--- layout: handbook-page-toc title: Ops Section Product Walk-through Script --- ## On this page {:.no_toc .hidden-md .hidden-lg} - TOC {:toc .hidden-md .hidden-lg} This page is the script for the Ops Section [product walk-through](/handbook/product/communication/#recording-videos-to-showcase-features). [Here is a recent video recording](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6a6zIy18Vw) of this walk-through. ## Setup ### Create a group Create a group with GitLab Gold tier. ### Create three sub-projects 1. From the Ruby on Rails Template 1. Cloned from Serverless example 1. From the Plain HTML Template ### Attach a Cluster and Install Apps 1. Helm 1. Ingress 1. Cert-Manager 1. Prometheus 1. Knative 1. Elastic Stack Use a Cluster Config Project ### Instrument your Rails App 1. With a feature flag 1. For Sentry 1. For Tracing (TBD) 1. Add a business metric (TBD) 1. Add an alert 1. Add an incident template to @mention you ## Prep 1. Create an MR in the Rails project 1. Redeploy the Rails project 1. Send traffic to Rail project that triggers an alert & incident 1. Invoke the Pages Functions project ## Live Walk-through 1. Show group and list of projects 1. Show attached cluster, installed apps, ability to uninstall and reinstall (if using CI show that) 1. Show cluster management project and ability to adjust config there 1. Show group cluster level environment view 1. Jump to Rail project - show live site, see that there is no CI/CD config 1. Show created MR, review diff, show review app (and highlight difference between review app and production), jump into pipeline - review ADO pipeline steps 1. Show environment - highlight how we defind number of pods, ability to jump to live environment, console access 1. Drill into production - highlight ability to rollback to previous commit 1. Jump from environment to metrics - showcase response metrics and system metrics by default, business metrics easily instrumented, showcase recent deploy 1. Jump to Pod Logs - showcase ability to search through logs 1. Jump to Error tracking - showcase ability to see recent errors, dismiss, error details, create issue from error 1. Jump to feature flags - 1. Incident response - Notice that there is a todo for you from the Incident 1. Jump to the incident issue - highlight payload, auto-creation, look at the charts and embed a metric for discussion in a comment 1. Checkout the logs 1. Perform some action (update replica count?) 1. Close the incident when alert has cleared 1. Jump to Function Static Pages 1. Checkout live site - perform function action - wait for cold boot - perform again 1. Jump to Function project where code is 1. Showcase serverless.yml simple config 1. Showcase the two written functions code 1. Showcase Serverless panel with function names 1. Show recent invocations 1. Highlight ease of creating a platform for development teams