--- layout: handbook-page-toc title: "Proof Points" description: "GitLab proof points including customer references, case studies, industry awards, analyst reports and studies, GitLab reports and studies, and peer reviews" twitter_image: '/images/tweets/research-panel.png' --- ## On this page {:.no_toc .hidden-md .hidden-lg} - TOC {:toc .hidden-md .hidden-lg} ## Overview _[The original and internal-to-GitLab proof points Google Doc is online, here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tuhg6LO0e6R-KP7Vfwb8cggHDiBzkC26pBl0lyLS7UY/edit) while some parts of this handbook page are being approved for publication._ Proof points with third-party validation are a key resource, whether from [customers](#customer-references-and-case-studies), [analysts](http://localhost:4567/handbook/sales/command-of-the-message/proof-points.html#analyst-reports-and-studies), [industry awards](http://localhost:4567/handbook/sales/command-of-the-message/proof-points.html#industry-awards), or [peer reviews](http://localhost:4567/handbook/sales/command-of-the-message/proof-points.html#peer-reviews), and they are augmented here with [Gitlab's own industry research](http://localhost:4567/handbook/sales/command-of-the-message/proof-points.html#gitlab-reports-and-studies). Articulating value is a critical sales skill in achieving [Command of the Message](/handbook/sales/command-of-the-message/). ## GitLab Proof Points ### Customer References and Case Studies #### Enterprise [Goldman Sachs](/customers/goldman-sachs/)
**Problem:** Needed to increase developer efficiency and software quality
**Solution:** GitLab Premium (CI/CD, SCM)
**Result:** Improved from 1 build every two weeks to over a 1000/day, or releasing 6 times per day per developer, and an average cycle time from branch to merge is now 30 minutes; simplified workflow and simplified administration
**Value Drivers:** Efficiency, Speed
**Differentiators:** Single App ---- [Axway](/customers/axway/)
**Problem:** Legacy SCM and complex toolchain limited worldwide collaboration
**Solution:** GitLab Premium (SCM)
**Result:** Result: 26x faster release cycle; from annual releases down to every two weeks
**Value Drivers:** Speed
**Differentiators:** Single App, SCM & CI ---- [Jaguar Land Rover](/blog/2018/07/23/chris-hill-devops-enterprise-summit-talk/)
**Problem:** Slow delivery and release cycles, taking 4 to 6 weeks, leading to infrequent feedback for developers
**Solution:** GitLab Premium (CI)
**Result:** Increased delivery speed from 3-6 weeks to 30 minutes giving teams faster feedback
**Value Drivers:** Efficiency ---- [Hemmersbach](/customers/hemmersbach/)
**Problem:** Multiple tools and communication inefficiencies slowed application delivery
**Solution:** GitLab Ultimate (Agile, CI,CD, SCM)
**Result:** Increased build speed by 59x, 14.4% improvement in cycle time
**Value Drivers:** Speed ---- [European Space Agency](/customers/european-space-agency/)
**Problem:** Geographic separation led to software deployment that used to take weeks
**Solution:** GitLab Starter (SCM, CI)
**Result:** Toolchain simplified and blooming culture of collaboration; code deployed in minutes when it used to take weeks
**Value Drivers:** Efficiency, Speed ---- [Siemens](/blog/2018/12/18/contributor-post-siemens/)
**Problem:** Needed to improve and enhance their developer tools
**Solution:** GitLab Premium (CI)
**Result:** Actively contributing to GitLab project with upstream commits
**Differentiators:** Open Source, Collaborative Customer Experience ---- [CERN](/customers/cern/)
**Problem:** Lack of large scale collaboration and visibility
**Solution:** GitLab Starter (CI)
**Result:** Over 12,000 users collaborate on GitLab, running 120,000 CI jobs each month
**Differentiators:** SCM & CI, Open Source ---- [Ticketmaster](/blog/2017/06/07/continous-integration-ticketmaster/)
**Problem:** Slow build process prevented innovation
**Solution:** GitLab Premium (CI)
**Result:** 15x faster - from over 2-hour builds to 8-minute builds; faster releases and better customer experiences with 5 star app reviews
**Value Drivers:** Speed
**Differentiators:** Single App, K8s ---- [Equinix](/customers/equinix/)
**Problem:** Legacy developer tools prevented faster delivery
**Solution:** GitLab Premium (SCM)
**Result:** Consistent code reviews and visibility across the SDLC
**Differentiators:** Visibility ---- [Ask Media Group](https://www.askmediagroup.com/microservices-in-practice/)
**Problem:** Managing the process of building and deploying microservices
**Solution:** GitLab Premium (CI)
**Result:** Developers can immediately begin to contribute a new service, that can be deployed to AWS as soon as they start
**Differentiators:** SW Anywhere
_**Video:** [Ask Media Group shares with GitLab how they accomplished Cloud Native Transformation with an architecture leveraging GitLab Runners, Kubernetes, and more.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=3ED5NrVoVzk)_ ---- [Fanatics](/customers/fanatics/)
