--- layout: handbook-page-toc title: "Practical Handbook Edits Examples" --- ## On this page {:.no_toc .hidden-md .hidden-lg} - TOC {:toc .hidden-md .hidden-lg} ## Welcome to the Practical Handbook Edits Examples Page This page will contain video recordings of the "Handbook-First Field Enablement" team meetings held by the [Field Enablement](/handbook/sales/field-operations/field-enablement/) team. In these meetings, the team runs through the GitLab Handbook with experts, uncovering how to best use the Handbook in our day-to-day work, and learning best-practices for Handbook editing along the way. Have your own practical Handbook editing tips? Drop a video below! ### Creating new handbook pages and multimedia embedding best-practices
This video covers: - Creating a new handbook page - @:37 - Embedding a video - @15:25, @18:53 - Making a URL open in a new tab - @17:05 - How this page got started - @22:48 ### Changing a page name and subsequent updates
This video covers: - Renaming a URL - @1:05 - Redirecting from one URL to the other - @2:17 - Finding places where an old URL is linked and updating it to a new URL - @ 4:30