Growth Plan template](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZjdIuK5mNpljiHnFMK4dvqfTOzV9iSJj66OtoYbniFM/edit) - [Tips for Creating Effective Growth Plans](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O45gRkQqUa3dEgjJXGwdBE7iZbBI22EPC7zrkS3T4dM/edit) - [Career Development Worksheet](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/104AFLl-45WVHbFqQFpNL8Ad-B5_vdY39wPEEmQsEKYI/edit#slide=id.g556339813d_0_2) ### Career Mapping and Development {:#career-mapping-and-development} We have started this process at GitLab by defining Junior, Senior and Staff advancement levels. Career Mapping helps GitLab team-members to understand and develop the skills they need to achieve their goals, giving them clear criteria. Mapping helps managers and leaders internally develop the skills and knowledge they need to achieve future business goals. The key to this is to identify the key skills, knowledge, and abilities needed to master each level. Another essential tool is a career development plan, here are some examples: - [Career Plan](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hJIzMnVhEz3X4k24oAwNnlgGhBeQ518Cps9kLVRRoWQ/edit) - [Template - Development Scorecard](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DBrukzzsV6InaCkZf8_ngLeTcLQ9uj6ynE93qLmHkQA/edit#gid=1677297587) - [Career Plan Template](https://performancemanager.successfactors.com/doc/po/develop_employee/carsample.html) Managers should discuss career development at least once a month at the [1:1](/handbook/leadership/1-1/) and then support their team members with creating a plan to help them achieve their career goals. If you would to know more about this please checkout the [career mapping course video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoZH5Hhygc4) ### The Relationship Between Learning and Development and Promotion As is highlighted in our [Leadership](/handbook/leadership/1-1/#key-points) section, GitLab team members should not feel pressure to climb the proverbial ladder. We recognize that not everyone wants to advance or move to a new level, and that is supported. Developing one's skills and promotion at the company are not mutually exclusive. It is perfectly acceptable to seek out learning and development opportunities — to sharpen one's understanding of a coding language to better understand a function, etc. — yet not strive for promotion beyond your current role. Some team members are happier and more productive without managing a team, for example. As detailed in GitLab's [Definition of Diversity & Inclusion](/company/culture/inclusion/), we recognize that unique characteristics and experiences form how we as individuals approach challenges and solve problems. They also shape how we view success in our individual careers and lives. Not everyone views promotion as a measure of success, and team members will not be thought less of or penalized for holding this view. As part of GitLab's [Transparency](/handbook/values/#transparency) value, team members are encouraged to be open and honest with their manager. You are encouraged to learn and develop your skills without pressure to in turn seek promotion. If you feel you are not being supported in this way, please visit the [Need Help?](/handbook/people-group/#reach-peopleops) portion of the People Group Handbook.