**Problem:** CI pipelines took up so much bandwidth, impacted ability to deliver new tools and features; spent inordinate amount of time on CI maintenance
**Solution:** GitLab Premium (CI)
**Result:** GitLab provided the stable CI that Fanatics was looking for, enabling the cloud team to focus on innovation instead of simply fighting fires
**Value Drivers:** Efficiency
**Differentiators:** Collaborative ---- [Verizon Connect](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxMFaw5j6Zs)
**Problem:** Needed to implement automation to increase deployment speed
**Solution:** GitLab Premium (CI, Agile)
**Result:** Reduced deploy process to under 8 hours
**Value Drivers:** Efficiency ---- #### Mid-Market [Alteryx](/customers/alteryx/)
**Problem:** Legacy developer tools slowed software delivery frequency
**Solution:** GitLab Ultimate( CI, CD, Security, SCM)
**Result:** Software builds now 30 minutes from over 3 hours, able to release 9 times a day
**Value Drivers:** Efficiency
**Differentiators:** Single App, SCM & CI, Security ---- [Wag!](/blog/2019/01/16/wag-labs-blog-post/)
**Problem:** Slow release process taking over 40 minutes
**Solution:** GitLab Ultimate (CI, CD)
**Result:** Release process reduced to 6 minutes, 8 releases per day with built-in security, and a full deployment pipeline to Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)
**Value Drivers:** Efficiency, Risk
**Differentiators:** Security, SW Anywhere, K8s ---- [EAB](/customers/EAB/)
**Problem:** Slow builds, expensive both in cost and maintenance due to multiple tools
**Solution:** GitLab Premium (SCM, CI)
**Result:** Build time reduced from 6 hours to 20 minutes, reduced toolchain complexity, and lightweight maintenance ---- [Worldline](/customers/worldline/)
**Problem:** Long cycle times and hard to collaborate between developers
**Solution:** GitLab Community Edition (SCM, CI)
**Result:** From 2 weeks to set up a new project to just minutes, 120x increase in code reviews
**Value Drivers:** Efficiency, Risk ---- [Paessler AG](/customers/paessler/)
**Problem:** Unstable and fragile developer tools resulted in slow QA cycles and infrequent releases
**Solution:** GitLab Premium (SCM, CI, CD)
**Result:** 120x faster QA, 4x more frequent releases
**Value Drivers:** Speed, Risk
**Differentiators:** SCM & CI ---- [Extra Hop Networks](/customers/extra-hop-networks/)
**Problem:** Legacy developer tools prevented collaboration and faster delivery
**Solution:** GitLab
**Result:** Unified developers on a common platform, reduced the total number of tools, and eased the transition to CI/CD ---- [BI Worldwide](/customers/bi_worldwide/)
**Problem:** Legacy systems and a lack of security lead to deployment cycles of 18 months
**Solution:** GitLab Ultimate
**Result:** Daily releases and increased collaboration in single tool
**Value Drivers:** Efficiency, Speed, Risk
**Differentiators:** Security ---- #### SMB [iFarm](/customers/ifarm/)
**Problem:** Desire to improve code quality and delivery speed with global development team
**Solution:** GitLab Premium
**Result:** Over 400 hours cut from ‘bug to resolution’ time, 7.5x faster engineering time per bug
**Value Drivers:** Speed ---- [Cloud Native Computing Foundation](/customers/cncf/)
**Problem:** Needed new features in GitLab to meet their business and technical needs
**Solution:** GitLab CE
**Result:** Modified their version of GitLab to meet their specific requirements
**Differentiators:** Open Source, Collaborative Customer Experience, K8s ---- [Glympse](/customers/glympse/)
**Problem:** Slow software development and delivery due to expensive and complex developer tool stack
**Solution:** GitLab Gold (Security, Agile, CI, CD, SCM)
**Result:** Teams over 2x more efficient, completing 50 days of work in 21 days; 8x faster deploys, from 4 hours to under 30 min; built-in security scanning making audit process easier
**Value Drivers:** Risk
**Differentiators:** SCM & CI, Security ---- [ANWB](/customers/anwb/)
**Problem:** Complex and fragile developer tools hindered productivity
**Solution:** GitLab Premium (SCM, CI, CD)
**Result:** Regular deploys, collaboration, and stable and reliable CI/CD pipelines ---- [OW2](/customers/ow2/)
**Problem:** Enabling global open source collaboration
**Solution:** GitLab
**Result:** Easier to use platform that improves productivity ---- [Trek10](/customers/trek10/)
**Problem:** Hard to collaborate across silos and with customers on cloud projects
**Solution:** GitLab Starter (CI)
**Result:** GitLab and its integrated CI helps seamlessly and securely manage deployments across many AWS accounts
**Differentiators:** SW Anywhere ---- [Athlinks](/blog/2019/12/17/athlinks-cuts-runtime-in-half-with-giltab/)
