.container.margin-top50 %h2.u-margin-bottom-md.text-center Learn more .grid-layout.grid-layout3 = link_to "/webcast/scalable-secure-ci/", class: "tile-resource grid-item" do .tile-background-container{ style: "background-image: url('/images/feature-thumbs/feature-thumb-webcast.png');" } .tile-info %h4.tile-title Harnessing development to scale AppSec %p.tile-description Learn the benefits of the DevSecOps approach by leveraging GitLab and WhiteSource Security testing seamless integration. %p.tile-link Watch now %i.fas.fa-arrow-right = link_to "/webcast/aws-gitlab-serverless/", class: "tile-resource grid-item" do .tile-background-container{ style: "background-image: url('/images/feature-thumbs/feature-thumb-webcast.png');" } .tile-info %h4.tile-title Deploy AWS Lambda applications with ease webcast %p.tile-description Join us April 9 for a webinar with Ram Dileepan, solutions architect at AWS. We’ll show you how the industry’s leading serverless and CI solutions are making serverless possible. %p.tile-link Register now %i.fas.fa-arrow-right = link_to "/compare/jenkins-alternative/", class: "tile-resource grid-item" do .tile-background-container{ style: "background-image: url('/images/feature-thumbs/feature-thumb-webcast.png');" } .tile-info %h4.tile-title GitLab CI/CD advantages over Jenkins demo %p.tile-description See the advantages of GitLab built-in CI/CD over Jenkins CI plugin solution. %p.tile-link Watch now %i.fas.fa-arrow-right