--- layout: handbook-page-toc title: Unbabel Translation in Zendesk category: Zendesk --- ## On this page {:.no_toc .hidden-md .hidden-lg} - TOC {:toc .hidden-md .hidden-lg} ### Overview Whenever a user submits a ticket in a language other than English, our integrated translation tool (Unbabel) in Zendesk automatically translates the content as an internal note. To use Unbabel effectively, please refer to the following when responding to tickets. ### Languages we support The following are the languages we support in tickets at this time. The setting of your Unbabel app is setup by default to only support the following: - Japanese - Korean - Simplified Chinese ### Configuring Unbabel in Zendesk Every Agent profile in Zendesk needs to be individually configured so that only tickets submitted in the supported languages are translated. To do this, open a ticket in Zendesk and navigate to and open the Apps sidebar. Scroll to the Unbabel app and clik on Settings. ![App](/source/images/support/Unbabel_App.png) ![Settings](/source/images/support/Unbabel_Settings.png) Click on Languages and check the box on all languages in the list _except_ for those languages supported by GitLab in tickets. ![Languages](/source/images/support/Unbabel_Languages.png) ### Replying with a Translation To request a translation automatically, simply reply as you normally would as an internal note with the #unbabel hashtag included at the top of your content. Please also ensure that the `always_unbabel` , `unbabel_en`, `unbabel_reply`, `unbabeled` tags are included. ### Excluding Text from Translation The highlighted code can be skipped for translation by adding 3 brackets around the text: ```<<< text/code >>>``` The above can also be used to protect sensitive information from a human translator when sending a translation request. ### Help with Translation If for some reason you have difficulty in understanding the automated translation, an actual human intervention can actually be requested . Simply click the link `Can’t understand the translation?` in the Unbabel app box and this will send your response for translation to Unbabel editors. ### Best Practices As indicated in the training session, please keep in mind of the following best practices when writing a response for translation. - Respond in one language * It is likely that you can speak another language and understand what the customer is trying to say. Please ensure that you only use the english language when responding tickets as the system may not detect the language correctly. - Copy only the body of the content that needs translation. * When referring to a quoted texts from our customers, please only use the content that requires translation. Including snippets/code/elements may take more time to translate and could result in a mistranslation. - Mind the punctuation. * Punctuation can be sometimes tricky for Unbabel so please be sure there are no unnecessary periods/punctuations in between. - Single Words Use * It is likely that the response you are sending may be lost in translation, for example the word `pass` would differ to a `boarding pass`.