%section.os-principles.feature-gallery.feature-gallery-alt.text-center.page-container#os-principles .container .titles %h1 Open source principles meet enterprise software. .row .col-md-8.col-md-offset-2 %h2 Building on our open source product, GitLab Enterprise Edition offers the additional authentication, user management, and workflow features that your team needs. %h3 Work better together %h4 Let developers contribute ideas and work in parallel with built-in issue trackers, merge requests (MR), and powerful diff tools. .feature-gallery-slick-container #feature-gallery-slider.main-slider-size = image_tag "/images/gitlab_ee/screenshots/01-issue-weights.png", class: "img-responsive" = image_tag "/images/gitlab_ee/screenshots/02-time-tracking.png", class: "img-responsive" = image_tag "/images/gitlab_ee/screenshots/03-merge-request-approvals.png", class: "img-responsive" .row.slider-dots.slider-nav .col-md-4.feature-slider-dot-content{index:"0"} %div %h4 Issue weights %p Communicate an issue’s complexity or value to your team. .col-md-4.feature-slider-dot-content{index:"1"} %div %h4 Time tracking %p Manage your projects effectively by tracking estimated and actual time spent. %a{href:"/features/time-tracking", class: "white-background-link"} Learn more... .col-md-4.feature-slider-dot-content{index:"2"} %div %h4 Merge request approvals %p Keep code quality high and set a number of required approvals before code can be merged. .row.features-description .col-md-4.clearfix .col-xs-2 = icon "gitlab-ee/icons/4-issue-board-icon", "media-object" .col-xs-10.feature-contents %h4 Issue Boards %p Plan, organize and visualize your release with multiple issue boards per project. %a{href:"/product/issueboard/", class: "white-background-link"} Learn more... .col-md-4.clearfix .col-xs-2 = icon "gitlab-ee/icons/5-file-lock-icon", "media-object" .col-xs-10.feature-contents %h4 "File locking" %p Lock any file or directory to avoid merge conflicts and better manage your text and binary files. %a{href:"/features/file-locking/", class: "white-background-link"} Learn more... .col-md-4.clearfix .col-xs-2 = icon "gitlab-ee/icons/6-search-icon", "media-object" .col-xs-10.feature-contents %h4 Global code search %p Increase discovery and code reuse. Search through all code on the server.