**Problem:** Jenkins and GH proved to be a complicated, expensive, and inefficient toolchain
**Solution:** GitLab Ultimate (SCM, CI, CD)
**Result:** CI runtimes cut in half for 50% improvements over Jenkins
**Value Drivers:** Efficiency ---- ### Industry Awards _[The original and internal-to-GitLab proof points Google Doc is online, here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tuhg6LO0e6R-KP7Vfwb8cggHDiBzkC26pBl0lyLS7UY/edit) while some parts of this handbook page are being approved for publication._ #### 2019 [IDC Innovators: Tools Supporting Open (Unopinionated) Developer Platforms](https://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=US45074219)
_demonstrated either a groundbreaking business model or an innovative new technology or both_
**Value Drivers:** Efficiency, Speed, Risk
**Differentiators:** Rapid Dev ---- [Axo Soft - Top 20 Dev Tools for 2019](https://blog.axosoft.com/top-developer-tools-2019/)
_GitLab is one of the most popular developer tools._
**Differentiators:** Open Source ---- #### 2018 [IDC Innovators: Agile Code Development Technologies](/resources/report-idc-innovators-agile-code-development-2018/)
_demonstrated either a groundbreaking business model or an innovative new technology or both_ ---- [Google Cloud Partner Awards](/blog/2018/07/27/google-next-2018-recap/)
_Innovative Solution in Developer Ecosystem for the tight integration with GKE_
**Value Drivers:** Efficiency, Speed, Risk ---- [GitLab voted as G2 Crowd Leader](/is-it-any-good/#gitlab-has-been-voted-as-g2-crowd-leader-in-2018)
_Over 170 public reviews with a 4.4 rating, including: "[Powerful team collaboration tool for managing software development projects](https://www.g2.com/products/gitlab/reviews/gitlab-review-1976773)," "[Great self-hosted, open source source control system](https://www.g2.com/products/gitlab/reviews/gitlab-review-436746)," "[Efficient, can trace back, easy to collaborate](https://www.g2.com/products/gitlab/reviews/gitlab-review-701837)," and "[Perfect solution for cloud and on-premise DevOps tool](https://www.g2.com/products/gitlab/reviews/gitlab-review-2388492)"_
**Value Drivers:** Efficiency, Speed, Risk
**Differentiators:** Rapid Dev, Visibility ---- #### 2017 [CNCF - The 30 Highest Velocity Open Source Projects](/blog/2017/07/06/gitlab-top-30-highest-velocity-open-source/)
_developer velocity can help illuminate promising areas in which to get involved, and what is likely to be the successful platforms over the next several years_
**Differentiators:** Open Source, Rapid Dev ---- ### Analyst Reports and Studies _[The original and internal-to-GitLab proof points Google Doc is online, here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tuhg6LO0e6R-KP7Vfwb8cggHDiBzkC26pBl0lyLS7UY/edit) while some parts of this handbook page are being approved for publication._ #### 2019 [Forrester: Manage Your Toolchain Before it Manages You](/resources/whitepaper-forrester-manage-your-toolchain/)
_Multiple tools and toolchains create visibility, security, and productivity challenges for development and operations teams. “Out-of-the-box” toolchain solutions are seen as a solution, increasing security, revenue, and quality._
**Value Drivers:** Efficiency, Speed, Risk
**Differentiators:** Visibility ---- [Forrester: Software Composition Analysis - Challenger](/analysts/forrester-sca/)
_Software composition analysis tools evaluate applications to uncover vulnerabilities in 3rd party and open source components._ ---- #### 2018 [Forrester: Continuous Delivery and Release Automation - Contender](/analysts/forrester-cdra/)
_Release automation tools enable faster, higher-quality, more automated software delivery through modeling applications, infrastructure, middleware, and their supporting installation processes and dependencies. “GitLab’s release automation is ideal for cloud-native, Kubernetes-centric organizations.”_
**Value Drivers:** Efficiency, Speed ---- [Forrester: Value Stream Management - Strong Performer](/analysts/forrester-vsm/)
_Value stream management provides visibility into project planning, health indicators, and analytics to remove waste and focus on customer value._
**Value Drivers:** Efficiency, Speed, Risk
**Differentiators:** Visibility ---- #### 2017 [Forrester: Continuous Integration Wave - Leader](/analysts/forrester-ci/)
_Continuous Integration streamlines and accelerates building and testing developer code, shortening delivery to minutes rather than weeks and months. Continuous Integration also automates compliance tasks and improves auditability._
**Value Drivers:** Efficiency, Speed, Risk ---- ### GitLab Reports and Studies [2019 Global Developer Report: DevSecOps](/developer-survey/)
**Findings Included:** 50% of developers agree that security vulnerabilities are mostly discovered by the security team after code is merged and in a test environment.
