--- layout: handbook-page-toc title: Service Desk Troubleshooting category: GitLab.com --- ## On this page {:.no_toc .hidden-md .hidden-lg} - TOC {:toc .hidden-md .hidden-lg} ### Overview Users can experience various issues while utilizing [Service Desk](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/service_desk.html). This guide walks through troubleshooting when an email does not generate a Service Desk issue. ### Troubleshooting Steps 1. When an issue related to Service Desk is received, reply with the **GitLab.com::Service Desk Issues First Response** Zendesk macro to rule out any known issues. 1. If known issues cited in the macro are not the cause, request the following from the user: 1. The source email (including headers) for an example email sent to the Service Desk which did not create an issue 1. A link to the GitLab.com project which the email was attempting to send to 1. Did the sender received a reply (failure)? If yes, 1. Request a screenshot of the failure message. 1. Search [Kibana](https://log.gprd.gitlab.net/app/kibana#/) by sender's IP address (if known) 1. Search the `mg.gitlab.com` mail logs in [Mailgun](https://app.mailgun.com/app/sending/domains/mg.gitlab.com/) for suppressions 1. Create an issue in [EE issue tracker](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues) providing all information found 1. Did the sender received a reply (failure)? If no, 1. Send a Slack message to [#production](https://gitlab.slack.com/messages/C101F3796), asking for a check of the spam folder in the `incoming` gmailbox for the Service Desk target email ### Email to Service Desk Email Flow ![Service Desk Troubleshooting Flowchart](assets/service-desk-troubleshooting-workflow.png) Mermaid source: ``` ```mermaid graph TB subgraph "User Email to Service Desk Issue" SubGraph1Flow(Email to Service Desk) SubGraph2Flow(Spam?) SubGraph3Flow(Mailgun/Support Bot Sends Confirmation to Sender) Node1[User Email/CRM] --> Node2[Optional: User Alias] Node2[Optional: User Alias] --> SubGraph1Flow DoChoice1(Mailgun sends failure notice to sender) SubGraph1Flow -- Failure --> DoChoice1 SubGraph1Flow -- Success --> SubGraph2Flow DoChoice3(Send to gmail spam folder and Service Desk email is not processed) DoChoice4(Send to gmail Inbox and Service Desk email is processed) SubGraph2Flow -- Yes --> DoChoice3 SubGraph2Flow -- No --> DoChoice4 --> SubGraph3Flow end ``` ```