**Customer Value:** Building security into the DevOps pipeline improves overall security.
**Value Drivers:** Risk ---- [2019 Global Developer Report: DevSecOps](/developer-survey/)
**Findings Included:** 49% of respondents encounter the most delays during the testing stage of the development lifecycle.
**Customer Value:** Automated testing in the CI pipeline accelerates delivery, finding defects earlier.
**Value Drivers:** Speed ---- [2019 Global Developer Report: DevSecOps](/developer-survey/)
**Findings Included:** Ops teams are 1.8x more likely to believe they get sufficient notice to support the developer side when their DevOps practice is very good.
**Customer Value:** Visibility and transparency into future work leads to more efficient planning and execution.
**Value Drivers:** Efficiency ---- [2019 Global Developer Report: DevSecOps](/developer-survey/)
**Findings Included:** Security teams are 3x more likely to discover bugs before code is merged with a good DevOps practice in place.
**Customer Value:** Include security teams in all phases of application delivery — in the same tools as developers.
**Value Drivers:** Risk ---- [2018 Developer Report](/developer-survey/previous/2018/)
**Findings Included:** The top two sources of project delays were testing (52%) and planning (47%).
**Customer Value:** Operating in silos prevents visibility, and causes delays and rework.
**Value Drivers:** Speed ---- [2018 Developer Report](/developer-survey/previous/2018/)
**Findings Included:** 86% of developers agree that Continuous Integration alleviates blockers in the development process.
**Customer Value:** Enabling automation and Continuous Integration can increase overall efficiency and velocity.
**Value Drivers:** Efficiency ---- ### Peer Reviews _[The original and internal-to-GitLab proof points Google Doc is online, here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tuhg6LO0e6R-KP7Vfwb8cggHDiBzkC26pBl0lyLS7UY/edit) while some parts of this handbook page are being approved for publication._ "[Powerful team collaboration tool for managing software development projects](https://www.g2.com/products/gitlab/reviews/gitlab-review-1976773)" — Information Technologist, Enterprise from [G2 Crowd Leader](/is-it-any-good/#gitlab-has-been-voted-as-g2-crowd-leader-in-2018)
**Value Drivers:** Efficiency
**Use Case:** SCM ---- "[Perfect solution for cloud and on-premise DevOps tool](https://www.g2.com/products/gitlab/reviews/gitlab-review-2388492)" — Lead Developer, Mid-Market from [G2 Crowd Leader](/is-it-any-good/#gitlab-has-been-voted-as-g2-crowd-leader-in-2018)
**Value Drivers:** Efficiency
**Use Case:** DevOps, Cloud Native ---- "[Great self-hosted, open source source control system](https://www.g2.com/products/gitlab/reviews/gitlab-review-436746)" — Administrator, Mid-Market from [G2 Crowd Leader](/is-it-any-good/#gitlab-has-been-voted-as-g2-crowd-leader-in-2018)
**Value Drivers:** Efficiency
**Use Case:** SCM ---- "[Efficient, can trace back, easy to collaborate](https://www.g2.com/products/gitlab/reviews/gitlab-review-701837)" — Industry Analyst / Tech Writer, SMB from [G2 Crowd Leader](/is-it-any-good/#gitlab-has-been-voted-as-g2-crowd-leader-in-2018)
**Value Drivers:** Efficiency
**Use Case:** SCM